Today I had my 39 1/2 week appt and guess what?!...nothing has changed! I am still only 1cm dialted, although my nurse was able to push me along to 2cm but said I could go back. I am no more effaced but Samantha's head is a little lower. My NP can't even believe that I am still pregnant and not really progressing towards what could possibly be labor. So next week if I am still pregnant on the 2nd of January and past my due date they would schedule a fetal monitoring test and then at 41 weeks I would get to pick my due date and I would be induced...let's hope she can come on her own b/c I do not want to be induced again. From my NP's approximate measurements Samantha is about 7 1/2-8lbs right now although I never trust these measurements. So on I suffer.
In Hannah news after about 2 months in her big girl room she has finally figured out that she can get out of bed on her own! For the last 2 months we have been amazed that she has not tried to get out of bed and continued to call us to come get her. Of course we had no problem with this but were laughing at how she just did not get it. Well on Monday I kept her home with me and after about 2 hours of napping (Hannah in her room and Tulip & I in the living room) Tulip and I hear a twisting of a door knob. I was a little shocked and even Tulip sat up b/c she was wondering what the noise was. Both of us went over to Hannah's door and waited until she figured out how to open the door and when the door finally opened there was Hannah standing with a big smile on her face and said "I got out of bed on my own and opened the door!". She was so proud of herself. I told her "You did!". Then she told me she even turned off her sound machine (we have an ocean sound machine to drown out noise in our house since our house is so small) all on her own...again so proud of herself. It was really cute. Since then she has gotten out of bed on her own several more times, always with a big smile and proud of herself but there are still times she calls us...she cracks us up.
I hope everyone had a good x-mas...we all got lots of goodies here, I guess we were good all year. I gave Adam the "Scene It - Seinfeld" game and we played it last night. That game rocks and it was so much fun...we can't wait to challenge Paul to a game.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
O.K. so first I have to apologize for not internet has been up and down the last week and I have been really frustrated with my Internet Co. Apparently there is something interrupting the line and they cannot get AT & T out here until the 29th!!! So until then I may have the Internet and I may incredibly frustrating!!! Anyone have a good Internet company they can recommend?
Second, when I went to the doctor on Thursday I had them check to see how I was progressing and I went from 2cm dilated before Thanksgiving back to 1cm!! WTF?!! How frustrating! My nurse did some scrapping thing that was suppose to help thin my membranes out and hopefully get things moving along but so far nothing yet and today is Monday! I have been walking around like crazy trying to walk Samantha out of me, and she is so low that I swear sometimes it feels like she is going to fall out but no labor yet. I have also been eating more spicy food...well I should say spicy for me, and nothing. Also highly recommended by many people including my nurse for getting labor going were relations with my husband, much to his happiness, but still nothing! So please, please, if anyone has any suggestions I would be happy to hear them to get Samantha on her way out into the world. I am quite uncomfortable.
Last, in my many attempts to walk Samantha out, we went to Arden Fair Mall on Saturday night to have dinner and visit with Santa Claus. Every year that we have gone to get our picture done there with Santa we could always take our own picture and not have to pay for a package, but after standing in line for 10 minutes we discovered that was not the case this year. Adam was ready to get out of line as the cheapest purchase was ONE 4X6 FOR $15 but seriously how do you tell a 3 year old that we are not going to stand in line anymore. So we got up to Santa about 1/2 hour later and I was very disappointed with him. He was quite grouchy...I told Hannah to tell him what she wants for x-mas and he says to me "Are you going to take a picture?"...I mean come on! Can you at least let the girl tell you what she wants and you can pretend to care and be interested, isn't that your job?! While the people working there were taking pictures I too was standing next to them taking some pictures with my digital camera. We were done quickly and then we had to get into another line to pick up our picture and pay for it. There was a large family in front of us and Adam got a bright idea that we could just leave right then b/c we didn't have the picture and so we didn't have to pay for it and he grabs Hannah and starts to leave! I of course was not happy with this idea but stupidly decided to try and follow Adam and sneak out simply b/c I was not happy with Santa's services. Hannah and Adam were gone in a flash but as soon as I tried I hear "MISS! OH MISS! YOU DIDN'T PAY!" being yelled at me. I was mortified!!! I quickly went back and told them that of course I was not trying to leave that my daughter simply just wanted to look at something around the corner b/c she had been in line for so long I thought I would take her over there real quick while the family in front of us was paying. The guy at the cash register said "You can't believe how many people try to leave without paying.". And I acting like I was shocked said "Of course we weren't doing that!". I paid my $15 and left mortified with my one picture and gave Adam the glaring eye when I finally caught up to him and Hannah for having to take the brunt of the embarassement for his idea. He felt that if we were not given the picture yet we were not stealing or trying to get away with anything...regardless I felt like a criminal! I just don't like how that feels, I am not use to it. So here is the $15 picture...I think it was worth it b/c Hannah looks cute...Merry Christmas!
Second, when I went to the doctor on Thursday I had them check to see how I was progressing and I went from 2cm dilated before Thanksgiving back to 1cm!! WTF?!! How frustrating! My nurse did some scrapping thing that was suppose to help thin my membranes out and hopefully get things moving along but so far nothing yet and today is Monday! I have been walking around like crazy trying to walk Samantha out of me, and she is so low that I swear sometimes it feels like she is going to fall out but no labor yet. I have also been eating more spicy food...well I should say spicy for me, and nothing. Also highly recommended by many people including my nurse for getting labor going were relations with my husband, much to his happiness, but still nothing! So please, please, if anyone has any suggestions I would be happy to hear them to get Samantha on her way out into the world. I am quite uncomfortable.
Last, in my many attempts to walk Samantha out, we went to Arden Fair Mall on Saturday night to have dinner and visit with Santa Claus. Every year that we have gone to get our picture done there with Santa we could always take our own picture and not have to pay for a package, but after standing in line for 10 minutes we discovered that was not the case this year. Adam was ready to get out of line as the cheapest purchase was ONE 4X6 FOR $15 but seriously how do you tell a 3 year old that we are not going to stand in line anymore. So we got up to Santa about 1/2 hour later and I was very disappointed with him. He was quite grouchy...I told Hannah to tell him what she wants for x-mas and he says to me "Are you going to take a picture?"...I mean come on! Can you at least let the girl tell you what she wants and you can pretend to care and be interested, isn't that your job?! While the people working there were taking pictures I too was standing next to them taking some pictures with my digital camera. We were done quickly and then we had to get into another line to pick up our picture and pay for it. There was a large family in front of us and Adam got a bright idea that we could just leave right then b/c we didn't have the picture and so we didn't have to pay for it and he grabs Hannah and starts to leave! I of course was not happy with this idea but stupidly decided to try and follow Adam and sneak out simply b/c I was not happy with Santa's services. Hannah and Adam were gone in a flash but as soon as I tried I hear "MISS! OH MISS! YOU DIDN'T PAY!" being yelled at me. I was mortified!!! I quickly went back and told them that of course I was not trying to leave that my daughter simply just wanted to look at something around the corner b/c she had been in line for so long I thought I would take her over there real quick while the family in front of us was paying. The guy at the cash register said "You can't believe how many people try to leave without paying.". And I acting like I was shocked said "Of course we weren't doing that!". I paid my $15 and left mortified with my one picture and gave Adam the glaring eye when I finally caught up to him and Hannah for having to take the brunt of the embarassement for his idea. He felt that if we were not given the picture yet we were not stealing or trying to get away with anything...regardless I felt like a criminal! I just don't like how that feels, I am not use to it. So here is the $15 picture...I think it was worth it b/c Hannah looks cute...Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Officially a longer pregnancy
So I have officially been pregnant longer with Samantha then I was with Hannah. This actually became official on Thursday I am just a little behind on blogging know bed rest is such a busy job. :) Obviously I am sure the bed rest has a lot to do with the fact that I am still pregnant and per my nurse at my appt. on Thursday I can officially cease bed rest on Wednesday when I will be 38 weeks...yay! By then I will have been on bed rest for 3 weeks! I am shocked that I have been here for 2 1/2 weeks now...I never thought I would still be pregnant.
In other news Hannah has been wisked away by her grandparents until Monday. Adam's mom just left with her to Marin where she will be with Adam's mom until tomorrow afternoon. They are going to a performance of the Marin Nutracker where Hannah's cousin plays an angel. Then tomorrow afternoon my parents will pick her up and she will stay with them until Monday and my mom will take her to the Steinhart Aquarium and then drive her back up here on Monday. She will of course have a blast but Adam and I will really miss her. We have never had 2 nights to ourselves since she was born...yes I know it is I guess now is as good as time as any, that is unless Samantha decides to come this weekend. We shall see...I will keep you posted.
In other news Hannah has been wisked away by her grandparents until Monday. Adam's mom just left with her to Marin where she will be with Adam's mom until tomorrow afternoon. They are going to a performance of the Marin Nutracker where Hannah's cousin plays an angel. Then tomorrow afternoon my parents will pick her up and she will stay with them until Monday and my mom will take her to the Steinhart Aquarium and then drive her back up here on Monday. She will of course have a blast but Adam and I will really miss her. We have never had 2 nights to ourselves since she was born...yes I know it is I guess now is as good as time as any, that is unless Samantha decides to come this weekend. We shall see...I will keep you posted.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Superior Scribbler Award!

