Today I had my 39 1/2 week appt and guess what?!...nothing has changed! I am still only 1cm dialted, although my nurse was able to push me along to 2cm but said I could go back. I am no more effaced but Samantha's head is a little lower. My NP can't even believe that I am still pregnant and not really progressing towards what could possibly be labor. So next week if I am still pregnant on the 2nd of January and past my due date they would schedule a fetal monitoring test and then at 41 weeks I would get to pick my due date and I would be induced...let's hope she can come on her own b/c I do not want to be induced again. From my NP's approximate measurements Samantha is about 7 1/2-8lbs right now although I never trust these measurements. So on I suffer.
In Hannah news after about 2 months in her big girl room she has finally figured out that she can get out of bed on her own! For the last 2 months we have been amazed that she has not tried to get out of bed and continued to call us to come get her. Of course we had no problem with this but were laughing at how she just did not get it. Well on Monday I kept her home with me and after about 2 hours of napping (Hannah in her room and Tulip & I in the living room) Tulip and I hear a twisting of a door knob. I was a little shocked and even Tulip sat up b/c she was wondering what the noise was. Both of us went over to Hannah's door and waited until she figured out how to open the door and when the door finally opened there was Hannah standing with a big smile on her face and said "I got out of bed on my own and opened the door!". She was so proud of herself. I told her "You did!". Then she told me she even turned off her sound machine (we have an ocean sound machine to drown out noise in our house since our house is so small) all on her own...again so proud of herself. It was really cute. Since then she has gotten out of bed on her own several more times, always with a big smile and proud of herself but there are still times she calls us...she cracks us up.
I hope everyone had a good x-mas...we all got lots of goodies here, I guess we were good all year. I gave Adam the "Scene It - Seinfeld" game and we played it last night. That game rocks and it was so much fun...we can't wait to challenge Paul to a game.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
O.K. so first I have to apologize for not internet has been up and down the last week and I have been really frustrated with my Internet Co. Apparently there is something interrupting the line and they cannot get AT & T out here until the 29th!!! So until then I may have the Internet and I may incredibly frustrating!!! Anyone have a good Internet company they can recommend?
Second, when I went to the doctor on Thursday I had them check to see how I was progressing and I went from 2cm dilated before Thanksgiving back to 1cm!! WTF?!! How frustrating! My nurse did some scrapping thing that was suppose to help thin my membranes out and hopefully get things moving along but so far nothing yet and today is Monday! I have been walking around like crazy trying to walk Samantha out of me, and she is so low that I swear sometimes it feels like she is going to fall out but no labor yet. I have also been eating more spicy food...well I should say spicy for me, and nothing. Also highly recommended by many people including my nurse for getting labor going were relations with my husband, much to his happiness, but still nothing! So please, please, if anyone has any suggestions I would be happy to hear them to get Samantha on her way out into the world. I am quite uncomfortable.
Last, in my many attempts to walk Samantha out, we went to Arden Fair Mall on Saturday night to have dinner and visit with Santa Claus. Every year that we have gone to get our picture done there with Santa we could always take our own picture and not have to pay for a package, but after standing in line for 10 minutes we discovered that was not the case this year. Adam was ready to get out of line as the cheapest purchase was ONE 4X6 FOR $15 but seriously how do you tell a 3 year old that we are not going to stand in line anymore. So we got up to Santa about 1/2 hour later and I was very disappointed with him. He was quite grouchy...I told Hannah to tell him what she wants for x-mas and he says to me "Are you going to take a picture?"...I mean come on! Can you at least let the girl tell you what she wants and you can pretend to care and be interested, isn't that your job?! While the people working there were taking pictures I too was standing next to them taking some pictures with my digital camera. We were done quickly and then we had to get into another line to pick up our picture and pay for it. There was a large family in front of us and Adam got a bright idea that we could just leave right then b/c we didn't have the picture and so we didn't have to pay for it and he grabs Hannah and starts to leave! I of course was not happy with this idea but stupidly decided to try and follow Adam and sneak out simply b/c I was not happy with Santa's services. Hannah and Adam were gone in a flash but as soon as I tried I hear "MISS! OH MISS! YOU DIDN'T PAY!" being yelled at me. I was mortified!!! I quickly went back and told them that of course I was not trying to leave that my daughter simply just wanted to look at something around the corner b/c she had been in line for so long I thought I would take her over there real quick while the family in front of us was paying. The guy at the cash register said "You can't believe how many people try to leave without paying.". And I acting like I was shocked said "Of course we weren't doing that!". I paid my $15 and left mortified with my one picture and gave Adam the glaring eye when I finally caught up to him and Hannah for having to take the brunt of the embarassement for his idea. He felt that if we were not given the picture yet we were not stealing or trying to get away with anything...regardless I felt like a criminal! I just don't like how that feels, I am not use to it. So here is the $15 picture...I think it was worth it b/c Hannah looks cute...Merry Christmas!
