Not only did we have enough snow, the Lake Tahoe region had so much snow they didn't know what to do with it all. We had the cabin reserved from Friday - Monday and on Thursday a huge storm came through, and not only that but it had been snowing all week prior. When we woke up on Friday morning we found out I-80 was closed but that it should be opening at noon. So at 11:30am we left our houses hoping that I-80 would open up for a small period of time, enough to let us through so we could get to the cabin on Friday.
As we started to approach the Grass Valley/Colfax area we started seeing trucks just lining I-80 because they had not been allowed through for a while. I of course had to take a picture b/c how often do you see a lot of semi-trucks lining the freeway.

And then when we got to Colfax the freeway turned into a parking lot because the freeway was still not open east bound, it was only open west bound.

We did move very slowly as the CHP was directing us off the freeway and speaking into a loud speaker to tell us the freeway would be closed for several more hours and they don't know when it would re-open because there was just so much snow they didn't know where to put it all. By the way, if you haven't figured it out already that white truck all loaded down with tons of stuff that is in my pictures is our neighbors truck and we were following them.
We hung out in Grass Valley at the McDonald's parking lot that was packed as was every other business parking lot in the area. We had no idea how long we would be there we were only hoping we would be let through. After only hanging out for about 1/2 hour we looked and saw the freeway was moving in the east bound direction and it appeared that everyone else realized this at the same time. Everyone seemed to jump in their car and then it turned into another parking lot trying to get back on I-80.
Once there we were cruising along just fine, but only for a little bit. As we were going up in elevation the snow quickly started growing and it started snowing quite a bit, so we had to pull over to put our chains on. Once that was done we got back on the freeway and went maybe 1/2 mile and then came to a stop as all the traffic had now caught up and we were back to sitting in a parking lot because just so many people were trying to get through.
About this time Hannah kept asking if she could go play in the snow. We told her that there would be plenty of time for that. Well in a 5 year old mind I think that she thought if I tell them I have to go the bathroom I can get out of this car seat, so that is just what she did. Normally this child has a steel bladder and she had just gone to the bathroom about 1 hr ago but she swore to us she needed to go. Well since we were moving at about 0-5 miles per hour and really making no progress at all. That yellow potty seat that you see strapped down to back of neighbors car came in real handy as we pulled it out and let Hannah sit in it and pee right there in the middle of I-80...we didn't even pull off the freeway.

You can see how much it is snowing out there and Adam was rushing Hannah along but she was taking her sweet time. It really didn't matter b/c after she was done, we really only had to move the car about 20 or so ft.
This lovely traffic continued on and on...

Samantha passed the time reading some books.

Both girls had their melt downs but for the most part did really great.
As we got closer and closer to the summit the snow levels were crazy!! As you can see from this picture they were up to the freeway exit signs and you couldn't even read what exit it was. Additionally most exits were closed b/c that is where the snow plows were moving the snow to get it off the road.

Check out how high up the snow plow is shooting that snow...

Finally after several hours both girls fell asleep and I got to enjoy reading my "People" magazine in peace while Adam drove through these fun conditions.

We finally got to the cabin in Truckee at 7:30pm...a full 8 hours after we left! The other problem when we got there is that our cabin was up in the hills up several small streets and all the street signs were completely covered with snow so we had no idea what the street names were. Additionally it was getting dark. Luckily our neighbors had GPS in their truck so we just followed where the GPS told us to go and that was the only way we found it.
The next day we woke up to it snowing some more but it looked beautiful outside. Our only plans were to hang out at the cabin and let the kids play in the snow.
Getting the kids ready to go outside was like "A Christmas Story" where kids are screaming and crying as you bundle them up to head out into the cold. The older kids, Hannah & Marie were excited to go so there was no complaints from them. But Samantha and Henry were not happy. Even when we got out there this is the face we saw from Samantha...

Then she slowly got use to it...still unhappy but at least no more tears.

Hannah on the other hand was a happy camper and happy to be eating snow.

Here is a shot of our house.

Hannah making a snow angel.

Samantha trying to make a snow angel.

Adam just threw Hannah into a snow bank and she enjoyed just sitting there.

Samantha warming up to the snow more.

Henry decided he really liked eating snow...

Then Samantha discovered the joy of eating snow and then the smiles really started.

Samantha and Henry were cracking each other up as the both shoveled snow into their mouths and made funny noises.

The Dads made a great sledding "hill" from one of the snow banks on the side of our driveway and that was enjoyed by all.

Samantha trying to shovel some snow too.

The big joke before we left was how much food we were taking. Our neighbor went out and bought a ton of food for fear of being snowed in with 4 whiny kids plus 4 adults. Couple that with the food we brought and it completely filled up the empty fridge, the counters, and empty cabinets. It was great though b/c we never once had to go out to eat!

Henry and Samantha were sleeping in their respective port-a-cribs and were jealous that Marie & Hannah got to sleep in this bed together so when their sisters were not in the bed they quickly jumped in and enjoyed lounging around. They look so cute!

The kids enjoying playing with playdough on the coffee table we moved into the kitchen so it wouldn't get the carpet dirty.
This is the house next door to us that did not get plow service and it was completely buried under the snow. The only reason we knew it was there was because we could see it from our 2nd story window.
After nap and rest time is was back to more fun playing, eating and sledding in the snow...
Hannah pretending she is a penguin and sliding down on her belly.
Marie giving it a try too.
Here the kids are building a snow man and the little ones are enjoying eating it too.
The next day we went to a snow park by Kings Beach near the lake and on the very first run Adam throws Hannah down this big hill by herself. That little pink dot in the middle of the hill is Hannah and Adam standing at the top watching her sail down.

I couldn't believe he sent her by herself and when she got off her sled all the people around were clapping for her and giving her high fives for going down the hill by herself. I see her stand up and start running towards me as her face breaks down into a full out cry. I knew that she was terrified...and she says to my while sobbing...that was so scary! But after I reminded her that she did it and nothing happened and all these people were so proud of her including me she was good to go. And then it was back to more sledding with and without Daddy...

Samantha and Henry were once again only interested in eating the snow.

We kept asking Samantha if she wanted to go down the big slide and she kept saying no. This was weird to me since she is my wild child and so I told Adam to just pick her up and put her on the sled with him. She protested but then quickly realized how much fun it was and then kept saying "again". I knew it!

Here she is sledding by herself...not from the way top but about 1/2 way...

It cracked me up how Adam picked her up and carried her...

Here is a good smile...

And of course there was time to eat more snow and have fun...

Snack time!

Hannah's cool Lunchables BIG sandwich...

Then back to more sledding...

And falling...

Hannah doing her penguin maneuvers again...

Samantha and Daddy cruising one last time...

At the bottom of the hill Adam found a new way to drag Samantha back up it. It looks like she is very injured and on a stretcher but she loved it...

The tow back to the car with both girls giggling...

The only 2 pictures with Mommy in it b/c I was the official photographer...and I had to take them myself just to document that I was in fact on this trip too...

4 Happy Kids...

On the way back to our cabin we stopped to look at Adam's Family's old cabin that they sold several years back...too bad.

Story time at night before bed time...

Final pictures on our way out of just how high the snow is...

I-80 on the way back home...

1 comment:
Oh wow! That looks like such a fun trip (except for the traffic)! I'm glad the girls enjoyed playing in the snow and eating snow. How fun to be a kid in the snow!
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