Monday, January 26, 2009

Hannah Plans Her Weekend

My mom came up on Thursday afternoon and had planned to stay until Friday and then go home. Well Thursday night as my mom was putting Hannah to sleep Hannah started planning her Friday out and it went something like this..."Babi you will take me to school, then Mommy will pick me up, and then we will pack up my toys and I will go to your house and spend the night". Apparently Hannah has had enough of us and her new baby sister and needs a vacation because she kept talking about going to Babi's house for the night the next day too. So on Saturday morning we packed up Hannah's stuff and off she went for a sleepover at Babi's house.

For Hannah's birthday she got a backpack with a mini tent and sleeping bag in it so she packed that up and went "camping" at Babi and Dedo's house. My Dad set up the tent in their room and she literally camped in my parents room on Saturday night. My dad has promised me pictures so I will post them here as soon as I have them. They also went "hiking" up the hill behind their house, went to the Golden Gate Bridge and went to Safeway and drove the car shopping carts around the parking lot, which I do have pictures of...who needs Disneyland when you can go to the Safeway parking lot and drive around like crazy people. :)

While Adam and I were slightly offended that Hannah wanted a weekend away we knew she was going to have a fun time and with us all being sick last week...including little Samantha we knew it would be a nice vacation from our house. Adam and I and Samantha also enjoyed our weekend...we rented some movies, slept in a little - we didn't have Hannah waking us up at 6:30ish a.m. so we could go back to sleep after Samantha woke us up.

1 comment:

Christina said...

That is great that Hannah has so much fun with her grandparents - and a nice break for you and Adam.