Tara has nominated my blog for a Superior Scribbler Award. I have never heard of it but I don't care it is an award and I am honored! Thanks Tara! :)
Now my job is to pass it along to 5 other bloggers who I think are worthy of it. I must admit I don't read too many blogs so this won't be too tough.
First I will pass this honor right back to Tara because I love to read about all the adventures the twins put her through and she has a great way of writing about it.
Next her husband Paul is a great blogger, although he has had a lack of updates lately on his blog and rather has been keeping us updated via his Twitter Account they are very funny and some in random ways.
Christina has adorable updates about her life with her little girl Ashley and always has great pictures or videos to go along with it.
My next nominee I actually don't even know. I kind of feel like a blog stalker but Christina's friend Kerry has a great blog that is linked on Christina's blog site. I stumbled across it towards the beginning of my pregnancy with Samantha and at the time Kerry had a 3 year old girl and a brand new baby girl and so I started reading her blog as "research" for what would soon be my life. It turns out Kerry is HILARIOUS and her stories are so great. Christina knows I am reading her friend's blog but I don't think that Kerry knows yet. I guess now that I have nominated her I am going to have to clue her into the fact that I keep up with her blog...I hope she doesn't think I am weird and rather finds it an honor. :)
Okay nominees, here are your rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link me for giving it to you
3. Link the originating post nominating you here.
4. Pass the award on to 5 more deserving people
5. Post these rules for your recipients
Our housecleaner, Sophia came today so I had to pack my bedrest butt up and trek over to a friend's house to lay on their couch for two hours so I wouldn't get in Sophia's way. I really didn't think that it would be that big of a deal but I was exhausted from that trek! Of course it was so worth it because coming home to a sparkling clean house was wonderful and on top of it Sophia baked us pork tamales and left them in our nice is that?!!! We have the best housecleaner.
Last night we put Tulip and Hannah in front of the Christmas tree to try and capture a good picture for our Christmas card this year and we got a really good shot of our "evil" dog...

