O.K. so I have heard about this from many moms and seen it...the older child "breastfeeding" a baby or animal of theirs after seeing their mom feeding their younger sibling...but Hannah had yet to copy me in this respect...until the other night. She sat down on the couch, put my breastfeeding pillow around her, clicked it closed, lifted up her shirt and even made the clicking noises while pretending to unsnap her breastfeeding bra and then put her "Lilly Bear" up to her chest and started "breastfeeding" her. It was the cutest and funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Clearly she pays attention to what I am doing when I feed Samantha. Here is a picture of Hannah in action:

Another funny thing Hannah said the other day as we passed "In & Out" was "Hey! There is the french fry store!". I thought this was also hilarious as (A) we rarely go there...which may be hard to believe considering I love cheeseburgers so much but really we don't...and (B) that she would remember the place as a "french fry store".
Kids are too funny!
Our kids know The Habit as "the milkshake place". Makes sense, especially since that's all Tom eats there.
Just imagine if Hannah saw me breastfeeding the twins. She's need another stuffed animal! That story is HILARIOUS.
That is really adorable - she is such a good little mommy!
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