We warned Hannah that this weekend "The Pac Fairy" might be coming and so on Sunday before nap time we decided that this is when she would come. We told Hannah that the "Pac Fairy" comes when she feels boys and girls are old enough to give up their pacifiers to babies and smaller boys and girls that need it more then she does. What we do is we place it in an envelope, address it to the "Pac Fairy" and put it in the mailbox. If Hannah managed to get along without her "pac" and be a big girl and take a good nap without her pac the "Pac Fairy" would know leave a present for her. So before nap time we addressed our envelope to the "Pac Fairy" and Hannah for some reason remembered some little boy at the pool that she thought needed it so we made a special request on the back for the "Pac Fairy" to give it to that little boy. Here are the pictures of us going out to the mailbox before nap time to place our pacifier in there for the "Pac Fairy":
The front of the envlope:

The back with our special request:

And Hannah putting it in the mailbox and putting up the flag:

Then we went back inside and I read her a few stories. Normally I sit and rock with her a little bit but she wanted to go to sleep right away so the "Pac Fairy" could come...great!
When she woke up from her nap about 2 hours later she started to cry b/c she didn't think the "Pac Fairy" had come. Apparently she thought she would see her. We had to explain to her that the "Pac Fairy" is really quick and that she would leave the present in the mailbox for her. So off we went to check the mailbox and low and behold there was something in there for her!!
Getting ready to open up the mailbox:

The package!!

Hannah was so excited she was jumping up and down in Adam's arms and gave him a big hug! Then we had to quickly go inside to see what she brought to Hannah:

Hannah had a great time pulling out each of the 3 books and then of course we had to sit there and read them. We were so proud of her and she did such a great job without her "pac". Granted the last about 1 1/2 years at school she has been sleeping without it b/c they make them give it up in the Toddler Room but she had never done that at home. We even let her choose a special dinner last night and she chose pizza with olives of course...her favorite. Then we had special family movie night and watched "Lady & the Tramp" in Mommy & Daddy's room.
All was going well until she had a rough time falling asleep and she kept saying she wanted to go sleep in Mommy & Daddy's room. She didn't fall asleep until about 9:30pm and I was beginning to worry it was due to her lack of the pacifier. She even got up in her crib at one point and looked around on the shelf where her "pac" was normally kept but she never mentioned it at all. She finally fell asleep and slept until about 8am this morning only waking up maybe once last night...so overall I would say her first official night without her "pac" was a successful one! Let's hope it continues, but much thanks to Super Nanny for the wonderful "Pacifier Fairy" idea!
1 comment:
Right on Hannah! That's great! I hope that she continues to do well without her pac.
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