Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Goats and Sheep are back!

I discovered yesterday that the goats and sheep are back at our local park to mow down the weeds so when I picked up Hannah at school yesterday we headed straight over there to feed them some weeds. It is our yearly tradition and we always look forward to them coming back each year.

After that we decided to go home and weed our front yard so we had additional food to give the goats. Now let me clarify, I should say I went home to weed...Hannah was drawing on the driveway with her sidewalk chalk:

By the way check out the "H" and the "A" that Hannah wrote under her feet. Granted they are in the wrong order but now all she has to learn is to write an "N" and then she will know how to write her name! I was so proud and surprised she knew how to write those two letters.

Samantha was chillin' in her bouncy seat all bundled up and supervising my gardening.
Doesn't she look cute?

During dinner Tulip thought she would keep Samantha company and laid down next to her..I thought it was really sweet.

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