Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I know, I know, it has been a while since I have posted. My email was down for about 1 1/2 weeks and then to add to it someone in our house has been sick continually for the last month...gotta love those preschool germs! Currently poor Samantha is on round 2 of being sick...she gives off this very weak and sad cry and I just feel so sorry for her!

But enough sad stories, below are some pictures from Easter with the Bunny the weekend before Easter.

Here is Hannah with her good ol' buddy Gunrock:

Sadly this weird looking cow that looks like it is on drugs is named "Hamburger Patty":

Hannah and Sparky the fire dog:

My girls with the Easter Bunny:

Here Hannah is hunting for eggs:

Me and my girls:

Hannah enjoying the cookie she made:

Hannah enjoying the bouncy house:

On the actual day of Easter, we laid pretty low, as Samantha was getting sick, Hannah was getting over being sick from the previous week, Adam was getting over pink eye and I was done with everyone, including myself being sick. It was also my dad's b-day on Easter so we had lunch with him and hung out with him in the morning and then in the afternoon Hannah and Alice, our neighbor hunted for eggs in our backyard.

Hannah and Alice:

Samantha not sure what to make of all the Easter egg hunting:

Look the lawn dog "pooped" and Easter Egg (sorry I couldn't resist)

Hannah enjoying her chocolate Easter Egg:

Samantha enjoying and Easter chick from her Easter basket from Babi and wearing her cute new Easter onesie from her Nali:

Samantha kicking back from a long Easter day:

Also about 2 weeks ago Samantha started laughing:

Just a cute picture of Samantha:


PxT said...

This post is great but it needs more pictures.

Really though, welcome back we thought the kids broke your keyboard or something. ;)

Christina said...

That's a great picture of Samantha smiling - what a cutie!