Since I bike to work I am part of this "Go-Club" thing and get a free 12 day permit from TAPS (our parking "police" here at UCD) to use whenever I want throughout the fiscal year. Whenever you use it you simply have to write in the date and circle the day of the week. Well yesterday happened to be one of those days that I used it and I wrote "11/30" and at first I circled "W" for Wednesday...I guess I was being hopeful it was later in the week. Anyway, I realized my mistake so I crossed it out and circled "T" instead for Tuesday as you can see below:

And when I got back to the car after work I got this!!

A $218!! ticket for a "cancelled/altered permit" are f#&ing kidding me!!! I seriously could not believe it...this is a new low for them. How could you possibly think b/c I got the day of the week wrong that I somehow deserve a $218 ticket! I got the date right and there is no way I could have altered that and if you look at all the other dates previously there have been no alterations...come on! I am so MAD!! You better believe they are going to hear from me today.
I'm glad to see that some things never change - i.e. that TAPS still sucks. You should pay in pennies!
OMG You must tell us what happens.
I feel that any fine levied against you for a "free parking 12 times per year" permit is bullshit. TAPS had to have been a part of the process where the GoClub folks agreed to issue these things, so they had to know that people would be parking for free periodically. Who gives a damn what day of the week it is?
And $218? That just shows desperation.
Wow - that is a lot of money! What ended up happening?
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