Friday, November 20, 2009

Hannah's surgery is complete!

Hannah went into surgery today to fix faulty sealing bladder tubes and she is recovering well. She has pretty much been asleep all day and right now is enjoying watching Winnie the Pooh in her hospital room.

Before the surgery they gave her some drugs to drink before they stuck her with that was nice. Those drugs made her sleepy and loopy and it was like watching Hannah was hilarious!!! She totally started slurring her speech and then started tripping out on her name tags around her legs...totally hilarious. Adam and I were laughing so hard we were crying. :) The nurses told us to enjoy her now b/c when they come out of surgery 95% of the kids cry inconsolably for a long time b/c of the anesthesia wearing off and the tubes running out of them etc. So while we waited the 3 hours for her surgery to be complete I was trying to enjoy the "Calm Before the Storm" b/c I totally thought Hannah was going to be one of those 95%. But somehow she turned out to be one of those 5% b/c she pretty much as been sleeping all day only to wake up here and there, space out for a little bit and then go back to sleep. She also hasn't spoken very much today which is really strange to us b/c normally she talks non-stop. I get to spend the night here tonight, so we will see how it goes. The nurse says with these kinds of surgeries a lot of times the kids wake up at about 3 am ready to go wanting to play and eat...lets hope Hannah also doesn't meet those statistics and stays asleep all night.

The doctor said the surgery went really was text book. I knew he was good doctor but it was nice to hear all the nurses telling us what a really good doctor he was too.


PxT said...

Glad to hear everything went well. Hope she's back to her normal chatty self soon. :)

Christina said...

I am so glad Hannah's surgery went well. What a relief! I hope that she is doing well today and was able to go home. You guys are in our thoughts!