After gymnastics class on Saturday morning we dropped Tulip off at "camp" and headed to San Francisco for our movie debut. :) Adam was asked if our family would like to participate in an informational DVD about what being a Mason is all about. So we took the ferry to SF and then the Cable Car to Nob Hill to the Masonic Temple of California to record our clip. The trip there was interesting. We had been telling Hannah that we were going on a boat for like 2 days and the girl could not have been more excited. Big old smiles and she kept talking about this boat. Well as we get up to the boat she became kind of quite. We thought she was amazed with the boat when in reality the girl was terrified b/c the instant we stepped foot on the ferry and tried to sit down she started crying and screaming "ALL DONE!!" Well we weren't going to get off the boat now! So we had to walk her around and try and distract her but every now and then she would remember where she was and start crying...poor thing! But if you were to ask her today if she enjoyed the boat ride she would tell you yes...kids are funny. Anyway, so as we are on the ferry I am beginning to worry about how she is going to like the Cable Car b/c that in my eyes is a lot scarier then the boat...but she loved the Cable Car! With all its noise, rattling cables, incredibly steep hill climbs and being open to all the craziness that SF has to offer (we sat on the outside) she was in heaven. Everytime it stopped she was scream for more. We finally made it to the Masonic Temple, got set up for our movie shot, interviewed and then headed back down the hill on the Cable Car & back to Marin on the ferry. Luckily by the time we got to our ferry ride home Hannah was so tired that she slept through all of it. Here are some pictures of our adventure that day:

Watching the Ferry

On the Ferry

On the Cable Car

Getting ready for our "close up"
Then on Sunday we went to the SF Zoo. What fun! We saw all sorts of animals and Hannah lasted until 2:30! It was amazing considering she normally goes down for a nap at noon. Here is a picture of a peacock trying to steal Hannah's snack...

And who knew the sheep unionized?! (If you can't read the sign it says "Sheep Break Area")

All in all a great weekend...I think Hannah has the potential to become a CEO:

Ha! She sounds just like Tom. He talks about buses, plays with buses, reads about buses and probably dreams about buses, but screams when we board one. Ah....toddlers! I'm glad you had fun! It looked coooooooold out there though! Brrrrrr!
What a fun and packed weekend!
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