Friday, April 17, 2009

Hannah's first dentist appointment!!

Hannah had her first dentist appointment yesterday! We were suppose to have it several months ago but she was sick on the day we had it scheduled. So I rescheduled for the next time I went which was last week and low and behold she was sick again! So I finally rescheduled it for yesterday and I had planned on taking her but Samantha got pneumonia and I had to take her to the doctor so Adam took Hannah to the dentist. I made him take the camera and give me the full update.

So Hannah LOVES the dentist! When Adam and Hannah called me after the appointment Hannah was yelling in the background to check out her sparkling teeth. She loved the chair and told me it goes up and down like an elevator and even reclines back! She was thrilled with it. Adam said she also did great during the appointment and had no issues with them cleaning or flossing her teeth. And then of course they gave her a goodie bag and she was thrilled with that. I am so happy she enjoys the dentist and I won't have to fight to take her next time b/c god knows at the age of 3 we have enough battles going on in our house. Here are only 2 pictures (just for you Paul) from yesterday even though Adam took like 10.

Now back to Samantha having pneumonia. She had been sick all week with on and off fevers. I took her to the doctor on Wednesday b/c her cough sounded horrible to me but they said it was just a virus. Then yesterday her fever was back, she was not eating and was pretty much crying all day so back I went and this time they heard something in her lungs. It was late in the afternoon though so I had to go back this morning for a chest x-ray and I am waiting to hear the results of that right now. When I got back from this chest x-ray with Samantha, Hannah's school calls me to tell me that Hannah has a pretty bad splinter and could I come down to remove it b/c removing it is considered minor surgery and they cannot do it! I had to laugh but what could I do, so I had to pack up poor Samantha again and armed with a first aid kit and tweezers we went to do "minor surgery" on Hannah. I got there and it was on her pinky, I had to use a needle to help the skin up first and then pull it up with the tweezers. One of the teachers helped to distract Hannah with a book but she was still crying poor thing. And to top it off like half of the preschool class thought this was great entertainment so they all stood around and watched me perform the "minor surgery". Good times. The fun never stops around here I tell you!


PxT said...

Thanks for the shout-out, I feel special.

Since when is removing a splinter considered surgery? Give me a break. I guess they're afraid you will sue if they accidentally shove it even further in? I never heard of anyone getting maimed while having a splinter removed!

Christina said...

Yeah for the dentist! I'm glad Hannah enjoyed herself so much. I'm sorry to hear that Samantha is so sick, that stinks!