Friday, November 13, 2009

Oink Oink

I know I know...I am past due to post pictures from Halloween and I will get them up soon. The Turtle and Snow White pictures will make their appearance shortly. :)

In the mean time let me occupy your mind with another story. My dad's company "Novartis" makes the season flu and now the H1N1 vaccines and are offering it to employees and families for free. Since my doctor's office does not have the H1N1 vaccine yet and don't know when they will get it my doctor recommended I get it where we can even though Samantha cannot get it at my dad's work b/c they are only offering it to kids over 4 years of age...Hannah just made the cut off! Our doctor also highly recommended I get Hannah the shot before her surgery/hospital stay next Friday but to keep in mind that it is possible to get a fever within 7 days of the shot and if she has a fever they will not do the surgery. Well that is a total catch 22 b/c we are now 7 days out from the surgery but I decided to go ahead and take the risk that she will not develop a fever and get her the shot to help keep her immune from any germs lurking around the hospital.

Originally I thought I was going to have to go to Emeryville where my dad works but he found out that the Novartis in Vacaville was administering the shots and arranged for us to go there instead. YAY! I left work this morning and off I went to go get my mom (she is up visiting) and then Hannah at school to go get this shot. Poor Hannah...she was all excited to see us only to find out the reason we were there was to get her this shot. She was fine the whole way there but became very shy when we arrived at the nurse's office. The nurse was very nice and gave Hannah a pink pig hat to wear which was great and I thought it would be a great distraction. Hannah wanted me to go first and she was fine watching me get the shot but when I told her it was her turn she went running out the door and down the hallway screaming "NO!". I really don't know where she thought she was going. Of course I caught up to her and brought her back in. She was now screaming "No I don't want to do this, I don't want a shot!". Being the sympathetic mother that I am I told her we could do this the nice way where she sits o my lap and I hold her hand while she is given the shot or we could do this the not nice way and I could pin her down and she could get the shot. She chose the first girl. All was somewhat o.k. until the shot hit her arm and then more screaming occurred and she tried to move but I held her tight. Then she screamed for like 5 minutes aftewards indicating that she did not like that. Sorry. And because she is under 9 we get to repeat this again in 3-4 weeks...good times.

Next week Adam and I get to tackle how to explain to her that she is having surgery on Friday...wish us luck. Any suggestions would be great!


Tara said...

*tara raises her hand*

I have suggestions!

Just tell her that she's going to take a nap and get her bladder fixed (or however you've been explaining her illness with the antibiotics etc)

Then call ahead and make sure you can get some emela cream for her IV site. Let them take their time and let the cream do it's job. It will numb the skin so good she will not feel the IV AT ALL, I promise! The trick is, the cream needs to sit on the skin for a good 30 minutes. Don't budge! Don't let them pressure you into doing it faster to fit their schedule.

The other option is, if you can call ahead to the surgery center and ask them if they have that lidocaine gun. There is this needless gun that I've had before, it shoots the lidocain (numbing agent) through the skin so she will not feel the IV at all.

When both those fail, I suppose you could tell her that she will just have one shot (lidocaine) and then she will not feel the IV. But I'd much prefer the other two options first, since they're both pain free. The lidocaine burns when it goes in, I'm sure you've had that before.

Good luck!

Christina said...

What is Hannah having surgery for? I hope it is nothing serious.

Glad you could get the H1N1 for her and you!