Monday, November 29, 2010

The Girls Are Sharing a Room!

So as of last night our girls are officially sharing a room. Adam and I started the move at 1pm yesterday (a little late) but I just wanted to get it started and it ended up a complete least for their room, the rest of the house is a mess! We took the "Babi/Nali bed" as we like to refer to it and moved it into Samantha's room and Samantha's crib into Hannah's room or as it is now called Hannah & Samantha's room. So now when the grandmother's come to visit they officially have their own room to sleep in and don't have to sleep with Hannah.

Hannah was there for the beginning of the move but then went across the street to play for the second half of the move. When she came back we were all done and she was so excited, she was jumping up and down with so much excitement, it was cute. Samantha seemed a little confused but looked excited too.

Then when bed time came I read to both girls in Hannah's bed and that went well, then both girls laid down in Hannah's bed for me to sing them some songs and Samantha was all excited to be tucked into Hannah's bed and laying next to her sister, it was too cute. After my songs I told them to say goodnight to each other and I grabbed Samantha and moved her to her crib...and that is when the crying started. I think she thought she was going to be sleeping IN Hannah's bed with her. I finally got her to stop crying and she told me "night" like she has just started saying and Hannah said goodnight and then I walked out and the crying started again. Hannah then proceeded to tell me that Samantha was I didn't know that. I tried to tell Hannah to ignore her and that she would eventually stop but Hannah being the good concerned big sister kept talking to her and bringing her stuffed animals and I even once caught her singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" to her. Of course while this is sweet she didn't realize it was making things worse.

So I went in there multiple times (Adam was away that night...which was actually a good thing b/c I didn't want to hear him saying "see I told you so" since he wasn't too thrilled with the idea of the girls sharing a room anyway) to try and calm Samantha down and each time I went in she was fine, would lay down and then as soon as left the crying started. So I decided to tell the girls I was going to take a shower so they know I wouldn't be accessible and this worked b/c I did not hear any crying while I was in the shower or when I got out. Then all of sudden the bathroom door opens and it is Hannah telling me that Samantha isn't crying anymore but now she cannot sleep, which she never does and then of course Samantha starts crying again! UGHHH!! So back to having them both try and get back to sleep. Eventually Hannah falls asleep and once she is asleep she doesn't wake up for anything. So even though Samantha was still crying she slept right through it. Samantha eventually quieted down and I went in there to tuck her in and I found her just sitting there. She finally went to sleep at 9:30pm!!

I am hoping this is just the adjustment period of moving to a new room b/c she seems very excited to be in the same room as Hannah. Both girls slept through the night but Samantha was up at 6:25am this morning and then woke up Hannah...great! As I said I hope tonight and future nights go better.


Tara said...

Yeah, getting up and out of the room quietly before the other one wakes up is our problem. It almost never happens. They always get up together.

As long as the bed time starts to normalize and be early enough they'll both get enough sleep. Last night Tom was up til 8:45! And of course when Paul had to get him up at 7am for school this morning he was not happy. They are back in school now, after having been off for a whole month.

Christina said...

That is so fun that the girls are sharing a room! Have they adjusted (I'm behind on blog reading) by now? I hope so! That is sweet that Hannah was so worried about Samantha.