Enjoying her cupcake:

All the Toddlers and Hannah enjoying their birthday cupcakes:

Good Morning and Happy 2nd Birthday Samantha!! My traditional birthday picture that I take of each girl first thing in the morning on their birthday...I am sure they will love that when they are teenagers. :)

I let Samantha & Hannah eat their breakfast at their little table while watching "Curious George"...this was a treat b/c they hardly ever get to watch T.V. while eating at the same time.

On her birthday we decided to go the ArtBeast in Sacramento which is basically a kids art studio. We invited one of our neighbors across the street (the other was out of town who we usually play with too) and we had a lot of fun.
The first thing Samantha did was head straight for a toy we have at home...glad I paid for her to play with that in Sacramento:

After that she headed off to do some painting.

Sisters painting:

Samantha LOVES stairs...obviously b/c we don't have them:

Playing in the kitchen:

Playing with the washers and making a lot of noise:

More art:

Then we met Daddy for lunch and went to visit his office. The girls really loved playing hide and seek and running around in the office filing room...go figure!

At the end of the evening Samantha was excited to open her birthday presents...

Working hard!

Happy with her new play parachute:

The first present she opened was a medical kit...this was a HUGE hit and still is to this day. All Samantha wanted to do was take her temp, look in her own ears and everyone elses. She has also become very demanding ordering us to lay "DOWN!" as she says in order for her to give us a medical check up...it is hilarious.

Samantha got to pick out her own birthday cupcake at Nugget and was very excited about it. We are going to be baking a lot of cupcakes for her b-day party so this is why we did not bake anything this night plus Samantha, and Hannah too, love to look at the cupcakes at Nugget. The fancy carrot cake is for Adam and I. :)

Blowing out her 2 candles

Enjoying her cupcake:

You can probably see that her left eye looks a little funny...that is because the universe decided to give her pink eye on her 2nd birthday..good times.
And sisters enjoying themselves together:

It was a good day. :)
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