Monday, February 1, 2010

Samantha's Walking! Hannah's makin' Woodstock's Pizza!

Samantha decided that Saturday afternoon would be a good time to throw caution to the wind and let go of the walls/couch/furniture/toys/people/etc. that she has been leaning on for a long time now to walk and go at it on her own! She is VERY slow and VERY her Daddy...he-he...but she is a walkin' girl! Here is some proof:

Whoa...this is a little I have it?

I'm comin' at you Mom!

Catcha' later I am outta' here...

Comin' back at you with something in my mouth...see how skilled I am...I can do two things at once!

Maybe I don't like this...

Nope...I got it...I am good.

This morning Hannah and I went on a tour of Woodstock's Pizza with several other kids and their moms. It was organized by the mom's group I use to be a part of when I was off of work with Samantha. They were nice enough to let Hannah and I join them today. Hannah loved it! Pizzasaurous (as it is called in our house) is her favorite!

Wow! This fridge is cold...but fun. :)

The pizza toppings and mini pizzas they got to make:

Pulling on the pizza dough

Hannah working on her mushroom and olive pizza:

The finished product only had a few mushrooms and olives...which I thought was funny considering how much she loves both of those ingredients. I found out later she wanted to make sure the other kids had enough...isn't that sweet!

Hannah proud of her finished product...well at least before it went into the oven. Yummy!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Oh my gosh, both of your girls are so cute! Right on to Samantha for walking and the pizza making looks very fun!