Tara has nominated my blog for a Superior Scribbler Award. I have never heard of it but I don't care it is an award and I am honored! Thanks Tara! :)
Now my job is to pass it along to 5 other bloggers who I think are worthy of it. I must admit I don't read too many blogs so this won't be too tough.
First I will pass this honor right back to Tara because I love to read about all the adventures the twins put her through and she has a great way of writing about it.
Next her husband Paul is a great blogger, although he has had a lack of updates lately on his blog and rather has been keeping us updated via his Twitter Account they are very funny and some in random ways.
Christina has adorable updates about her life with her little girl Ashley and always has great pictures or videos to go along with it.
My next nominee I actually don't even know. I kind of feel like a blog stalker but Christina's friend Kerry has a great blog that is linked on Christina's blog site. I stumbled across it towards the beginning of my pregnancy with Samantha and at the time Kerry had a 3 year old girl and a brand new baby girl and so I started reading her blog as "research" for what would soon be my life. It turns out Kerry is HILARIOUS and her stories are so great. Christina knows I am reading her friend's blog but I don't think that Kerry knows yet. I guess now that I have nominated her I am going to have to clue her into the fact that I keep up with her blog...I hope she doesn't think I am weird and rather finds it an honor. :)
Okay nominees, here are your rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link me for giving it to you
3. Link the originating post nominating you here.
4. Pass the award on to 5 more deserving people
5. Post these rules for your recipients
Our housecleaner, Sophia came today so I had to pack my bedrest butt up and trek over to a friend's house to lay on their couch for two hours so I wouldn't get in Sophia's way. I really didn't think that it would be that big of a deal but I was exhausted from that trek! Of course it was so worth it because coming home to a sparkling clean house was wonderful and on top of it Sophia baked us pork tamales and left them in our fridge...how nice is that?!!! We have the best housecleaner.
Last night we put Tulip and Hannah in front of the Christmas tree to try and capture a good picture for our Christmas card this year and we got a really good shot of our "evil" dog...

We thought it would be great to put "naughty" over Tulip's picture and "nice" over Hannah's. My parents neighbors hate Tulip b/c they think she is the devil's spaun so we also thought this would be a perfect picture for them...ha-ha. We got a good laugh from this picture. :)
P.S. I am so not tech saavy so putting all these links into this blog took a great amount of time and I must say I am proud of myself for doing it...even though it took me about an hour to do it!
Thank you Nicole! You are so funny about your links. And I love the picture! I bet your dog won't turn out "evil" if you try again in the natural light without a flash. Although, speaking from experience, I know how hard it is to photograph a black dog!
OK, just did it - but I couldn't find anything about this award anywhere. What do you get if you win? Love the picture of your tree and I think your housecleaner is wonderful!!
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