Second, when I went to the doctor on Thursday I had them check to see how I was progressing and I went from 2cm dilated before Thanksgiving back to 1cm!! WTF?!! How frustrating! My nurse did some scrapping thing that was suppose to help thin my membranes out and hopefully get things moving along but so far nothing yet and today is Monday! I have been walking around like crazy trying to walk Samantha out of me, and she is so low that I swear sometimes it feels like she is going to fall out but no labor yet. I have also been eating more spicy food...well I should say spicy for me, and nothing. Also highly recommended by many people including my nurse for getting labor going were relations with my husband, much to his happiness, but still nothing! So please, please, if anyone has any suggestions I would be happy to hear them to get Samantha on her way out into the world. I am quite uncomfortable.
Last, in my many attempts to walk Samantha out, we went to Arden Fair Mall on Saturday night to have dinner and visit with Santa Claus. Every year that we have gone to get our picture done there with Santa we could always take our own picture and not have to pay for a package, but after standing in line for 10 minutes we discovered that was not the case this year. Adam was ready to get out of line as the cheapest purchase was ONE 4X6 FOR $15 but seriously how do you tell a 3 year old that we are not going to stand in line anymore. So we got up to Santa about 1/2 hour later and I was very disappointed with him. He was quite grouchy...I told Hannah to tell him what she wants for x-mas and he says to me "Are you going to take a picture?"...I mean come on! Can you at least let the girl tell you what she wants and you can pretend to care and be interested, isn't that your job?! While the people working there were taking pictures I too was standing next to them taking some pictures with my digital camera. We were done quickly and then we had to get into another line to pick up our picture and pay for it. There was a large family in front of us and Adam got a bright idea that we could just leave right then b/c we didn't have the picture and so we didn't have to pay for it and he grabs Hannah and starts to leave! I of course was not happy with this idea but stupidly decided to try and follow Adam and sneak out simply b/c I was not happy with Santa's services. Hannah and Adam were gone in a flash but as soon as I tried I hear "MISS! OH MISS! YOU DIDN'T PAY!" being yelled at me. I was mortified!!! I quickly went back and told them that of course I was not trying to leave that my daughter simply just wanted to look at something around the corner b/c she had been in line for so long I thought I would take her over there real quick while the family in front of us was paying. The guy at the cash register said "You can't believe how many people try to leave without paying.". And I acting like I was shocked said "Of course we weren't doing that!". I paid my $15 and left mortified with my one picture and gave Adam the glaring eye when I finally caught up to him and Hannah for having to take the brunt of the embarassement for his idea. He felt that if we were not given the picture yet we were not stealing or trying to get away with anything...regardless I felt like a criminal! I just don't like how that feels, I am not use to it. So here is the $15 picture...I think it was worth it b/c Hannah looks cute...Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Officially a longer pregnancy
So I have officially been pregnant longer with Samantha then I was with Hannah. This actually became official on Thursday I am just a little behind on blogging know bed rest is such a busy job. :) Obviously I am sure the bed rest has a lot to do with the fact that I am still pregnant and per my nurse at my appt. on Thursday I can officially cease bed rest on Wednesday when I will be 38 weeks...yay! By then I will have been on bed rest for 3 weeks! I am shocked that I have been here for 2 1/2 weeks now...I never thought I would still be pregnant.
In other news Hannah has been wisked away by her grandparents until Monday. Adam's mom just left with her to Marin where she will be with Adam's mom until tomorrow afternoon. They are going to a performance of the Marin Nutracker where Hannah's cousin plays an angel. Then tomorrow afternoon my parents will pick her up and she will stay with them until Monday and my mom will take her to the Steinhart Aquarium and then drive her back up here on Monday. She will of course have a blast but Adam and I will really miss her. We have never had 2 nights to ourselves since she was born...yes I know it is I guess now is as good as time as any, that is unless Samantha decides to come this weekend. We shall see...I will keep you posted.
