Day one of Disneyland was so much fun. But first a little update about our "tropical dinner" last night. The instant we walked in Hannah found a friend...she is a teenager named Alissa but Hannah and her were buddies all night long. Here are a few pictures of them...

Here is Alissa's family "adopting" Hannah:

Not only did we lose Hannah for most of the evening but as you can see from the following pictures, we even lost Samantha for a large part of the evening because many of the ladies at the event (most of them grandmothers) wanted to hold her:

It was great! It gave Adam and I some time to socialize and the girls clearly had fun too. In fact besides sitting down for dinner and taking this picture right when we entered our girls were off enjoying themselves. :)

Then on Sunday it was off to Disneyland. Hannah was so excited in the shuttle bus as we pulled up to Disneyland. She was yelling out "Disneyland!" and jumping up and down with was incredibly cute. Right when we walked in we ran into Pluto which was great b/c Hannah had kept saying she wanted to see Pluto first...what luck!

Then Adam and Hannah went on the Dumbo ride while I hung out with Samantha who was in the Bjorn sleeping.

Next it was off to ride the carousel all together. As Adam was taking this picture the carousel started to move...can you see Hannah's excitement:

Then it was off to "It's a Small World" where Adam suggested they sell beers to the fathers in line...he thinks they would make a lot of money b/c more dads would be willing to suffer through the ride. After we went to Toon Town where we all had lunch...Samantha woke up just in time to have lunch there too. And while we were eating Goofy just happened to come by. He grabbed Hannah and off they went for a walk through Toon Town to Goofy's house. This is quite a coincidence since the last time we were in Disneyland Goofy took Hannah for a walk through Toon Town to his house also. Hannah loved it! She was talking up a storm with Goofy and kept yelling out to me and pointing out to me that she was on a walk with if I couldn't see that. There was a mob of kids and parents following Hannah and Goofy waiting for their chance to see him so I kept trying to tell Hannah that we needed to go so she wouldn't hog all of Goofy's time but Goofy would not let her go. In fact at one point he even shook his finger at me to tell me no he was not letting her go. So I just gave up and took many pictures of their adventure. Here is one where Goofy is playing with Hannah.

Next it was Daddy's turn to have Samantha sleep on him in the Bjorn and for me to go on a ride with Hannah. Since Hannah is now big enough for most of the rides, including the Toon Town roller coaster that is what we did. Granted I was a little nervous b/c I hate roller coasters, Hannah was so excited. Here we are at the start of the ride:

I was a little scared on the ride but Hannah loved it! She is definitely going to love roller coasters...thank god Adam likes them b/c I am not going on those monster coasters with her when she is older.
After Toon Town we went over to the "Winnie the Pooh" ride which is always a guaranteed no wait in line. And then Hannah was beyond excited to visit with Eeoyre and especially Tigger.

This is what Samantha did most of the day in Disneyland:

After our big adventurous day we went and rested a bit in the hotel and then it was off to a fancy dinner with the Masons at the "White House Restaurant" where Hannah was wondering if we were going to see Barrack Obama...too funny. Here is a picture of our fancy napkin and menu.

Today we are resting at our hotel b/c it is pouring rain outside while Adam attends a few Masonic lectures...sounds like fun...not! Then tomorrow it is back to Disneyland and we hope for no rain!