Monday, March 23, 2009

Way too soon!

Last week when I dropped Hannah off at school they were just about ready to start circle time and Hannah said to me in a really excited voice "I want to sit next to Jacob!". With a twinkle in her eye and pure excitement she went running over to him and scooted in right close to him. Jacob of course was totally clueless to Hannah's excitement and to perhaps that fact that she was even sitting next to him and just continued to sit there waiting for circle time to start. With my mom intuition (and that fact that I was once a little girl myself) I thought to myself that Hannah seems to have some feelings for Jacob. That night I told Adam about it after Hannah went to sleep and he kind of just laughed...I don't think he really wanted to believe it.

Then yesterday morning Hannah, Adam and I were all snuggling in bed while Samantha was still sleeping and Hannah proclaimed "Daddy, I really love Jacob!". It came out of no where and she again had that twinkle in her eye. Adam instantly froze (maybe even a few more gray hairs sprouted) and said, "This is way too early to be dealing with this!". And I think he meant too early as in her age and the time of day. :) I instantly said to Adam that I knew she had a thing for Jacob but couldn't believe it either that we are already dealing with this at age 3 1/2!!

Later that day, at a Masonic breakfast Adam owed someone some money and as Hannah saw Adam giving they money to the other man Hannah yells out "Daddy I need some money too!". I think it was all too much for Adam in one day to have Hannah tell him that she loves a boy and needs some money...he didn't look too good. :) I think as Hannah gets older she is really going to give us a run for our money. Should be fun.

1 comment:

PxT said...

Request to borrow the car keys coming next. You may want to hide them.