In other news Hannah has been wisked away by her grandparents until Monday. Adam's mom just left with her to Marin where she will be with Adam's mom until tomorrow afternoon. They are going to a performance of the Marin Nutracker where Hannah's cousin plays an angel. Then tomorrow afternoon my parents will pick her up and she will stay with them until Monday and my mom will take her to the Steinhart Aquarium and then drive her back up here on Monday. She will of course have a blast but Adam and I will really miss her. We have never had 2 nights to ourselves since she was born...yes I know it is I guess now is as good as time as any, that is unless Samantha decides to come this weekend. We shall see...I will keep you posted.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Superior Scribbler Award!

Tara has nominated my blog for a Superior Scribbler Award. I have never heard of it but I don't care it is an award and I am honored! Thanks Tara! :)
Now my job is to pass it along to 5 other bloggers who I think are worthy of it. I must admit I don't read too many blogs so this won't be too tough.
First I will pass this honor right back to Tara because I love to read about all the adventures the twins put her through and she has a great way of writing about it.
Next her husband Paul is a great blogger, although he has had a lack of updates lately on his blog and rather has been keeping us updated via his Twitter Account they are very funny and some in random ways.
Christina has adorable updates about her life with her little girl Ashley and always has great pictures or videos to go along with it.
My next nominee I actually don't even know. I kind of feel like a blog stalker but Christina's friend Kerry has a great blog that is linked on Christina's blog site. I stumbled across it towards the beginning of my pregnancy with Samantha and at the time Kerry had a 3 year old girl and a brand new baby girl and so I started reading her blog as "research" for what would soon be my life. It turns out Kerry is HILARIOUS and her stories are so great. Christina knows I am reading her friend's blog but I don't think that Kerry knows yet. I guess now that I have nominated her I am going to have to clue her into the fact that I keep up with her blog...I hope she doesn't think I am weird and rather finds it an honor. :)
Okay nominees, here are your rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link me for giving it to you
3. Link the originating post nominating you here.
4. Pass the award on to 5 more deserving people
5. Post these rules for your recipients
Our housecleaner, Sophia came today so I had to pack my bedrest butt up and trek over to a friend's house to lay on their couch for two hours so I wouldn't get in Sophia's way. I really didn't think that it would be that big of a deal but I was exhausted from that trek! Of course it was so worth it because coming home to a sparkling clean house was wonderful and on top of it Sophia baked us pork tamales and left them in our nice is that?!!! We have the best housecleaner.
Last night we put Tulip and Hannah in front of the Christmas tree to try and capture a good picture for our Christmas card this year and we got a really good shot of our "evil" dog...

We thought it would be great to put "naughty" over Tulip's picture and "nice" over Hannah's. My parents neighbors hate Tulip b/c they think she is the devil's spaun so we also thought this would be a perfect picture for them...ha-ha. We got a good laugh from this picture. :)
P.S. I am so not tech saavy so putting all these links into this blog took a great amount of time and I must say I am proud of myself for doing it...even though it took me about an hour to do it!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Still pregnant...
It is Saturday aftenroon and low and behold I am still pregnant! I totally would have thought that by now I wouldn't be, but it is a good thing I am.
On Thursday I had my doctor's appt and she did an ultrasound to check to make sure Samantha's head was down. She was pretty sure it was she just wanted to make sure. Hannah helped her with the ultrasound and we instantly saw that her head is where it is suppose to be. But in addition to that we also saw Samantha sucking her thumb! It was the coolest thing! She was really sucking on her thumb like crazy too! I called my mom afterwards and told her "Samantha was going to town on her thumb" and from the back of the car Hannah says "Why was she going to town?". Too funny how an expression like that sounds really weird to a toddler.
She didn't check anything else because she didn't want to disturb anything or start any other process... :) So I have an appt next Thursday...if I make it to that point I will be 37 weeks. I never made it to this doctor's appt. with Hannah, my water broke the day it should be interesting, I am really curious to see if I make it that long.
On Thursday I had my doctor's appt and she did an ultrasound to check to make sure Samantha's head was down. She was pretty sure it was she just wanted to make sure. Hannah helped her with the ultrasound and we instantly saw that her head is where it is suppose to be. But in addition to that we also saw Samantha sucking her thumb! It was the coolest thing! She was really sucking on her thumb like crazy too! I called my mom afterwards and told her "Samantha was going to town on her thumb" and from the back of the car Hannah says "Why was she going to town?". Too funny how an expression like that sounds really weird to a toddler.