We thought it would be great to put "naughty" over Tulip's picture and "nice" over Hannah's. My parents neighbors hate Tulip b/c they think she is the devil's spaun so we also thought this would be a perfect picture for them...ha-ha. We got a good laugh from this picture. :)
P.S. I am so not tech saavy so putting all these links into this blog took a great amount of time and I must say I am proud of myself for doing it...even though it took me about an hour to do it!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Still pregnant...
It is Saturday aftenroon and low and behold I am still pregnant! I totally would have thought that by now I wouldn't be, but it is a good thing I am.
On Thursday I had my doctor's appt and she did an ultrasound to check to make sure Samantha's head was down. She was pretty sure it was she just wanted to make sure. Hannah helped her with the ultrasound and we instantly saw that her head is where it is suppose to be. But in addition to that we also saw Samantha sucking her thumb! It was the coolest thing! She was really sucking on her thumb like crazy too! I called my mom afterwards and told her "Samantha was going to town on her thumb" and from the back of the car Hannah says "Why was she going to town?". Too funny how an expression like that sounds really weird to a toddler.
She didn't check anything else because she didn't want to disturb anything or start any other process... :) So I have an appt next Thursday...if I make it to that point I will be 37 weeks. I never made it to this doctor's appt. with Hannah, my water broke the day it should be interesting, I am really curious to see if I make it that long.
On Thursday I had my doctor's appt and she did an ultrasound to check to make sure Samantha's head was down. She was pretty sure it was she just wanted to make sure. Hannah helped her with the ultrasound and we instantly saw that her head is where it is suppose to be. But in addition to that we also saw Samantha sucking her thumb! It was the coolest thing! She was really sucking on her thumb like crazy too! I called my mom afterwards and told her "Samantha was going to town on her thumb" and from the back of the car Hannah says "Why was she going to town?". Too funny how an expression like that sounds really weird to a toddler.
She didn't check anything else because she didn't want to disturb anything or start any other process... :) So I have an appt next Thursday...if I make it to that point I will be 37 weeks. I never made it to this doctor's appt. with Hannah, my water broke the day it should be interesting, I am really curious to see if I make it that long.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Yay...I got out outside today!
So today I was adventurous and ventured outside for a little outing. At the Athletic Dept. each year all the women do a ornament exchange and lunch during the lunch was that ornament exhange. It was held at our new stadium and my boss gave me permission to drive into the stadium so I could just get out of the car and walk right into the club room and sit right back down. When I was driving over there it felt as if though I was in an another world b/c I have been house bound for over a week now. It was so nice! I feel so refreshed! Anwyay, it was a lot of fun. Tonight I go to my doctor's appt so it should be interesting to see if we find out anything new. Yesterday I made it to 36 weeks, so we will see how many more days/weeks Samantha will stay inside. Would you like to place a bet?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Well I made it to December...
Yay it is December 1st! So I can pretty much say with about 100% accuracy that our little girl will be born in December. At least she better be because if I have to lay here until January I think I will be insane! Adam said if I am laying here for 2or more weeks he is going to start having me get up and move around so she comes into this world.
It is pretty weird to know that I could go into labor at any moment but yet I haven't got a clue as to when. I just didn't have this kind of time to think about that when Hannah decided to come into this world.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We are very fortunate and had lots of family help this weekend. Adam's mom came up on Wednesday afternoon and stayed through Friday early afternoon and with her she brought everything needed for a Thanksgiving Dinner. Then Friday my parents came up and took over and brought Thanksgiving leftovers and stayed until Sunday. While my mom kept Hannah busy my dad and Adam worked outside in our front yard finishing up our picket fence and a new pathway. Then after my parents left on Sunday Adam's dad and his wife Suzie called and came over with dinners cooked for us for the rest of the week. Are we lucky or what?! In addition, Hannah's friend Sydney's dad is coming over in the morning to pick up Hannah and take her to school with Sydney. The girls could not be more excited to be riding to school is really cute.
Last but not least, I believe we have finally agreed upon a name for this little after many requests as to what her name will be here is it....SAMANTHA MILA . The Mila comes from both my maternal grandmother's name of "Ludmila" and my mom's name of "Jarmila". So there you have it can officially stop asking us what this poor little girl's name is going to be. Although when we told Hannah last night that her little sister's name is going to be "Samantha" she started crying hysterically because she does not want her sister to be called that she wants her sister's name to be "Emily Elizabeth" after Clifford the Big Red Dogs owner. I guess at least she doesn't want her name to be "Clifford". Hopefully she gets over this because we are NOT naming her "Emily Elizabeth". :)
It is pretty weird to know that I could go into labor at any moment but yet I haven't got a clue as to when. I just didn't have this kind of time to think about that when Hannah decided to come into this world.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We are very fortunate and had lots of family help this weekend. Adam's mom came up on Wednesday afternoon and stayed through Friday early afternoon and with her she brought everything needed for a Thanksgiving Dinner. Then Friday my parents came up and took over and brought Thanksgiving leftovers and stayed until Sunday. While my mom kept Hannah busy my dad and Adam worked outside in our front yard finishing up our picket fence and a new pathway. Then after my parents left on Sunday Adam's dad and his wife Suzie called and came over with dinners cooked for us for the rest of the week. Are we lucky or what?! In addition, Hannah's friend Sydney's dad is coming over in the morning to pick up Hannah and take her to school with Sydney. The girls could not be more excited to be riding to school is really cute.
Last but not least, I believe we have finally agreed upon a name for this little after many requests as to what her name will be here is it....SAMANTHA MILA . The Mila comes from both my maternal grandmother's name of "Ludmila" and my mom's name of "Jarmila". So there you have it can officially stop asking us what this poor little girl's name is going to be. Although when we told Hannah last night that her little sister's name is going to be "Samantha" she started crying hysterically because she does not want her sister to be called that she wants her sister's name to be "Emily Elizabeth" after Clifford the Big Red Dogs owner. I guess at least she doesn't want her name to be "Clifford". Hopefully she gets over this because we are NOT naming her "Emily Elizabeth". :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Bed Rest - Good Times
I have officially been put on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy...however long that may be so feel free to call me at home or email me at my Gmail address so that I don't lose my mind at home. Here is how I got here:
Last Wednesday I started having Braxton-Hicks contractions, which happened with Hannah so I really just tried to ignore them. At the same time though this little girl slowed her movement down and by Friday I wasn't feeling her powerful jabs, punches and turns. At first I figured she had just run out of room or the contractions were causing her to slow down but by Friday her movement was quite decreased. So I left work early and laid down to try and really concentrate on her movement and still not that much, so I called Labor & Delivery and of course they wanted me to come in. Adam and I went in and they hooked me up to the monitor and instantly we saw how many contractions I was having...which was quite a lot! I started to freak out and the nurse, while as sweet as she was trying to sound did not make me feel better with this statement, "Honey, we have had so many pre-term labors today that there seems to be a pattern. But no worries you are in the best place for preterm labor because we have a great NICU". I thought that is wonderful but I really don't want to give birth at 34 weeks! I was shaking I was so nervous and then they checked my cervix and discovered I was dilated 1cm. Now while that is not a lot I never dilated with Hannah, they had to induce me after my water broke so I was just freaked out in general that I was even dilated! They tried to convince me that it is normal for a 2nd pg to already be dilate and I could be this way for weeks but it still didn't help me. They decided to have me drink a whole bunch of water and check me again in 2 hours. So 2 hours later I was still 1cm dilated so they sent me home and told me to take it easy.
I did take it easy on the weekend but whenever I got up or when I went to work on Monday the contractions started again. I again tried to ignore them...yeah I know probably not the best thing but I called on Tuesday to hopefully try and get in to see my nurse practicioner. Instead b/c I was getting more the 4 contractions an hour I was sent back to Labor & Delivery to be observed. I did not want to go there b/c I knew it would be a many hour ordeal but I went. Luckily this time I stopped to get a book at the UCDMC gift shop because I was there for 5 hours! On Friday when Adam & I had been there we stupidly did not bring anything to read or entertain us and we were there for 4 hours. When we thought this little one might be coming that night we asked if they had a baby name book since we did not have name yet they laughed b/c while they thought that was a good idea they did not have one b/c it would probably get stolen...great. Anyway, yesterday when I was there they hooked me up to the monitor again and once again the contractions were registering often. This time they checked my cervix and I was now 2cm dilated...great!! The first thing the doctor said was we are taking you off work and you need to just be at home and rest. Since today I am 35 weeks along, while that is premature at this stage they would not try to stop my labor. Again they told me that I could be at 2cm for weeks but I said they told me that 4 days ago when I was at 1cm and now 4 days later I am at 2cm...they just kind of smiled. They gave me an IV bag full of fluids this time and that slowed my contractions down but did not stop them. They again re-checked my cervix and no change so they sent me home with orders to rest until this little one really decides to come.
So here I lay/sit wondering how long this will take. I am in no hurry for her to come b/c 35 weeks is way too early for me and for her too but I am going to lose it just laying here all day long. So fun times for me...write me with suggestions to keep me entertained and hope that she stays in for at least 2 more weeks! Luckily we have wonderful family that will be helping poor Adam with Hannah, which I am thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Last Wednesday I started having Braxton-Hicks contractions, which happened with Hannah so I really just tried to ignore them. At the same time though this little girl slowed her movement down and by Friday I wasn't feeling her powerful jabs, punches and turns. At first I figured she had just run out of room or the contractions were causing her to slow down but by Friday her movement was quite decreased. So I left work early and laid down to try and really concentrate on her movement and still not that much, so I called Labor & Delivery and of course they wanted me to come in. Adam and I went in and they hooked me up to the monitor and instantly we saw how many contractions I was having...which was quite a lot! I started to freak out and the nurse, while as sweet as she was trying to sound did not make me feel better with this statement, "Honey, we have had so many pre-term labors today that there seems to be a pattern. But no worries you are in the best place for preterm labor because we have a great NICU". I thought that is wonderful but I really don't want to give birth at 34 weeks! I was shaking I was so nervous and then they checked my cervix and discovered I was dilated 1cm. Now while that is not a lot I never dilated with Hannah, they had to induce me after my water broke so I was just freaked out in general that I was even dilated! They tried to convince me that it is normal for a 2nd pg to already be dilate and I could be this way for weeks but it still didn't help me. They decided to have me drink a whole bunch of water and check me again in 2 hours. So 2 hours later I was still 1cm dilated so they sent me home and told me to take it easy.
I did take it easy on the weekend but whenever I got up or when I went to work on Monday the contractions started again. I again tried to ignore them...yeah I know probably not the best thing but I called on Tuesday to hopefully try and get in to see my nurse practicioner. Instead b/c I was getting more the 4 contractions an hour I was sent back to Labor & Delivery to be observed. I did not want to go there b/c I knew it would be a many hour ordeal but I went. Luckily this time I stopped to get a book at the UCDMC gift shop because I was there for 5 hours! On Friday when Adam & I had been there we stupidly did not bring anything to read or entertain us and we were there for 4 hours. When we thought this little one might be coming that night we asked if they had a baby name book since we did not have name yet they laughed b/c while they thought that was a good idea they did not have one b/c it would probably get stolen...great. Anyway, yesterday when I was there they hooked me up to the monitor again and once again the contractions were registering often. This time they checked my cervix and I was now 2cm dilated...great!! The first thing the doctor said was we are taking you off work and you need to just be at home and rest. Since today I am 35 weeks along, while that is premature at this stage they would not try to stop my labor. Again they told me that I could be at 2cm for weeks but I said they told me that 4 days ago when I was at 1cm and now 4 days later I am at 2cm...they just kind of smiled. They gave me an IV bag full of fluids this time and that slowed my contractions down but did not stop them. They again re-checked my cervix and no change so they sent me home with orders to rest until this little one really decides to come.
So here I lay/sit wondering how long this will take. I am in no hurry for her to come b/c 35 weeks is way too early for me and for her too but I am going to lose it just laying here all day long. So fun times for me...write me with suggestions to keep me entertained and hope that she stays in for at least 2 more weeks! Luckily we have wonderful family that will be helping poor Adam with Hannah, which I am thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nicole's Day & Family Day
On Saturday I had what I call a "Nicole Day". Considering my life will soon not be my own and I will not be without a little baby attached to me at the hip...well not that the this isn't the case now except with a 3 year old...but she is a little more independent. Anyway, at 11:30am I had an hour prenatal massage...wonderful!!! Then straight from there I went scrapbooking for 3 1/2 hours at my friend Tarri's house. After that I went home for a little bit to get my Hannah fix and then that night I went out with 3 other moms (moms of Hannah's friends from school) to Fuzio's. We got there about 7:30pm and left after closing after 11pm! We were sitting outside b/c it has been so nice and warm and just chatting for those 3 1/2 hours. We rarely get the opportunity to talk without being interrupted every minute from our lovely little ones that I think we all quite enjoyed just sitting there for so long and talking. Of course the alcohol helped I am sure...well not for me...I was the designated driver of these ladies b/c of my "condition". They all had about 3-4 mixed drinks each and apparently Fuzio's makes them really strong. I on the other hand had 2 Pepsi's which low and behold were free b/c I was the designated driver!!! Sweet!!! So my whole dinner was about $12...awesome. :) Anyway it was a very nice day.
On Sunday Adam let me sleep in and got up with Hannah and he had to come wake me up at 9:30 to let me know they were going to the store. First of all I couldn't believe it was 9:30am! So I decided to get up. Now lately I have been extremely swollen, especially my lovely ankles which I now call cankles. When I got up on Sunday I could actually see my ankles again! I was shocked! They looked so nice to have a defined shape to them...either it was all the sleep and being off my feet for that long or my lovely relaxing day on Saturday. Whatever it was it was great! Sadly though only a few hours later I lost my ankles again to my cankles and they have been back every since. :(
That afternoon we had our first family Mondavi performance that we will be seeing this year..."The Velveteen Rabbit". It was a 3pm performance and I couldn't wait to take Hannah to it. It was a production by a dance group that included some acting and singing as well with the dance. Hannah loved it! She sat straight up on Adam's lap the whole time and was just mezmorized. I knew she would but I was worried something would scare her but it didn't. The first portion was 50 minutes long then we had intermission and then another 25 minutes and she did beautifully through the whole thing. At the end when the curtains went down she said "Let's watch it again!". Poor thing she did not understand that this is not like a DVD or video at home where you can replay it as many times as you like, this was performance and that was it. So that is when the tears started on the way out because she was so sad we were leaving and wanted to see it again. We had to reassure her that we will be going to 4 more performances this season and the very next one is on Dec. 2nd to see Dan Zanes. Regardless I am glad she liked it so much, it was good. Then we went out to dinner as a family and then headed to Ben & Jerry's for dessert. Hannah got her very own chocolate ice cream scoop on a sprinkle & chocolate covered cone and was in heaven! She was covered with chocolate from head to toe! I searched and searched my purse for my camera but did not find no picture sorry but trust me she was covered.
Anyway, that was our lovely back to more getting ready for this little one to come. :)
On Sunday Adam let me sleep in and got up with Hannah and he had to come wake me up at 9:30 to let me know they were going to the store. First of all I couldn't believe it was 9:30am! So I decided to get up. Now lately I have been extremely swollen, especially my lovely ankles which I now call cankles. When I got up on Sunday I could actually see my ankles again! I was shocked! They looked so nice to have a defined shape to them...either it was all the sleep and being off my feet for that long or my lovely relaxing day on Saturday. Whatever it was it was great! Sadly though only a few hours later I lost my ankles again to my cankles and they have been back every since. :(
That afternoon we had our first family Mondavi performance that we will be seeing this year..."The Velveteen Rabbit". It was a 3pm performance and I couldn't wait to take Hannah to it. It was a production by a dance group that included some acting and singing as well with the dance. Hannah loved it! She sat straight up on Adam's lap the whole time and was just mezmorized. I knew she would but I was worried something would scare her but it didn't. The first portion was 50 minutes long then we had intermission and then another 25 minutes and she did beautifully through the whole thing. At the end when the curtains went down she said "Let's watch it again!". Poor thing she did not understand that this is not like a DVD or video at home where you can replay it as many times as you like, this was performance and that was it. So that is when the tears started on the way out because she was so sad we were leaving and wanted to see it again. We had to reassure her that we will be going to 4 more performances this season and the very next one is on Dec. 2nd to see Dan Zanes. Regardless I am glad she liked it so much, it was good. Then we went out to dinner as a family and then headed to Ben & Jerry's for dessert. Hannah got her very own chocolate ice cream scoop on a sprinkle & chocolate covered cone and was in heaven! She was covered with chocolate from head to toe! I searched and searched my purse for my camera but did not find no picture sorry but trust me she was covered.
Anyway, that was our lovely back to more getting ready for this little one to come. :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Trick or Treat
We had a great Halloween here in Davis. Hannah dressed up as a fire truck and loved every minute of Halloween this year. She was so excited about the costume, about trick or treating and of course the candy. Everytime she got a piece of candy in her basket she asked if she could eat, that was a little bit of a battle but non the less fun. We went downtown Davis first in the afternoon for their annual trick or treating of the downtown businesses and here are some pictures:

