Isn't she cute?! Her friend Sydney went dressed at Belle and here are the two of them before we went inside Cafe Italia:

Once we walked into Cafe Italia waiting to greet us was Snow White, Belle, Cinderella, Pocahontis, and Prince Philip. For those of you that don't know Prince Philip is Sleeping Beauty's prince. I pointed out to Hannah that her prince is here waiting to greet her and she instantly became terrified! She didn't even want to look at anyone and was hiding behind me. I kept pointing out the princesses and the prince and Hannah kept telling me that she was Hannah now and hiding in terror behind me. Now for those of you that also know Hannah you know that this is completely out of character for her. I could not figure out what was wrong with her and I worried we were going to have to leave. I was also beginning to worry b/c in 2 weeks we are going to Disneyland and I thought is she going to be afraid of everyone there? Prince Philip was in charge of seating people and as he brought us to our table Hannah clung to me absolutely terrified! I finally figured out she wasn't afraid of the princesses but rather the Prince, which was kind of ironic since he was technically her prince since she was dressed up as Sleeping Beauty. Throughout the night everytime Prince Philip would bring someone into our section to seat them Hannah was closely watch his every move or just look straight down at the table. Here is a picture of Hannah not making eye contact with the Prince and if you look closely you can see the Prince in the background...my camera did not capture a good picture of him.

Several people we knew there commented that they are shocked that Hannah is not afraid of Gunrock but terrified of the Prince. I thought it strange too until later that night at home we found out the real reason she was afraid of him...she said she expected the Prince to look more like her Daddy...isn't that sweet!!
Several of Hannah's friends from school also attended this Princess Dinner and here is a gathering of the little princesses.

By the end of the night Hannah was happier b/c the Prince seemed to disappear so she took some pictures with the princesses that were walking around and greeting all the little princesses at the tables.

Now that is the Hannah I know. :)
Hannah makes an adorable Sleeping Beauty! The dinner looks like a lot of fun!
Camera tip: you can get your Prince and the background to expose better in a dark flash photo by setting the flash mode to "Rear sync" or "Slow" or "Night" (depending on your camera model). You'll have to hold the camera steady to avoid blurring the foreground.
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