Samantha loves splashing in the water:

I love this picture b/c poor Abby is curled up in ball on her towel with long sleeves just freezing and next to her is Hannah sprawled out on her towel soakin' up the sun:

A cool "artistic" shot of Hannah & Lily:

Adam getting dumped with water...I am so proud of myself that I captured this shot:

And since it has been soooooo long since I posted last here are some updated pictures of the last month and things that happened:
For Father's Day I decided to get a picture of the girls and put it in a frame. I didn't realize how much effort it would take to get ONE good shot of the two of them. After many many pictures and positions here is the winner:

Cute, huh?
More pics from Father's Day:
One of my favorites..

Daddy & his girls:

Samantha found her feet:

Samantha started day care at Hannah's school on July 1st (and has had 2 ear infections already!) and Hannah was more than happy to bring her to the infant room on her first day:

We went to visit my friend Jill in Novato and her daughter, Reese, who is 6 enjoyed playing with Hannah and they both enjoyed dressing up as princesses. Reese even did Hannah's make up...Adam was "thrilled".

I found out it is dangerous to leave stickers in a 3 1/2 year olds room when she refuses to take a nap...this is how she spent her "rest" time:

Samantha went skinny dipping with Ryan (Hannah's friend Sydney's younger brother):

...and went in for her first kiss:

Hannah and I went on a "date" and I took her to see her first movie at the free family theater fun fest in Sac. It was a free movie and we saw "Horton Hears a Who". Hannah was nervous at some parts but in the end enjoyed it a lot and I enjoyed our "date". Here she is in the theater...she could not take her eyes of the commercials that run before the movie long enough to look at the camera while I took this picture:

We've gone to the pool a lot and here are Hannah and Samantha sunbathing:

Finally, since Hannah is gone through Wednesday camping Samantha and I went back down to Novato to visit Jill & cool off. Jill lives a little further out in the country and has some really nice trails right near her home. So I took the back pack carrier for Samantha and we went hiking today with Jill. Samantha LOVED it! She kept laughing and squealing up there and simply just enjoying the ride. It was a great workout for me b/c we went up a good hill and Samantha and the carrier together put some good weight on my back. I am already sore right now from the and it hasn't even been 12 hours! Here we are just before we took off.

1 comment:
Happy Birthday again! I love the picture of your girls in their bathing suits at the water park - they are adorable! The picture of Adam and Samantha is super cute too! Sorry to hear about the ear infections, I hope Samantha is over them now.
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