There was volvo driving around downtown made up to look like "Ecto 1" from Ghostbusters and they were blasting the Ghostbusters music:

Here is Hannah getting down to the music from the Ghostbusters movie:

We ran into her friend, Dylan from school who was dressed up like a fireman and they enjoyed checking each others costumes out:

After we finished up trick or treating downtown we went home to eat dinner and then after dinner Adam took Hannah out trick or treating around the neighborhood for the first time ever. I stayed home b/c I was too tired from the afternoon trick or treating. Adam and Hannah had great fun though and Hannah came home with even more candy!

Then Hannah really enjoyed handing candy out to all the trick or treaters that came to our house. She was even yelling at people from our doorway to "Hey, come over here for some candy!". At one point we were on the sidewalk with our basket of candy and a car drove by and she yelled at the car "You want to stop for some candy!?". We had to explain to her that cars don't trick or treat.
The next morning when she woke up she came into our room and started crying and asking "Why we were giving out her candy to the people that came to our door?". I think she woke up and started replaying the night in her head and it occurred to her that she got candy and we were giving out candy so we must have been giving out her candy. I quickly explained to her that we were not giving out her candy but rather a separate bowl of candy that we bought special for the trick or treaters. We would never give out her candy! Although now both Adam and I can't wait for that candy to be gone b/c she has been on a sugar high all weekend. I think in the next few days it will magically disappear. :)
There was volvo driving around downtown made up to look like "Ecto 1" from Ghostbusters and they were blasting the Ghostbusters music:
Here is Hannah getting down to the music from the Ghostbusters movie:
We ran into her friend, Dylan from school who was dressed up like a fireman and they enjoyed checking each others costumes out:
After we finished up trick or treating downtown we went home to eat dinner and then after dinner Adam took Hannah out trick or treating around the neighborhood for the first time ever. I stayed home b/c I was too tired from the afternoon trick or treating. Adam and Hannah had great fun though and Hannah came home with even more candy!
Then Hannah really enjoyed handing candy out to all the trick or treaters that came to our house. She was even yelling at people from our doorway to "Hey, come over here for some candy!". At one point we were on the sidewalk with our basket of candy and a car drove by and she yelled at the car "You want to stop for some candy!?". We had to explain to her that cars don't trick or treat.
The next morning when she woke up she came into our room and started crying and asking "Why we were giving out her candy to the people that came to our door?". I think she woke up and started replaying the night in her head and it occurred to her that she got candy and we were giving out candy so we must have been giving out her candy. I quickly explained to her that we were not giving out her candy but rather a separate bowl of candy that we bought special for the trick or treaters. We would never give out her candy! Although now both Adam and I can't wait for that candy to be gone b/c she has been on a sugar high all weekend. I think in the next few days it will magically disappear. :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
And the little one rolled over and bumped her head
Sunday night was the first night Hannah slept in her big girl room and therefore her big girl bed. She had a little bit of a problem going to sleep because it was a new environment. She didn't cry or anything just laid there awake for a good hour before going to sleep. The only "rough" patch we hit the first night was when at about 2:30am she woke up screaming "MOMMY!!!" as if though she was completely terrified. So I went running in there as fast as an 8 month pregnant woman can move and I come to find out she just didn't like the blanket I had put on her after she fell asleep to keep her warm...go figure I thought it was that she was confused about her surroundings. Anyway I put a different blanket on her and that fixed that problem.
I also don't think she has figured out she can get out of bed her on her own b/c in the morning she called to me saying she wanted to come in Mommy and Daddy's bed, so I told her to come on in but she said "you have to come get me". That is when I realized that she doesn't know she can get out of bed yet on her own and come in so I thought I am not going to clue her in yet, so I went and got her. Pretty smooth night.
Last night on the other hand was a little different. It took her a long time to fall asleep again but she just laid there quiet until she fell asleep. At about 12:30am I hear a huge THUMP! and screaming for Hannah "MOMMMY!! MOMMY!!!" and then crying. I knew that she had fallen out of bed. So I woke up Adam, who by the way has slept through all of these screams from night one and two to please go pick her up and make sure she is o.k. He of course found her on the floor...she wasn't hurt but she was shaken up b/c she has never fallen out of bed. We had thought about putting up a guard rail to keep her in her bed but our doctor had said that at 3 years old they have pretty good control of their body and it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, this bed is not that high of the ground and we have a soft carpet so I thought if for some reason she does fall out of bed it won't hurt too much. So after Adam picked her up and put her back into bed she fell right asleep. About an hour later she yelled to me b/c she needed to be covered up again so up I went to fix that problem. After taking about another hour to go back to sleep at 2:30 in the morning I hear again...THUMP!! and this time she yelled out "DADDY! DADDY!" b/c he had picked her up before. This time Adam lined her bed with pillows so she wouldn't fall out a 3rd time but it again took me a while to fall back asleep b/c I kept worrying about her.
When she woke up in the morning she said "Daddy put these pillows here so I wouldn't fall out of bed"...poor little girl. Clearly this girl sleeps like my brother where she is all over the bed at night and not like me where sometimes you think I am a dead body b/c I haven't moved at all. So needless to say Adam is going to go out and buy a rail for her bed today so we don't have the "fall out bed and bump your head" problem again tonight.
I also don't think she has figured out she can get out of bed her on her own b/c in the morning she called to me saying she wanted to come in Mommy and Daddy's bed, so I told her to come on in but she said "you have to come get me". That is when I realized that she doesn't know she can get out of bed yet on her own and come in so I thought I am not going to clue her in yet, so I went and got her. Pretty smooth night.
Last night on the other hand was a little different. It took her a long time to fall asleep again but she just laid there quiet until she fell asleep. At about 12:30am I hear a huge THUMP! and screaming for Hannah "MOMMMY!! MOMMY!!!" and then crying. I knew that she had fallen out of bed. So I woke up Adam, who by the way has slept through all of these screams from night one and two to please go pick her up and make sure she is o.k. He of course found her on the floor...she wasn't hurt but she was shaken up b/c she has never fallen out of bed. We had thought about putting up a guard rail to keep her in her bed but our doctor had said that at 3 years old they have pretty good control of their body and it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, this bed is not that high of the ground and we have a soft carpet so I thought if for some reason she does fall out of bed it won't hurt too much. So after Adam picked her up and put her back into bed she fell right asleep. About an hour later she yelled to me b/c she needed to be covered up again so up I went to fix that problem. After taking about another hour to go back to sleep at 2:30 in the morning I hear again...THUMP!! and this time she yelled out "DADDY! DADDY!" b/c he had picked her up before. This time Adam lined her bed with pillows so she wouldn't fall out a 3rd time but it again took me a while to fall back asleep b/c I kept worrying about her.
When she woke up in the morning she said "Daddy put these pillows here so I wouldn't fall out of bed"...poor little girl. Clearly this girl sleeps like my brother where she is all over the bed at night and not like me where sometimes you think I am a dead body b/c I haven't moved at all. So needless to say Adam is going to go out and buy a rail for her bed today so we don't have the "fall out bed and bump your head" problem again tonight.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Our Little Hannah!
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to our little Hannah who turns 3 today. We had quite the busy weekend with the football game, her party and then today her actual b-day. I have many pictures to post and stories to tell but those will come later. In the mean time...HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY HANNAH! :)
In addition I cannot forget my brother who today is also celebrating his birthday so "HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY MISA!!" I cannot believe he is 25...considering he is 8 years younger then me I always considered him so little...but not so much anymore.
In addition I cannot forget my brother who today is also celebrating his birthday so "HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY MISA!!" I cannot believe he is 25...considering he is 8 years younger then me I always considered him so little...but not so much anymore.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Moving Mania!
This week we have been playing musical rooms at our house and clearing out our front room to change into our room, so that we can clear out our room and change it into Hannah's room. Let me tell you it has been craziness!! I don't think we realized how much stuff was in that front room that just accumulated over the last 6 years. For the most part we had to move all that stuff into living room/kitchen area which created complete disaray in those rooms so that Adam could paint our room. We choose the color "creme" which at first seemed more of a goldish tan but turned out more of a goldish is nice really brightens up the room.
I have been busy organizing and sorting all our crap and finding a proper place for it while Adam has been busy painting, cleaning carpets, and moving furniture. We have had a few late nights and we are tired but we must keep going!! I am determined to get this done by Hannah's b-day. Last night we completed the move into our new room and spent our first night in there which in turn has made Tulip so confused. When we finished emptying out our old room she walked down the hallway and looked in there and then looked at Adam putting together our bed in the new room and gave him a look as if to say "What the hell is going on in here?!". We realized that for 6 years and all her life we have been in our old room so this is obviously super confusing to her. All night long she looked really stressed out and confused.
When it came time to go to bed it was really hard convincing her to go lay on her bed in the new room. On top of it her bed as always been at the foot of our bed and Adam's dresser with the TV on top of it but since this room is shorter but wider she cannot fit in between the foot of the bed and Adam's dresser and now has to be on the side of our bed and next to my dresser...this has caused her additional stress. When I told her to lay on her bed she kept walking over to the foot of the bed and in between Adam's dresser and looking at me like aren't you going to move my bed over here, this is where I am suppose to lay down. I finally convinced her to get on her bed in the new spot but you could see she was not comfortable with it or relaxed. If we did not have the baby gate to keep her in there she would be out of there! I just felt so bad for her b/c you can't explain it to her.
Tonight the move into Hannah's room starts and will continue over the next few days as we make it her own. I plan to have her spend her first night in there on Sunday so she wakes up in there on Monday, her birthday. Pictures will come when the move it complete!
I have been busy organizing and sorting all our crap and finding a proper place for it while Adam has been busy painting, cleaning carpets, and moving furniture. We have had a few late nights and we are tired but we must keep going!! I am determined to get this done by Hannah's b-day. Last night we completed the move into our new room and spent our first night in there which in turn has made Tulip so confused. When we finished emptying out our old room she walked down the hallway and looked in there and then looked at Adam putting together our bed in the new room and gave him a look as if to say "What the hell is going on in here?!". We realized that for 6 years and all her life we have been in our old room so this is obviously super confusing to her. All night long she looked really stressed out and confused.
When it came time to go to bed it was really hard convincing her to go lay on her bed in the new room. On top of it her bed as always been at the foot of our bed and Adam's dresser with the TV on top of it but since this room is shorter but wider she cannot fit in between the foot of the bed and Adam's dresser and now has to be on the side of our bed and next to my dresser...this has caused her additional stress. When I told her to lay on her bed she kept walking over to the foot of the bed and in between Adam's dresser and looking at me like aren't you going to move my bed over here, this is where I am suppose to lay down. I finally convinced her to get on her bed in the new spot but you could see she was not comfortable with it or relaxed. If we did not have the baby gate to keep her in there she would be out of there! I just felt so bad for her b/c you can't explain it to her.
Tonight the move into Hannah's room starts and will continue over the next few days as we make it her own. I plan to have her spend her first night in there on Sunday so she wakes up in there on Monday, her birthday. Pictures will come when the move it complete!
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Pacifier Fairy
The Pacifier Fairy came to our house this weekend! Now Hannah calls her pacifier her "pac", pronounced "pass" so that is how I will refer to it. Being that Hannah is almost 3 years old, and there is a hole in her pacifier and we didn't want to buy a new one, we have been wanting to get rid of it for a while now but have not had the best idea on how to go about it. We definitely wanted to conquer this problem before her little sister comes too. About a month ago on "Super Nanny" I learned of "The Pacifier Fairy" is how it works:
We warned Hannah that this weekend "The Pac Fairy" might be coming and so on Sunday before nap time we decided that this is when she would come. We told Hannah that the "Pac Fairy" comes when she feels boys and girls are old enough to give up their pacifiers to babies and smaller boys and girls that need it more then she does. What we do is we place it in an envelope, address it to the "Pac Fairy" and put it in the mailbox. If Hannah managed to get along without her "pac" and be a big girl and take a good nap without her pac the "Pac Fairy" would know leave a present for her. So before nap time we addressed our envelope to the "Pac Fairy" and Hannah for some reason remembered some little boy at the pool that she thought needed it so we made a special request on the back for the "Pac Fairy" to give it to that little boy. Here are the pictures of us going out to the mailbox before nap time to place our pacifier in there for the "Pac Fairy":
The front of the envlope:

