Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Do you get good reception with those?

Adam picked Samantha up from school the other day and they had styled her hair:

I think it is adorable but Adam kept asking her if she got good reception with those things on her head. When I told Hannah that they use to style her hair like that when she was in the infant room she said "I know Mommy, Daddy already told me that." Well excuse me!

Samantha is a pro walker now. She is walking all over the is really amazing how fast she picked it up. When Adam and I left for our mini vacation she was still crawling, but walking here and there. Well just 3 days later we come back and she is a solid walker!

In other Samantha news...Hannah came up to give Samantha a hug yesterday morning and Samantha decided to chomp down on Hannah's cheek. Hannah came into the kitchen (where I was) crying hysterically with her hand over her cheek. When she moved her hand there clear as day were Samantha's teeth marks...all 11 of her teeth! She really gave it good to Hannah. I felt so bad for Hannah but at the same time I was trying not to laugh as I iced down her poor cheek. Samantha came into the kitchen and was looking at the scene with an expression like "What did I do?". Poor Hannah.

All was good between the sisters by the evening when the two enjoyed body slamming into the huge stuffed animal cow Samantha has in her room. They did this for about 10 minutes together, laughing and giggling...hilarious. I think this is going to be a love/hate relationship between the two sisters.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Samantha's Walking! Hannah's makin' Woodstock's Pizza!

Samantha decided that Saturday afternoon would be a good time to throw caution to the wind and let go of the walls/couch/furniture/toys/people/etc. that she has been leaning on for a long time now to walk and go at it on her own! She is VERY slow and VERY her Daddy...he-he...but she is a walkin' girl! Here is some proof:

Whoa...this is a little I have it?

I'm comin' at you Mom!

Catcha' later I am outta' here...

Comin' back at you with something in my mouth...see how skilled I am...I can do two things at once!

Maybe I don't like this...

Nope...I got it...I am good.

This morning Hannah and I went on a tour of Woodstock's Pizza with several other kids and their moms. It was organized by the mom's group I use to be a part of when I was off of work with Samantha. They were nice enough to let Hannah and I join them today. Hannah loved it! Pizzasaurous (as it is called in our house) is her favorite!

Wow! This fridge is cold...but fun. :)

The pizza toppings and mini pizzas they got to make:

Pulling on the pizza dough

Hannah working on her mushroom and olive pizza:

The finished product only had a few mushrooms and olives...which I thought was funny considering how much she loves both of those ingredients. I found out later she wanted to make sure the other kids had enough...isn't that sweet!

Hannah proud of her finished product...well at least before it went into the oven. Yummy!