The dinner also lasted a little longer then anticipated and Hannah passed out...even before Samantha, which was surprising.

The next day Adam had meetings all day so the girls and I started out the morning by taking a walk to the park near by but took a little detour to walk some really steep hills b/c Hannah was very curious about them.

And then of course we needed to rest b/c she was "so tired"...we need to get her out of the valley more often.

After Hannah was done resting we finally made it to the park and fun was had...

After this I drove with the girls to the East Bay to visit my dad at work and then we drove over to Marin to visit Nali at work and pick her up. I was dropping the girls off with her for the night b/c Adam and I were having our first overnight by ourselves since Samantha was born. I dropped them off and then headed back to the city for our formal dinner evening in the Carnelian Room at the top of the B of A building. Here are the views from way up there (a little scary but amazing at the same time!)..

Can you tell we were happy to be away from the kids for one night!

I was so excited to sleep that night and the next morning! Adam had early morning meetings again the next day...sucker! But I slept until 9:30am and then I did not get out of bed until 12:30pm...that's right PM!! I finally dragged myself out of bed to go back to Marin to pick up Adam's mom (Nali) and the girls to bring them back to the hotel to stay with us on Saturday night. Adam and I had another formal dinner but this time it was in the Fairmont Hotel and Adam's mom watched the girls in our room. Although while Adam and I were getting ready for our dinner we were wondering why we didn't just leave everyone in Marin b/c it might have been easier on everyone. Oh well.
The next day Nali, the girls and I went for a cable car ride. We walked down Powell St. in S.F. to the bottom so that we could ride the cable car all the way back up. The walk down Hannah was grouchy and I kept threatening her that if she didn't behave that she was going to be walking back up and we would be waving at her from the cable car...I know I know that is not very nice but she was being a pain. Even Samantha was being grouchy in the bjorn and so I decided to take this lovely picture at Union Square which perfectly reflects Samantha's grouchiness.

We finally made it to the bottom of the hill and got on the cable car and Samantha looked a little nervous on the ride...she wasn't too sure what to make of it...

Here we all are on the cable car...and might I add that all these pictures taken on the cable car and at Union Square are with me just holding the camera out there and taking a picture...I must say I have pretty good aim.

I think the ride stressed Samantha out b/c we got back to the hotel room and she fell fast asleep in her fancy Fairmont Hotel crib with a fancy sheet and bumper...no porta-a-crib here.

It was a nice weekend...tiring but nice. Here are a few more pics...
Hannah made a "friend" at the park. This adorable bull dog followed her around everywhere and kept pace with her...when Hannah stopped he stopped...he was too cute. I have always wanted a bulldog.

Samantha decided it would be fun to lean back and watch the sky while in the swing...it was too funny b/c she kept doing it over and over...it was like she was in her own little world.

Shopping at Safeway with the girls and for the first time putting them in the same shopping cart car to ride in...they argued a bit over who was touching who's steering wheel...ahh I can just see the future fights over other items:

Back at home at the end of Sept. Samantha continued to fine tune her crawling skills. She also enjoyed sticking a toy in her mouth and carrying it around as if she were a dog...probably b/c Tulip is her idol.

She also enjoyed riding on Tulip...Tulip is such a trooper.

On the 29th of Sept I was "lucky" enough to take the girls to the doctor for Samantha's 9 month appt and to get us all our flu shots. We had to pin Hannah down for hers but mine and Samantha's were pretty uneventful. Here are the girls with our awesome doctor, Dr. Seimens (before Hannah even knew we were there for shots)

Last, Samantha is in a growling phase...she likes to growl at people...again I think it is because Tulip is her idol. Here is a picture of Samantha growling at Dr. Seimens and Dr. Seimens growling back at her...too cute.

Only 2 weeks before Hannah's 4th b-day and she CANNOT wait. She also talks non-stop about her princess party coming as well...it should be interesting.
1 comment:
That is an absolutely gorgeous picture of the 4 of you! And what a fun weekend in SF, good for you guys!
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