The back with our special request:

And Hannah putting it in the mailbox and putting up the flag:

Then we went back inside and I read her a few stories. Normally I sit and rock with her a little bit but she wanted to go to sleep right away so the "Pac Fairy" could come...great!
When she woke up from her nap about 2 hours later she started to cry b/c she didn't think the "Pac Fairy" had come. Apparently she thought she would see her. We had to explain to her that the "Pac Fairy" is really quick and that she would leave the present in the mailbox for her. So off we went to check the mailbox and low and behold there was something in there for her!!
Getting ready to open up the mailbox:

The package!!

Hannah was so excited she was jumping up and down in Adam's arms and gave him a big hug! Then we had to quickly go inside to see what she brought to Hannah:

Hannah had a great time pulling out each of the 3 books and then of course we had to sit there and read them. We were so proud of her and she did such a great job without her "pac". Granted the last about 1 1/2 years at school she has been sleeping without it b/c they make them give it up in the Toddler Room but she had never done that at home. We even let her choose a special dinner last night and she chose pizza with olives of course...her favorite. Then we had special family movie night and watched "Lady & the Tramp" in Mommy & Daddy's room.
All was going well until she had a rough time falling asleep and she kept saying she wanted to go sleep in Mommy & Daddy's room. She didn't fall asleep until about 9:30pm and I was beginning to worry it was due to her lack of the pacifier. She even got up in her crib at one point and looked around on the shelf where her "pac" was normally kept but she never mentioned it at all. She finally fell asleep and slept until about 8am this morning only waking up maybe once last overall I would say her first official night without her "pac" was a successful one! Let's hope it continues, but much thanks to Super Nanny for the wonderful "Pacifier Fairy" idea!
We warned Hannah that this weekend "The Pac Fairy" might be coming and so on Sunday before nap time we decided that this is when she would come. We told Hannah that the "Pac Fairy" comes when she feels boys and girls are old enough to give up their pacifiers to babies and smaller boys and girls that need it more then she does. What we do is we place it in an envelope, address it to the "Pac Fairy" and put it in the mailbox. If Hannah managed to get along without her "pac" and be a big girl and take a good nap without her pac the "Pac Fairy" would know leave a present for her. So before nap time we addressed our envelope to the "Pac Fairy" and Hannah for some reason remembered some little boy at the pool that she thought needed it so we made a special request on the back for the "Pac Fairy" to give it to that little boy. Here are the pictures of us going out to the mailbox before nap time to place our pacifier in there for the "Pac Fairy":
The front of the envlope:

The back with our special request:

And Hannah putting it in the mailbox and putting up the flag:

Then we went back inside and I read her a few stories. Normally I sit and rock with her a little bit but she wanted to go to sleep right away so the "Pac Fairy" could come...great!
When she woke up from her nap about 2 hours later she started to cry b/c she didn't think the "Pac Fairy" had come. Apparently she thought she would see her. We had to explain to her that the "Pac Fairy" is really quick and that she would leave the present in the mailbox for her. So off we went to check the mailbox and low and behold there was something in there for her!!
Getting ready to open up the mailbox:

The package!!