She didn't check anything else because she didn't want to disturb anything or start any other process... :) So I have an appt next Thursday...if I make it to that point I will be 37 weeks. I never made it to this doctor's appt. with Hannah, my water broke the day it should be interesting, I am really curious to see if I make it that long.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Yay...I got out outside today!
So today I was adventurous and ventured outside for a little outing. At the Athletic Dept. each year all the women do a ornament exchange and lunch during the lunch was that ornament exhange. It was held at our new stadium and my boss gave me permission to drive into the stadium so I could just get out of the car and walk right into the club room and sit right back down. When I was driving over there it felt as if though I was in an another world b/c I have been house bound for over a week now. It was so nice! I feel so refreshed! Anwyay, it was a lot of fun. Tonight I go to my doctor's appt so it should be interesting to see if we find out anything new. Yesterday I made it to 36 weeks, so we will see how many more days/weeks Samantha will stay inside. Would you like to place a bet?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Well I made it to December...
Yay it is December 1st! So I can pretty much say with about 100% accuracy that our little girl will be born in December. At least she better be because if I have to lay here until January I think I will be insane! Adam said if I am laying here for 2or more weeks he is going to start having me get up and move around so she comes into this world.
It is pretty weird to know that I could go into labor at any moment but yet I haven't got a clue as to when. I just didn't have this kind of time to think about that when Hannah decided to come into this world.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We are very fortunate and had lots of family help this weekend. Adam's mom came up on Wednesday afternoon and stayed through Friday early afternoon and with her she brought everything needed for a Thanksgiving Dinner. Then Friday my parents came up and took over and brought Thanksgiving leftovers and stayed until Sunday. While my mom kept Hannah busy my dad and Adam worked outside in our front yard finishing up our picket fence and a new pathway. Then after my parents left on Sunday Adam's dad and his wife Suzie called and came over with dinners cooked for us for the rest of the week. Are we lucky or what?! In addition, Hannah's friend Sydney's dad is coming over in the morning to pick up Hannah and take her to school with Sydney. The girls could not be more excited to be riding to school is really cute.
Last but not least, I believe we have finally agreed upon a name for this little after many requests as to what her name will be here is it....SAMANTHA MILA . The Mila comes from both my maternal grandmother's name of "Ludmila" and my mom's name of "Jarmila". So there you have it can officially stop asking us what this poor little girl's name is going to be. Although when we told Hannah last night that her little sister's name is going to be "Samantha" she started crying hysterically because she does not want her sister to be called that she wants her sister's name to be "Emily Elizabeth" after Clifford the Big Red Dogs owner. I guess at least she doesn't want her name to be "Clifford". Hopefully she gets over this because we are NOT naming her "Emily Elizabeth". :)
It is pretty weird to know that I could go into labor at any moment but yet I haven't got a clue as to when. I just didn't have this kind of time to think about that when Hannah decided to come into this world.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We are very fortunate and had lots of family help this weekend. Adam's mom came up on Wednesday afternoon and stayed through Friday early afternoon and with her she brought everything needed for a Thanksgiving Dinner. Then Friday my parents came up and took over and brought Thanksgiving leftovers and stayed until Sunday. While my mom kept Hannah busy my dad and Adam worked outside in our front yard finishing up our picket fence and a new pathway. Then after my parents left on Sunday Adam's dad and his wife Suzie called and came over with dinners cooked for us for the rest of the week. Are we lucky or what?! In addition, Hannah's friend Sydney's dad is coming over in the morning to pick up Hannah and take her to school with Sydney. The girls could not be more excited to be riding to school is really cute.
Last but not least, I believe we have finally agreed upon a name for this little after many requests as to what her name will be here is it....SAMANTHA MILA . The Mila comes from both my maternal grandmother's name of "Ludmila" and my mom's name of "Jarmila". So there you have it can officially stop asking us what this poor little girl's name is going to be. Although when we told Hannah last night that her little sister's name is going to be "Samantha" she started crying hysterically because she does not want her sister to be called that she wants her sister's name to be "Emily Elizabeth" after Clifford the Big Red Dogs owner. I guess at least she doesn't want her name to be "Clifford". Hopefully she gets over this because we are NOT naming her "Emily Elizabeth". :)
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