Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain, please go away!!

We have our first official storm of the season and while most people enjoy the rain I DO NOT!! Here is a little story of why I do not like the rain:

I left for work this morning at 8:25am by car, and 45 minutes LATER I got to work. This trip should have taken 10 minutes tops! For some reason when it rains people find the need to drive like it is snowing outside in whiteout conditions and lose all sense of how to drive...of course this drives me nuts!! Come on people, you do not need to drive 15 mph down the road...25 is already slow enough you will manage to stop or avoid something if you are driving that slow already. Really it is just water, not snow or ice. Then of course god forbid a tree branch has fallen down in the road, people then really lose all sense of what they should do. It is really quite simple, slow down and go AROUND it...do not stop, think about it for a while and then VERY slowly proceed to go around it, just go already...it is not going to jump out and bite you.
With a storm for some reason a lot of traffic lights seem to go out, which then of courses causes a lot of backup b/c it is too difficult for people to understand the art of stopping and taking turns going once you have stopped. Either they all go at the same time or everyone waits way too long to let someone else go first, which then causes a traffic jam a mile long.
I finally make it downtown to find that the railroad sensor has probably malfunctioned probably due to the wind and the railroad guards are down for no particular reason what so ever causing another huge backup. After I make a u-turn with several other cars and make a large detour through Davis to go over Covell,which bypasses the track, but not before again being slowed down by the drivers scared to drive in rain and by obstacles in the road.
Next I finally make it to campus which again has a HUGE back up b/c now I have made it just in time for the 9am class traffic and the line of cars to turn into campus is long and then comes another long line to get into the parking structure. I of course need to buy a permit b/c I don't have one since I normally walk from downtown where I park for free and everyone else of course is buying permits today so there is another long line for that. I choose to risk it and bypass the line for permits to get a parking spot first since I am worried they will be all taken. Then I figure I will go to my office put my things down and then go back out and buy a permit b/c the line should have dwindled by then. The only spots left are on the top level which is exposed to the elements and as I jump out of the car the rain and wind hit me and practically blow me over as I try to open my umbrella. I get down 2 flights of stairs before I realize that I must have dropped my car keys somewhere b/c I cannot find them so I go back up the stairs (which are uncovered by the way so I am getting pelted with rain and wind) and when finally back on the top level a nice lady has picked them up for me and hands them to me b/c she found the on the ground. I say "thank you" and then head back down the 4 flights of stairs and the short run to the building. Of course now it is after 9am I am drenched from that short little run in the rain even though I had a raincoat on and an umbrella! People at my work thought I walked in from off campus and are quite surprise to find out I just came from the parking structure. Of course I now have to go back out to the parking structure to purchase my permit that I chose not to wait in line for and find that that was a huge mistake on my part b/c when I get out there, there is a still a long line for permits, so now I have to wait behind a car but without being in the comfort of my own car. In addition, there are idiots who chose to purchase a permit with 6 crumpled $1 bills so it takes them like 10 minutes to purchase a permit b/c the bills keep going in and out...just use a freaking card already!!!! I finally buy my permit, run up the 4 flights of uncovered stairs, put the permit in my car, run down 4 flights of uncovered stairs and back into the office. By now it looks like I just came out of the shower, again even though I had a raincoat and an umbrella and what I really need is a blow dryer for my hair and brand new shoes b/c mine are soaking wet! Luckily I have a small heater so I prop up my shoes to dry them but in the mean time I have no shoes. I consider making temporary shoes out of kleenex boxes (like on the last episode of "The Office") but b/c of budget cuts we no longer get kleenex boxes. So here I sit at work bare foot, wet from the knees down, wet hair and really wishing this rain would go away.


P.S. Hannah came up with a great new reason to get out of bed this morning...she claims she was pretending Pluto was barking so she had to come sleep in our bed. I told her to just not pretend he was barking and she wouldn't have this problem but she said that he has been barking all night b/c she was pretending he was barking. That is a new one I haven't heard of before. I have to give her creativity points. :)


PxT said...

So after all this you got to work by, what, 11? Around 1pm you will need to start the reverse process so you can make it home by 5.

PxT said...

Also, why didn't you just ride the bus?

Christina said...

Oh no! What a pain, sorry Nicole!