Hannah was so excited she was jumping up and down in Adam's arms and gave him a big hug! Then we had to quickly go inside to see what she brought to Hannah:

Hannah had a great time pulling out each of the 3 books and then of course we had to sit there and read them. We were so proud of her and she did such a great job without her "pac". Granted the last about 1 1/2 years at school she has been sleeping without it b/c they make them give it up in the Toddler Room but she had never done that at home. We even let her choose a special dinner last night and she chose pizza with olives of course...her favorite. Then we had special family movie night and watched "Lady & the Tramp" in Mommy & Daddy's room.
All was going well until she had a rough time falling asleep and she kept saying she wanted to go sleep in Mommy & Daddy's room. She didn't fall asleep until about 9:30pm and I was beginning to worry it was due to her lack of the pacifier. She even got up in her crib at one point and looked around on the shelf where her "pac" was normally kept but she never mentioned it at all. She finally fell asleep and slept until about 8am this morning only waking up maybe once last overall I would say her first official night without her "pac" was a successful one! Let's hope it continues, but much thanks to Super Nanny for the wonderful "Pacifier Fairy" idea!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Is there an otter in the house?
This weekend Adam's mom came up to visit and help us with some house stuff. On Saturday night she watched Hannah for us so Adam and I could go out on a date. We went to McCormick & Shimeck's for dinner which was really nice. I ventured out of the box and out of my comfort zone and got Dover Sole which I have never had before and it was the first time since I can remember that I haven't order my "standard" on any menu and really enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised b/c it was really good! It did come with mashed potatoes so that helped.
Anyway, when we came home Adam's mom let us know that all night long Hannah was pretending to be a baby otter. She was "eating" clams and sea stars just like her book "Pup's Supper" about a baby otter and she was floating in the bath tub like an otter among other things. At about 5:30am on Sunday morning I wake up to a loud screetching coming from her first I couldn't figure out what the noise was but then it occurred to me that Hannah was still pretending to be an otter at that early morning hour and rather then calling out my name like she always does when she wakes up she decided she would call out to me in what I can only guess she thought was a baby otter's call. I sent Adam in there to deal with our "baby otter" who thank god went back to sleep. The next time she woke up that morning she was Hannah again b/c she called out to me in the regular "Mamacita" way. :)
Anyway, when we came home Adam's mom let us know that all night long Hannah was pretending to be a baby otter. She was "eating" clams and sea stars just like her book "Pup's Supper" about a baby otter and she was floating in the bath tub like an otter among other things. At about 5:30am on Sunday morning I wake up to a loud screetching coming from her first I couldn't figure out what the noise was but then it occurred to me that Hannah was still pretending to be an otter at that early morning hour and rather then calling out my name like she always does when she wakes up she decided she would call out to me in what I can only guess she thought was a baby otter's call. I sent Adam in there to deal with our "baby otter" who thank god went back to sleep. The next time she woke up that morning she was Hannah again b/c she called out to me in the regular "Mamacita" way. :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hannah's "Me Doll"
The month of September at Hannah's pre-school they are studying the human body and learning all about themselves. So our first official school project was to make a doll that looked like Hannah. Last week we were sent home with a blank paper doll cut out about 1 1/2 feet high and told to be creative and have our little one's take the lead in decorating it. So finally last night we got down to working on it and Hannah was so proud of it this morning:

She helped me with all the gluing, pulling of her pom pom strings to help create her own mini pom poms and gluing of that, she layed out all the letters on her shirt and put the stamps on her hands & feet. We also had to attach a card about Hannah so this is what she told me:

This morning we also brought the sunflower seeds from our huge sunflower in the backyard and pictures of how it grew bigger then our house this summer to share with the class so Hannah was in heaven showing everything to her teachers this morning. When the teachers all saw her "Me Doll" they all agreed the Aggie theme was very appropriate for Hannah.
She helped me with all the gluing, pulling of her pom pom strings to help create her own mini pom poms and gluing of that, she layed out all the letters on her shirt and put the stamps on her hands & feet. We also had to attach a card about Hannah so this is what she told me:
This morning we also brought the sunflower seeds from our huge sunflower in the backyard and pictures of how it grew bigger then our house this summer to share with the class so Hannah was in heaven showing everything to her teachers this morning. When the teachers all saw her "Me Doll" they all agreed the Aggie theme was very appropriate for Hannah.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Late nights all around!
We had such a busy weekend but a fun one. Hannah was up until 11pm on Saturday night and 10pm last night...her latest times to date! She had a lot of fun but the poor thing is tired! On Saturday we went to the first Aggie football home game of the season and the first night game in the new stadium, since they just added lights this last year. In addition the game started at 7pm b/c it was being televised so they pushed back the start time. We made sure Hannah took a late nap that day. The game was great! Not only did the Aggies win 38 - 24 against Portland State but there were also some really great plays. Andy and Laura joined Adam, Tara, Jenny, Hannah & I as season ticket holders this year and since Andy & Laura were watching their niece Lily (who is only 3 months younger then Hannah) she came along too. Hannah and Lily got along great as they always do when they get together and both of the girls did really well. Both enjoyed the game and stayed awake until it was over at 10:30pm without too much fussing. Of course we did give them ice cream, popcorn, and other snacks that helped them stay awake but I was still really surprised at how well both of them did. Here are some cute pictures of Lily & Hannah at the game:
Hannah & Lily cheering on the Band-Uh before the game:

At around 9pm the girls were getting a little antsy so we took them for a stroll around the stadium, which turned into a little job sometimes chasing after them...where they got there energy at that time of night I don't know! Oh yeah...possibly the sugar from the ice cream. :) Anyway we stopped at the Aggie Firetruck for the girls to check it out:

And here are the girls back in their seats towards the end of the game...see how much fun they are having that late at night!

The next day Hannah didn't get up until 8:15am which helped her catch up on some sleep. In the afternoon we headed off to Kathryn's house...a classmates of Hannah's since the infant room for a BBQ with her parents and two of Hannah's other classmates, Sydney & Gabby and their parents. Kathryn's house is a beautiful house in South Davis with a pool and of course toys that are like brand new to the the visiting girls. We had a great time swimming there, picking fresh tomatoes from their very large vegetable garden, having a wonderful dinner, and of course playing, playing and more playing. Those 4 girls get along great and so they have so much fun together. And of course the parents have a good time together too and we actually get to talk b/c the girls keep themselves quite occupied with each other. Here is a picture from the pool:

Hannah & Kathryn being silly:

We left Kathryn's house around 8:45pm and Hannah cried practically the whole way home and pretty much from the time we got in the car that she missed her friends and she wanted to go back and spend the night there. It did not help to try and explain to her that she was going to be seeing all her friends the very next day at school. Because she was so sad she didn't go to bed until after 10pm and was just so tired. Poor girl...what we won't do for fun. Adam says she woke up around 8am this again she got a little caught up on sleep but she is still tired. Adam has a Masonic even tonight so Hannah and I plan to have a relaxed evening and watch and early movie and have an early bed time.
Hannah & Lily cheering on the Band-Uh before the game:
At around 9pm the girls were getting a little antsy so we took them for a stroll around the stadium, which turned into a little job sometimes chasing after them...where they got there energy at that time of night I don't know! Oh yeah...possibly the sugar from the ice cream. :) Anyway we stopped at the Aggie Firetruck for the girls to check it out:
And here are the girls back in their seats towards the end of the game...see how much fun they are having that late at night!
The next day Hannah didn't get up until 8:15am which helped her catch up on some sleep. In the afternoon we headed off to Kathryn's house...a classmates of Hannah's since the infant room for a BBQ with her parents and two of Hannah's other classmates, Sydney & Gabby and their parents. Kathryn's house is a beautiful house in South Davis with a pool and of course toys that are like brand new to the the visiting girls. We had a great time swimming there, picking fresh tomatoes from their very large vegetable garden, having a wonderful dinner, and of course playing, playing and more playing. Those 4 girls get along great and so they have so much fun together. And of course the parents have a good time together too and we actually get to talk b/c the girls keep themselves quite occupied with each other. Here is a picture from the pool:
Hannah & Kathryn being silly:
We left Kathryn's house around 8:45pm and Hannah cried practically the whole way home and pretty much from the time we got in the car that she missed her friends and she wanted to go back and spend the night there. It did not help to try and explain to her that she was going to be seeing all her friends the very next day at school. Because she was so sad she didn't go to bed until after 10pm and was just so tired. Poor girl...what we won't do for fun. Adam says she woke up around 8am this again she got a little caught up on sleep but she is still tired. Adam has a Masonic even tonight so Hannah and I plan to have a relaxed evening and watch and early movie and have an early bed time.
Friday, September 12, 2008
My Daddy's a Fireman!
This week at Hannah's school they have been talking about "Community Helpers" and so they asked Adam if he could come in and talk about being a volunteer fireman and maybe get dressed up in his outfit for the kids. So Adam arranged to come talk to the kids at their afternoon circle time yesterday. Hannah was so excited all week that she was going to be her Daddy's special helper that day and yesterday morning when I dropped her off everyone was so excited that Hannah's Daddy the fireman was going to be coming by in the afternoon and Hannah was just glowing!
I of course went along to take pictures and I am so glad I did not miss this. When we got there all the kids ran up to Adam saying "Are you a fireman?"...he was like a celebrity! All the kids (from both preschool classrooms!)gathered around in a circle and Hannah and Adam were the center of attention. Now usually in circle Hannah is pretty quiet and reserved and I usually have to encourage her to answer questions if I am there for circle time...but not yesterday! Her teacher Miss Naomi started off by thanking Hannah for sharing her Daddy with the class and Hannah quickly cuts in "And my Mommy & baby too!". Here are a few pictures at the beginning when Adam still was not dressed up and just talking to the can just tell how proud Hannah is...she just kept squeezing Adam's arm, hugging him and smiling (the lighting was bad in the room and I think my batteries were low on my camera which doesn't make for the best pics):

Adam asked the kids if they knew what a firefighter did and he got some pretty standard answers...they put out fires, they rescue cats from trees...but my favorite was...if lock your kids in the car they help get them out...hopefully that kid was not speaking from personal experience!
As Adam started to slowly put on each piece of his fireman outfit he described to the kids why he wears each piece and the whole time Hannah was either reminding him not to forget this piece or that or just looking at him so happily.

