The past 5 years of living at our house we have been looking at weeds. I must say we are pretty good at growing weeds. Anyway we kept saying we needed to do something with our yard but just never set our mind to it. So we have finally decided to do something and have started! Our neighbor Dave (who has the best front and backyard in the neighborhood I might add) does construction and apparently now landscaping too since we have hired him to re-do our backyard. It was just too big of an undertaking for us, especially with a toddler and so the work has started! He came in a mowed the weeds down, took a rototiller to the dirt and in general cleaned up our incredibly over grown back yard. Today the tree removal guys are there and they are taking 2 trees down in the back that have really served us no purpose and are quite unhealthy. As they were climbing in the tree this morning Hannah and Tulip were glued to the slider as they watched. Hannah kept laughing and saying "Monkey!" I guess they looked like monkeys to her in a tree. :) Once the tree removal is complete I am guessing the landscaping will begin. I have been assured by Dave that I can send out Hannah's b-day invitations saying that her party will be held in the backyard...yay! So here are some before and current shots of our backyard:


And here is a cute picture of Hannah on her way to school today :) :
Yay! FINALLY! I think Hannah and Tulip will be so happy to have their own backyard to play in!!! And Tom and Abby will be happy to come over and play with them in their new yard. :-)
How exciting! That will be so fun for Hannah to play in her new backyard. Any updates to these pictures by now?
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