Saturday we decided to torture my brother with playing in the park and after nap time a trip to the Oakland Zoo. My brother really isn't in to all this kid entertainment stuff but he was a trooper and sucked it up and spent the day with us. Here he is in the morning with Hannah on the slide at the park:

As for the Oakland camera died in the beginning (I forgot to charge my battery) so I relied on my dad with his fancy camera for pictures...I now also have to wait for him to send me pictures, so I only a few a none with animals yet. I can't say I was too thrilled with the Oakland Zoo..especially the had to keep backtracking because there were so many dead ends and I wasn't impressed at all with the animal exhibits. The SF Zoo is much better for that. After checking out many empty animal exhibits we went over to the "amusement park" area. My mom, Hannah & I waited in line for 30 minutes to ride the train! And after that long wait we only saw fake animals along the train route...although Hannah was mildly entertained by it. We of course hit the carousel and volunteered my brother for the ride with her:

But after the carousel we convinced the operators that Hannah was 36 inches (she is like 1/2 inch too short) and they allowed her on the tiger roller coaster ride. When I saw the thick bar come down on this ride I was a little bit concerned that maybe she is too small to be on the ride so I am yelling to my brother to please hang on to her. Another mom was covering her eyes for me as if to say "Oh my god she is too little!" and I thought maybe she shouldn't be on the ride but it was too late, plus I knew my little dare devil loves roller coasters. Right when it took off Hannah started laughing like crazy...I couldn't hear her b/c the ride was so loud and it was the fastest "kid's" roller coaster I have ever seen but her expressions were priceless and my brother was cracking up as well so I knew she was just going crazy. Here is a shot of the two roller coaster riders:

She had such a great time that when she got off the ride she still stood there laughing with her head thrown back in laughter. It was hilarious! That definitely made the trip better and then she even got a piggy back ride to the car from her Strejda Misa (Strejda is Czech for Uncle).

It was quite the busy weekend b/c both on Friday & Saturday she was up until about 9:45pm which is unheard of for her...she is usually in bed by 7:30pm. But it was a good visit and when I get more pictures back from the zoo from my dad I will post them.
I am bummed you didn't like the Oakland Zoo. We love it! It is the perfect size for us, and only 15-20 minutes away, and it usually isn't very crowded. Srikant took Ashley there on Sunday. Did you go down to the Children's Zoo area? I haven't been to the SF Zoo since I was a kid - I am sure it is much bigger than Oakland and has many more animals.
The Oakland Zoo has a lot of dead ends, but it also has 100% fewer Tiger maulings than the SF Zoo, so at least there's that....
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