At one point when Adam was almost finished Hannah jumped up and gave Adam a big hug and then hugged his arm...I just have never seen her like was just too cute.

After Adam was done telling kids how a volunteer firefighter is different from a regular firefighter and how not to be scared of a fully masked firefighter if he comes to help you in a fire and giving them some important safety tips, I helped Hannah pass out some firefighter badges (stickers) to all the kids and the presentation was done. It was a huge success and Hannah has not stopped talking about it.
I of course went along to take pictures and I am so glad I did not miss this. When we got there all the kids ran up to Adam saying "Are you a fireman?"...he was like a celebrity! All the kids (from both preschool classrooms!)gathered around in a circle and Hannah and Adam were the center of attention. Now usually in circle Hannah is pretty quiet and reserved and I usually have to encourage her to answer questions if I am there for circle time...but not yesterday! Her teacher Miss Naomi started off by thanking Hannah for sharing her Daddy with the class and Hannah quickly cuts in "And my Mommy & baby too!". Here are a few pictures at the beginning when Adam still was not dressed up and just talking to the can just tell how proud Hannah is...she just kept squeezing Adam's arm, hugging him and smiling (the lighting was bad in the room and I think my batteries were low on my camera which doesn't make for the best pics):

Adam asked the kids if they knew what a firefighter did and he got some pretty standard answers...they put out fires, they rescue cats from trees...but my favorite was...if lock your kids in the car they help get them out...hopefully that kid was not speaking from personal experience!
As Adam started to slowly put on each piece of his fireman outfit he described to the kids why he wears each piece and the whole time Hannah was either reminding him not to forget this piece or that or just looking at him so happily.

At one point when Adam was almost finished Hannah jumped up and gave Adam a big hug and then hugged his arm...I just have never seen her like was just too cute.

After Adam was done telling kids how a volunteer firefighter is different from a regular firefighter and how not to be scared of a fully masked firefighter if he comes to help you in a fire and giving them some important safety tips, I helped Hannah pass out some firefighter badges (stickers) to all the kids and the presentation was done. It was a huge success and Hannah has not stopped talking about it.
Monday, September 8, 2008
So Cute
This morning Hannah asked if we could pull out the baby's bath tub from behind her crib (it has been stored behind there since we last used it for Hannah about 2 1/2 years ago :)) and get it ready so her baby could come. I thought how sweet...she is excited to meet her baby sister. But I told her that her baby still had a lot of growing to do in Mommy's belly and reminded her she had to wait until around Christmas. She then pulled out a blanket and wanted to get it ready so that her baby could come. Again I told her that was really nice but we needed to let her baby do some more growing in my belly. So then she asked if she could look at her baby...she lifted up my shirt and rubbed my belly, gave it a hug, and said "awww". It was so cute!!! Hannah is just going to be the best big sister and I sincerely hope she continues to be this excited about "her baby" after she comes. :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Fun with my Uncle (Strejda Misa)
This past weekend we went down to Marin to visit with my brother, Misa, who had just come back from a month in Alabama in summer time for Air Force Officer training times! He lives in Alaska and is use to cool weather so Alabama in the summer was a real treat. :) There were 380 other officers in training there and believe it or not...for those of you that know my brother...he received the highest award of best trainee (rated on physical/mental and overall ability) out of the 380 others there! I was quite shocked but I was really proud of him.
Saturday we decided to torture my brother with playing in the park and after nap time a trip to the Oakland Zoo. My brother really isn't in to all this kid entertainment stuff but he was a trooper and sucked it up and spent the day with us. Here he is in the morning with Hannah on the slide at the park:

As for the Oakland camera died in the beginning (I forgot to charge my battery) so I relied on my dad with his fancy camera for pictures...I now also have to wait for him to send me pictures, so I only a few a none with animals yet. I can't say I was too thrilled with the Oakland Zoo..especially the had to keep backtracking because there were so many dead ends and I wasn't impressed at all with the animal exhibits. The SF Zoo is much better for that. After checking out many empty animal exhibits we went over to the "amusement park" area. My mom, Hannah & I waited in line for 30 minutes to ride the train! And after that long wait we only saw fake animals along the train route...although Hannah was mildly entertained by it. We of course hit the carousel and volunteered my brother for the ride with her:

But after the carousel we convinced the operators that Hannah was 36 inches (she is like 1/2 inch too short) and they allowed her on the tiger roller coaster ride. When I saw the thick bar come down on this ride I was a little bit concerned that maybe she is too small to be on the ride so I am yelling to my brother to please hang on to her. Another mom was covering her eyes for me as if to say "Oh my god she is too little!" and I thought maybe she shouldn't be on the ride but it was too late, plus I knew my little dare devil loves roller coasters. Right when it took off Hannah started laughing like crazy...I couldn't hear her b/c the ride was so loud and it was the fastest "kid's" roller coaster I have ever seen but her expressions were priceless and my brother was cracking up as well so I knew she was just going crazy. Here is a shot of the two roller coaster riders:

She had such a great time that when she got off the ride she still stood there laughing with her head thrown back in laughter. It was hilarious! That definitely made the trip better and then she even got a piggy back ride to the car from her Strejda Misa (Strejda is Czech for Uncle).

It was quite the busy weekend b/c both on Friday & Saturday she was up until about 9:45pm which is unheard of for her...she is usually in bed by 7:30pm. But it was a good visit and when I get more pictures back from the zoo from my dad I will post them.
Saturday we decided to torture my brother with playing in the park and after nap time a trip to the Oakland Zoo. My brother really isn't in to all this kid entertainment stuff but he was a trooper and sucked it up and spent the day with us. Here he is in the morning with Hannah on the slide at the park:

As for the Oakland camera died in the beginning (I forgot to charge my battery) so I relied on my dad with his fancy camera for pictures...I now also have to wait for him to send me pictures, so I only a few a none with animals yet. I can't say I was too thrilled with the Oakland Zoo..especially the had to keep backtracking because there were so many dead ends and I wasn't impressed at all with the animal exhibits. The SF Zoo is much better for that. After checking out many empty animal exhibits we went over to the "amusement park" area. My mom, Hannah & I waited in line for 30 minutes to ride the train! And after that long wait we only saw fake animals along the train route...although Hannah was mildly entertained by it. We of course hit the carousel and volunteered my brother for the ride with her:

But after the carousel we convinced the operators that Hannah was 36 inches (she is like 1/2 inch too short) and they allowed her on the tiger roller coaster ride. When I saw the thick bar come down on this ride I was a little bit concerned that maybe she is too small to be on the ride so I am yelling to my brother to please hang on to her. Another mom was covering her eyes for me as if to say "Oh my god she is too little!" and I thought maybe she shouldn't be on the ride but it was too late, plus I knew my little dare devil loves roller coasters. Right when it took off Hannah started laughing like crazy...I couldn't hear her b/c the ride was so loud and it was the fastest "kid's" roller coaster I have ever seen but her expressions were priceless and my brother was cracking up as well so I knew she was just going crazy. Here is a shot of the two roller coaster riders:

She had such a great time that when she got off the ride she still stood there laughing with her head thrown back in laughter. It was hilarious! That definitely made the trip better and then she even got a piggy back ride to the car from her Strejda Misa (Strejda is Czech for Uncle).

It was quite the busy weekend b/c both on Friday & Saturday she was up until about 9:45pm which is unheard of for her...she is usually in bed by 7:30pm. But it was a good visit and when I get more pictures back from the zoo from my dad I will post them.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tadpole Swim Class
Hannah was approved to be in the Tadpole swim class this week which is for 3 year olds and even though she turns 3 in a couple of months it took an act of congress with the City of Davis to get her in even though her previous instructor approved her for it. I guess that is just how the City works.
When Adam took her on the first day of class we found out that we don't have to be in the water with her and it is a private lesson!!! SWEET!! I can't tell you how relaxing it is to just sit on the grass and observe her lesson rather then be involved in it...this is the first class of its type that we have been a part of. Well of course since I don't have to participate it gave me plenty of opportunity to take pictures. So here they are:
Hannah and her instructor "Ada" sitting on the edge of the pool waiting for their safety lesson for the day:

Hannah practicing her kicking:

Hannah practicing using her arms to swim (she is the little dot in the middle of the picture:

There is always some play time involved..I think she was making some Mac & Cheese here...her favorite:

And here is Hannah & Ada going off the diving board together! Hannah was all excited about it but after the first jump she wasn't so sure. But she was brave enough to try it again...but the jury is still out on if she truly enjoyed it:

And round #2:

