Thursday, February 28, 2008

Carrots with what?!

Hannah is not a fan of eating any fruits or vegetables. We constantly offer but we usually always hear "Hannah no like it". One thing Hannah does like a lot is ketchup. She likes it on a lot of things she eats or dipping things into it. Tonight Adam offered her one of his carrots and suprisingly she said yes! I was quited shocked but then I was even more shocked when Hannah asked for ketchup. I asked her if it was to dip the carrot into and she said yes. So I got up and squeezed some ketchup into a bowl and off to work Hannah went dipping and eating her carrot dipped in ketchup. Hey, whatever gets her to eat a veggie I will do it. Here is some proof:


Tara said...

That's awesome!

PxT said...

Last night Abby ate strawberries with Ranch dressing. Delicious!

Christina said...

That is great, whatever will get her to eat the veggies is wonderful ... and ketchup is tomato - so double the goodness!

Susie Cauchi said...

That's just nasty! We like Jalapeno Poppers with Pomegranate Jelly - that's normal, right?