Here we are all getting ready to see the show:

When we got back we were just in time to go out trick or treating. Here is the neighborhood "gang" getting ready to all go out.

Trick or Treating was so much fun and Samantha did an AWESOME job...it was as if though she had been trick or treating all her life! She would climb up each step and push her way past all the older kids to get her candy and then say "gank goo (thank you)" and then sit down and slide down the step and off to the next house she would go. Here are a few pictures:

Here she is climbing up that difficult step that everyone seems to have at the houses in our neighborhood:

And here are our fabulous pumpkins:

The "loot" the girls raked in that night. A few nights later the "Halloween Fairy" came and traded the rest of their candy for some toys.

Samantha enjoying one of her candies and of course you have to wear sunglasses on your head when you eat it:

This last weekend we went to Apple Hill and had some beautiful weather. The girls of course rode the horses. They were not next to each other but rather across from each other while riding the horses and Samantha discovered this about 1/2 way through. She was so excited to see Hannah riding the horse too and would point and smile at her. Hannah did the same thing back and it was just too cute to see the girls all excited to see each other.

We tried to go visit Boeger after at his winery but apparently he doesn't work on the weekends anymore. The winery is really beautiful this time of the year but we were definitely getting a lot of looks from people who were there to taste wine in peace and here we come with two kids. I wanted to say, "Really I am not here to wine taste with two kids, just coming to see if the owner is here". So I took the girls outside while Adam stayed in the wine tasting room to ask if Justin was there. Outside I was even more uncomfortable as people were having peaceful picnics out there and here come my running and screaming girls. Luckily we found some large leaves and I managed to get them to sit down while we waited for Adam to come back out.

We had a beautiful sunset for our ride home that we could not quite capture from inside of our car on the freeway...but we tried!

Just recently, Samantha has really enjoyed playing dress up with Hannah. Normally Samantha does not like Hannah to do anything for her but she freely lets Hannah dress her up and they even play quietly like this together with no screaming or yelling at each other...it is so nice. Here are my princesses:

A plastic fire hat is such a great accessory:

And of course you need sunglasses:

This is random but I came out to my car the other day after work and it was covered in plastic along with all the other cars around me. I couldn't figure out if it was a fraternity prank or what it was about. It was really annoying though b/c it was a massive plastic sheet that was knotted underneath my car. It took a lot of work to get off. After that I couldn't just leave the massive plastic sheet there so I had to stuff it in the back of my car. Right after that I discovered that the fraternity was having their roof redone and that is why the plastic was there and I could have just thrown it in their yard...darn it! I never drive but on the one day I do this is what happens! Ugh!

Last but not least Samantha has her first dentist appt this week. Hannah set a GREAT example by going first and being so very cooperative while the dentist looked at her teeth, cleaned them, flossed them and put fluoride on them. Samantha seemed to be in complete awe as she watched Hannah get her teeth clean.

Next it was Samantha's turn and I thought it was going to be a nightmare b/c after all she is my wild child. But it turned out great. She was a real ham on the chair and enjoyed opening her mouth and showing everyone her teeth. Hannah was a great big sister and stood right next to Samantha the whole time she got her teeth cleaned and helped instruct her what to do next.

1 comment:
Your pumpkins are amazing! I like the picture of the girls with the leaves - very fun! And I am so impressed that Samantha did well at the dentist, that is awesome. I have to hold both kids on top of me while the dentist does her thing.
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