Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Camping pictures and more..

As promised here are the "camping" pictures from this weekend at my parents house...

Here are also some cute pictures from this morning...Hannah is really enjoying being a big sister, but I am not too sure Samantha looks like she is enjoying being a little sister:

Samantha just looks so much like Adam to me...

And here is a picture from when my brother was visiting...my family being all sorts of crazy and my brother looking a little worried:

Stay tuned for pictures of the princess dinner Hannah and I are going to tonight at Cafe Italia. There will be princesses and Hannah and her friends get to dress up like princesses also. It is a special night out for just Hannah and I and I am looking forward to it. Hannah is going dressed up at Sleeping Beauty...I am sure I will have plenty of pictures to post.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Yeah for new pictures of Baby Samantha! And I love the camping pictures.