The color is a little off in the picture above...I can't seem to get it to touch up the picture in iPhoto...hmmm.
Anyway, Hannah's teacher Ada told me yesterday that she has already learned all her "Tadpole Skills" and that she could advance to being a Turtle, but that is for 4 year olds and her attention span b/c of her age might be a little too short for that. No worries b/c the City of Davis only has one more week of swim lessons to offer and so we are just going to put her straight into either the Davis Athletic Club or Swim America lessons for the Fall & Winter to keep up her swimming skills. I hope to have her be able to swim on her own by next summer so that I don't have to worry too much about her in the pool since I will have a baby to look after as well!
When Adam took her on the first day of class we found out that we don't have to be in the water with her and it is a private lesson!!! SWEET!! I can't tell you how relaxing it is to just sit on the grass and observe her lesson rather then be involved in it...this is the first class of its type that we have been a part of. Well of course since I don't have to participate it gave me plenty of opportunity to take pictures. So here they are:
Hannah and her instructor "Ada" sitting on the edge of the pool waiting for their safety lesson for the day:

Hannah practicing her kicking:

Hannah practicing using her arms to swim (she is the little dot in the middle of the picture:

There is always some play time involved..I think she was making some Mac & Cheese here...her favorite:

And here is Hannah & Ada going off the diving board together! Hannah was all excited about it but after the first jump she wasn't so sure. But she was brave enough to try it again...but the jury is still out on if she truly enjoyed it:

And round #2:

The color is a little off in the picture above...I can't seem to get it to touch up the picture in iPhoto...hmmm.
Anyway, Hannah's teacher Ada told me yesterday that she has already learned all her "Tadpole Skills" and that she could advance to being a Turtle, but that is for 4 year olds and her attention span b/c of her age might be a little too short for that. No worries b/c the City of Davis only has one more week of swim lessons to offer and so we are just going to put her straight into either the Davis Athletic Club or Swim America lessons for the Fall & Winter to keep up her swimming skills. I hope to have her be able to swim on her own by next summer so that I don't have to worry too much about her in the pool since I will have a baby to look after as well!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Cousin Time
Hannah is very lucky to have such great cousins and that they all get along so well. In the past Hannah's girl cousins Kathryn (11) and and Krystina (8) have frequently come to visit and the 3 girls are like 3 peas in a pod. They are so excited to see each other and they all get along so well. Hannah also has a boy cousin Joey (6) that she doesn't get to see as often but luckily this past weekend he came to visit with Adam's mom, "Nali" b/c it was her birthday on Saturday and she was watching Joey for the week. Hannah was so excited to see Joey and those two were like peas in a pod also. It was "monkey see monkey do" with those two. Every noise or action one did the other copied. We had a super busy weekend but super fun at the same time so lets see if I can quickly recap it here:
First on Friday Joey & Nali picked Hannah up from school, did lots of playing and then we created a bed for Joey so he could sleep in Hannah's room with is a picture just before bedtime stories:

On Saturday Hannah and Joey got up around 6:45am and I listened to about a 20 minute conversation between the 2 on the monitor...that was hilarious. The two did some more playing and running around. We took Tulip for a walk and as you can see here the kids went crazy running in the field

We also stopped at the park briefly for some slide fun before heading home to head off to Hannah's gymnastics.

Then it was off to gymnastics where normally Hannah has tons of energy but she was already fading by now. Then we went to the Farmer's Market where Hannah and Joey rode the Merry-Go-Round:

After some more playing at the park there it was off to home to take a nap (for both Hannah & I). After a 3 hour nap for Hannah and a 2 hour nap for me we woke up and all went to the pool. By now Adam's aunt had come up to visit for Adam's mom's birthday (her sister) and so we had quite the group heading off to the pool.

After some late afternoon swimming we all went out to dinner to Bistro 33 to celebrate Nali's birthday and afterwards there was a band there so of course there was some dancing to be done:

After dinner to was back home for some birthday pie and presents and the kids finally went to sleep around 9pm! The whole gang spent the night.
On Sunday we all went to the Yolo County Fair to have fun and say hi to Adam who was working the beer booth for the West Plainfield Station Fire Dept. Joey & Hannah were really excited to be they are with their excited smiling faces headed to the fair:

When we got there we of course first stopped by to say hi to Adam in his beer booth:

When we got there the rides had not yet opened up so we looked at some animals:

Joey & Hannah were dying for the rides to open at noon and when they finally did here is Hannah's face filled with excitement when she saw them start working:

Now they say this is the only "free" fair left in the state...yeah well it is free to get in but then they get you on the rides and everything else. We spent about $65 on all the rides b/c of the two kids and the fact that most of the rides an adult had to accompany them. I of course was not that adult thanks to this sign on every ride:

Even though I couldn't go on any rides...which I was pissed about...Adam's mom & aunt went and had a great time and even Adam got away from his beer booth for one here is what we spent $65 on:

Dragon Spinning tea cup like thing:

Whale spinning up and down thing (Hannah loves this one!):

Dragon Roller Coaster:

Really slow train ride but Hannah enjoyed being in the engine and "driving" everyone around the track (by the way that is Adam's aunt on the ride with her):

Caterpillar Roller Coaster:

Truck "roller coaster"...

Hannah saw Joey on this ride so of course she had to go too:

There were a few more but my camera ran out of batteries and so was I in a sense. We were there until 2pm and we were tired!! Even though everyone was tired Hannah still cried on the way out that she wanted to go back.
We got home said good-bye to Adam's mom, Adam's aunt & Joey and went down for a nap. But still when she woke up she woke up crying that she missed her Joey & Nali and it was hard to console her b/c she had such a good time with them. Both on Sunday & last night Hannah cries out "JOEY!!" as she is laying in her crib b/c she misses him and wants him sleeping with her in her room again. Poor thing! At least they had a lot of fun and got to spend a lot of great time together. As I said Hannah is very lucky to have such great cousins she gets along is fun to watch her have all that fun with them b/c I never experienced that. :(
First on Friday Joey & Nali picked Hannah up from school, did lots of playing and then we created a bed for Joey so he could sleep in Hannah's room with is a picture just before bedtime stories:

On Saturday Hannah and Joey got up around 6:45am and I listened to about a 20 minute conversation between the 2 on the monitor...that was hilarious. The two did some more playing and running around. We took Tulip for a walk and as you can see here the kids went crazy running in the field

We also stopped at the park briefly for some slide fun before heading home to head off to Hannah's gymnastics.

Then it was off to gymnastics where normally Hannah has tons of energy but she was already fading by now. Then we went to the Farmer's Market where Hannah and Joey rode the Merry-Go-Round:

After some more playing at the park there it was off to home to take a nap (for both Hannah & I). After a 3 hour nap for Hannah and a 2 hour nap for me we woke up and all went to the pool. By now Adam's aunt had come up to visit for Adam's mom's birthday (her sister) and so we had quite the group heading off to the pool.

After some late afternoon swimming we all went out to dinner to Bistro 33 to celebrate Nali's birthday and afterwards there was a band there so of course there was some dancing to be done:

After dinner to was back home for some birthday pie and presents and the kids finally went to sleep around 9pm! The whole gang spent the night.
On Sunday we all went to the Yolo County Fair to have fun and say hi to Adam who was working the beer booth for the West Plainfield Station Fire Dept. Joey & Hannah were really excited to be they are with their excited smiling faces headed to the fair:

When we got there we of course first stopped by to say hi to Adam in his beer booth:

When we got there the rides had not yet opened up so we looked at some animals:

Joey & Hannah were dying for the rides to open at noon and when they finally did here is Hannah's face filled with excitement when she saw them start working:

Now they say this is the only "free" fair left in the state...yeah well it is free to get in but then they get you on the rides and everything else. We spent about $65 on all the rides b/c of the two kids and the fact that most of the rides an adult had to accompany them. I of course was not that adult thanks to this sign on every ride:

Even though I couldn't go on any rides...which I was pissed about...Adam's mom & aunt went and had a great time and even Adam got away from his beer booth for one here is what we spent $65 on:

Dragon Spinning tea cup like thing:

Whale spinning up and down thing (Hannah loves this one!):

Dragon Roller Coaster:

Really slow train ride but Hannah enjoyed being in the engine and "driving" everyone around the track (by the way that is Adam's aunt on the ride with her):

Caterpillar Roller Coaster:

Truck "roller coaster"...

Hannah saw Joey on this ride so of course she had to go too:

There were a few more but my camera ran out of batteries and so was I in a sense. We were there until 2pm and we were tired!! Even though everyone was tired Hannah still cried on the way out that she wanted to go back.
We got home said good-bye to Adam's mom, Adam's aunt & Joey and went down for a nap. But still when she woke up she woke up crying that she missed her Joey & Nali and it was hard to console her b/c she had such a good time with them. Both on Sunday & last night Hannah cries out "JOEY!!" as she is laying in her crib b/c she misses him and wants him sleeping with her in her room again. Poor thing! At least they had a lot of fun and got to spend a lot of great time together. As I said Hannah is very lucky to have such great cousins she gets along is fun to watch her have all that fun with them b/c I never experienced that. :(
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