Samantha has started taking care of things including her babies...

and Tulip:

She loves to drag her blanket around and tuck Tulip in and she loves to take care of her baby. I still remember when Hannah started doing this. It is the point when they become one of the older kids in the Infant Room at school and start copying the teachers taking care of the smaller babies in there. Samantha holds her baby, pats it, wraps it in her blanket, and then every now and then gives it a little love bite. Well this baby that she takes care of has no hair and at school there is a little baby boy who also appears bald, although he has a little bit of hair. Apparently Samantha was taking care of him one day, helping him with his pacifier when all of a sudden she took a bite out of his left cheek! Poor guy! They said she was super quick. They didn't understand why he was the only little boy she would go after and why she wasn't biting when they would expect her to bite...perhaps out of frustration or when she was mad. Well it took me about a week but when I saw her taking care of her baby one night it occurred to me that she thinks this little bald headed baby is also the almost bald headed baby boy at her school. So we obviously don't let her bite on her baby anymore. Silly girl. Although I can't blame her b/c she has 8 teeth coming in at the same time and she almost has all her teeth (minus her 2 year molars).
A little while back we went to the park and Hannah loved going down the slide in a little different way:

Just thought those were funny pictures.
A lot of our blossom trees have really started blooming and we have started to refer to them as "snow trees", because I mean come on doesn't it look like it just snowed. Hannah loves to find these trees and yell snow trees!

My mom and Hannah had a great time knocking down the flower blossoms and pretending it was snowing on them:

Right across the street from Hannah's school is a huge field full of yellow flower weeds that are growing tremendously tall. There are also tons of ladybugs. Hannah's class took a "field trip" there and she has not stopped talking about it since. So last week we took a few trips across the street after school and enjoyed looking at the ladybugs. This is usually the view of Hannah I would get when I would turn around and find her looking at a ladybug.

Samantha would get really excited about the ladybugs. She would stand there and point at the ladybug and stamp her legs all excited as if to say "do you see that little thing, it is moving!". This is all just before she would try to lean down and squish it while attempting to pick it up. It was really hard to get her to stop doing that.

At one point I was looking at a ladybug with Hannah when I turned around and found Samantha with a weird look on her face and I knew she had something in her mouth. I quickly pried it out and found out she was chewing/sucking on a slug. Lovely.
Here are some wonderful sister moments:

Hannah and Samantha are really interacting a lot more now and it is really heartwarming. Above Hannah was picking Samantha some flowers b/c she kept pointing at them and Samantha was really happy to get these flowers from her sister. They were so happy that they hugged...awwww.
Yesterday we went to the Farmer's Market for "Pig Day" and there were pony rides. Yeah I are probably thinking what is pig day?...yeah I don't know. But Samantha took her first pony ride:

She loved it but I am sure she thought she was on a big dog. Hannah of course loved her pony ride...she had been talking about it all week b/c she knew that there were going to be pony rides at the Farmer's Market this weekend.

After the market and then gymnastics we went to Woodstock's for lunch and Samantha and Hannah enjoyed watching the pizza being made. Samantha kept trying to climb up over the glass...I think she wanted to make one herself.

Finally today West Plainfield Station Fire Dept had its annual Pancake Breakfast. We had a yummy breakfast and enjoyed playing there for some time. Here is Adam cooking...

So I am all caught up now...hopefully I can stay caught up. :)
The pictures of the girls together are perfect - you need to frame them - beautiful pictures and beautiful girls!
So wait, YOU haven't posted for a while? How can this be? I would never do such a thing. :)
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