It was also fun because Hannah has not been on a plane since she was 9 months old so it was an adventure too. I was pretty confident that she would do well and she did! She loved it! Adam even managed to get her car seat to fit on the airplane seat and so it was like she had a booster seat and she could see perfectly outside. She loved it when the plane took off and banked and turned, she said it was like a roller coaster!
Here she is having a snack on the airplane:

In Burbank you get off the plane outside so here is Hannah posing for a picture with our plane:

We were staying at the Hyatt in Santa Clarita and it was nice! We got there around noon, had a nap, or I should say tried to but with no luck b/c Hannah slept for about 1/2 hour in the car on the way to the hotel. After we "rested" we had a welcoming social hour with goodies and then had time to go swimming at the hotel pool before dinner.
Here is Hannah swimming with her Daddy:

And Hannah going under water which she does non stop!! She is obsessed with it!

And making new friends with some of the other kids of the Masons who are going to be Officers this year:

She fell in love with this 11 year old girl named Grace and the two were cute buddies because Grace loves little kids. So that is nice to know that she will get to see her a lot over the course of the year.
After dinner we were all going to the production of "Grease" at the local community college. It was at 8pm and I was worried about how late it was but really wanted to take Hannah b/c I knew she would love it. She was starting to fade before the musical started but as soon as the curtains went up and the singing and dancing started her eyes popped wide open, she sat up straight on my lap, and she couldn't get enough. By intermission it was 9:15pm and she was clearly tired and I kept saying she should go home with Adam to the hotel to sleep but she would not budge, she wanted to stay. Adam I think would have preferred to go home, but no luck, Hannah is a "Grease" fan like me. :) About 2 songs into the second part of the musical Hannah finally gave in and went home with Adam. She was exhausted! Especially since she only had a 1/2 hour nap that day and many adventures. Adam said she did not wake up when he took her out of the car or put her down in bed...she was out!
The next day she woke up at 7am (even with the dark curtains in the room!) and off we went to breakfast. There they presented all the kids with hand made totes with each of their names on them that one of the older ladies had made and Hannah was so excited! After she got hers she came running back to me as if though she had just won a million dollars. The lady who made them said the look on Hannah's face was worth all the effort she put into them. Of course this was the only time I forgot my camera in the room and someone is suppose to email me a picture of all the kids with their totes, so as soon as I have it I will post it.
Next we had a brief meeting and had to leave Hannah and all the kids with some babysitters (Hannah and I were both traumatized...she recovered quickly as she always does, I on the other hand cried in the meeting to talk about what is coming up this year). I happily left the meeting after only about one hour and a half though so Hannah and I could get a short nap in. After our hour nap, which Hannah had to be waken up from...poor thing we were off to the house of the Grand Master of California for next year for a BBQ and more swimming! Here are some pictures from that:

Hannah and her buddy Grace again:

And after all that we headed back to the airport to catch our flight back. Hannah fell asleep in like the last few minutes of the flight just as we were landing...

She was exhausted! She only slept for like 5 minutes but that recharged her for the ride home. On the ride home we got to see this lovely sunset:

And we also passed a truck and saw a not so lovely thing. On the back of this truck were two big white boards and one said "Be a flirt, flip your skirt" and the other said "Whip it out Wednesday". I was so in shock that it didn't even occur to me to take a picture of that for proof until after we passed the horn ball. Which by the way as we passed him he had another sign in his side front window that said "Flash Friday" and he was looking out the window at us with a big creepy smile...yuck!! It totally reminded me of the horn ball trucker in the movie "Thelma and Louise" that they kept running into and in the end they blow up his truck. So gross.
Anyway, Hannah went to sleep at 9pm last night finally and didn't wake up this morning until 9am!! Which for those for those of you that know Hannah, a 9am wake time is unheard of! Clearly this girl was super tired and so I let her sleep and was quite late to work. She woke up at 9am in a cheery mood and was giving Tulip lots of attention...I think the two missed each other this weekend:

Looks like a very fun, and very quick, trip! Glad Hannah enjoys the pool so much!
Ah yes... Flash Friday. That's standard around here.
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