While the clock does say 35minutes I finished at 34 minutes...due to the fact that it took me a while to cross the starting line b/c of how many people were out there! I was so proud of myself though b/c I ran it all without stopping. I ran it with my friend Susan and next year we are doing the 10k!
A couple of hours later were the kids races. Here is Hannah and I and her friend Sydney getting ready to run:

Hannah ran almost the whole thing and I am proud of her even though she complained most of the way that her side was hurting and she would not let go of my hand even though I told her it would be better to run and use your arms...she still didn't let go of my hand. And here we are crossing the finish line:

Getting the all important ribbon:

The next day her legs were so sore and she was a super drama queen and complained most of the day everytime she moved that she was in the worst pain ever b/c her legs hurt. Me being sympathetic mom told her to just walk it off. Luckily this complaining only lasted one day.
Next it was Samantha's turn in the 200 yard Toddler Dash. Adam "ran" that with her. She was by far the smallest one out there but she was so cute! We had her all bundled up b/c it was so cold and while she did not run the whole thing she did do it all on her own...Adam did not pick her up once! Here are several cute shots of her "run":
She's off!

Almost there!

She finished! High fives all around!

Happy Girl!

After the races it was off to the bounce houses that were set up for the kids. This was Samantha's first experience in a bounce house and I waited until most of the kids were gone so she wouldn't be trampled in there. She loved the bounce house!

These bounce houses had been out there since 7am and it was now 12pm and they had been accumulating all that rain on the top. So as I am standing there watching Samantha in the bounce house a wind blows and somehow the bounce house shifts just enough for the water that was on top to come down right on top of me like a massive waterfall! I was drenched!!! Adam happened to be on the other side of the bounce house and saw the whole thing happen and just stood there laughing as I was soaked!

I have no idea why when there were many kids in that bounce house the water did not fall from the top...it was only when there was just Samantha left in there that this happened. Craziness! Anyway, Samantha got hit too as it bounced off me and into the bounce house so she was pretty wet as well. Adam had to crawl into the bounce house to get her and then it was definitely time to go home.
Now for the doggy torture. Hannah has taken a new hobby which is to decorate and dress up Tulip. This poor dog. She has become more tolerant over the past few weeks to getting dressed up but I still feel for her. Hannah loves to dress her up and now Samantha is even helping her! Of course Hannah has dressed Samantha as well. What a bunch of silly girls.

Awwww...so sweet.

Finally, the other night we saw the most beautiful sunset from our sliding glass door. Hannah is clearly her mother's daughter as she yelled "Mommy take a picture!" So I did.

This sunset was of course taking place on the west side of our house and Hannah yelled out "I am going to go see what it looks like from my room, Samantha's room and Mommy & Daddy's room!". One problem is that Mommy & Daddy's room faces east...too funny.
1 comment:
I LOVE that you are doing races/runs with the girls - that is awesome! And good for you for running the whole time - rock on!
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