Saturday, December 13, 2008

Officially a longer pregnancy

So I have officially been pregnant longer with Samantha then I was with Hannah. This actually became official on Thursday I am just a little behind on blogging know bed rest is such a busy job. :) Obviously I am sure the bed rest has a lot to do with the fact that I am still pregnant and per my nurse at my appt. on Thursday I can officially cease bed rest on Wednesday when I will be 38 weeks...yay! By then I will have been on bed rest for 3 weeks! I am shocked that I have been here for 2 1/2 weeks now...I never thought I would still be pregnant.

In other news Hannah has been wisked away by her grandparents until Monday. Adam's mom just left with her to Marin where she will be with Adam's mom until tomorrow afternoon. They are going to a performance of the Marin Nutracker where Hannah's cousin plays an angel. Then tomorrow afternoon my parents will pick her up and she will stay with them until Monday and my mom will take her to the Steinhart Aquarium and then drive her back up here on Monday. She will of course have a blast but Adam and I will really miss her. We have never had 2 nights to ourselves since she was born...yes I know it is I guess now is as good as time as any, that is unless Samantha decides to come this weekend. We shall see...I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Christina said...

That's great Nicole! 38 weeks is awesome! I hope you and Adam enjoyed the time to yourself.