Sunday night was the first night Hannah slept in her big girl room and therefore her big girl bed. She had a little bit of a problem going to sleep because it was a new environment. She didn't cry or anything just laid there awake for a good hour before going to sleep. The only "rough" patch we hit the first night was when at about 2:30am she woke up screaming "MOMMY!!!" as if though she was completely terrified. So I went running in there as fast as an 8 month pregnant woman can move and I come to find out she just didn't like the blanket I had put on her after she fell asleep to keep her warm...go figure I thought it was that she was confused about her surroundings. Anyway I put a different blanket on her and that fixed that problem.
I also don't think she has figured out she can get out of bed her on her own b/c in the morning she called to me saying she wanted to come in Mommy and Daddy's bed, so I told her to come on in but she said "you have to come get me". That is when I realized that she doesn't know she can get out of bed yet on her own and come in so I thought I am not going to clue her in yet, so I went and got her. Pretty smooth night.
Last night on the other hand was a little different. It took her a long time to fall asleep again but she just laid there quiet until she fell asleep. At about 12:30am I hear a huge THUMP! and screaming for Hannah "MOMMMY!! MOMMY!!!" and then crying. I knew that she had fallen out of bed. So I woke up Adam, who by the way has slept through all of these screams from night one and two to please go pick her up and make sure she is o.k. He of course found her on the floor...she wasn't hurt but she was shaken up b/c she has never fallen out of bed. We had thought about putting up a guard rail to keep her in her bed but our doctor had said that at 3 years old they have pretty good control of their body and it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, this bed is not that high of the ground and we have a soft carpet so I thought if for some reason she does fall out of bed it won't hurt too much. So after Adam picked her up and put her back into bed she fell right asleep. About an hour later she yelled to me b/c she needed to be covered up again so up I went to fix that problem. After taking about another hour to go back to sleep at 2:30 in the morning I hear again...THUMP!! and this time she yelled out "DADDY! DADDY!" b/c he had picked her up before. This time Adam lined her bed with pillows so she wouldn't fall out a 3rd time but it again took me a while to fall back asleep b/c I kept worrying about her.
When she woke up in the morning she said "Daddy put these pillows here so I wouldn't fall out of bed"...poor little girl. Clearly this girl sleeps like my brother where she is all over the bed at night and not like me where sometimes you think I am a dead body b/c I haven't moved at all. So needless to say Adam is going to go out and buy a rail for her bed today so we don't have the "fall out bed and bump your head" problem again tonight.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Our Little Hannah!
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to our little Hannah who turns 3 today. We had quite the busy weekend with the football game, her party and then today her actual b-day. I have many pictures to post and stories to tell but those will come later. In the mean time...HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY HANNAH! :)
In addition I cannot forget my brother who today is also celebrating his birthday so "HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY MISA!!" I cannot believe he is 25...considering he is 8 years younger then me I always considered him so little...but not so much anymore.
In addition I cannot forget my brother who today is also celebrating his birthday so "HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY MISA!!" I cannot believe he is 25...considering he is 8 years younger then me I always considered him so little...but not so much anymore.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Moving Mania!
This week we have been playing musical rooms at our house and clearing out our front room to change into our room, so that we can clear out our room and change it into Hannah's room. Let me tell you it has been craziness!! I don't think we realized how much stuff was in that front room that just accumulated over the last 6 years. For the most part we had to move all that stuff into living room/kitchen area which created complete disaray in those rooms so that Adam could paint our room. We choose the color "creme" which at first seemed more of a goldish tan but turned out more of a goldish is nice really brightens up the room.
I have been busy organizing and sorting all our crap and finding a proper place for it while Adam has been busy painting, cleaning carpets, and moving furniture. We have had a few late nights and we are tired but we must keep going!! I am determined to get this done by Hannah's b-day. Last night we completed the move into our new room and spent our first night in there which in turn has made Tulip so confused. When we finished emptying out our old room she walked down the hallway and looked in there and then looked at Adam putting together our bed in the new room and gave him a look as if to say "What the hell is going on in here?!". We realized that for 6 years and all her life we have been in our old room so this is obviously super confusing to her. All night long she looked really stressed out and confused.
When it came time to go to bed it was really hard convincing her to go lay on her bed in the new room. On top of it her bed as always been at the foot of our bed and Adam's dresser with the TV on top of it but since this room is shorter but wider she cannot fit in between the foot of the bed and Adam's dresser and now has to be on the side of our bed and next to my dresser...this has caused her additional stress. When I told her to lay on her bed she kept walking over to the foot of the bed and in between Adam's dresser and looking at me like aren't you going to move my bed over here, this is where I am suppose to lay down. I finally convinced her to get on her bed in the new spot but you could see she was not comfortable with it or relaxed. If we did not have the baby gate to keep her in there she would be out of there! I just felt so bad for her b/c you can't explain it to her.
Tonight the move into Hannah's room starts and will continue over the next few days as we make it her own. I plan to have her spend her first night in there on Sunday so she wakes up in there on Monday, her birthday. Pictures will come when the move it complete!
I have been busy organizing and sorting all our crap and finding a proper place for it while Adam has been busy painting, cleaning carpets, and moving furniture. We have had a few late nights and we are tired but we must keep going!! I am determined to get this done by Hannah's b-day. Last night we completed the move into our new room and spent our first night in there which in turn has made Tulip so confused. When we finished emptying out our old room she walked down the hallway and looked in there and then looked at Adam putting together our bed in the new room and gave him a look as if to say "What the hell is going on in here?!". We realized that for 6 years and all her life we have been in our old room so this is obviously super confusing to her. All night long she looked really stressed out and confused.
When it came time to go to bed it was really hard convincing her to go lay on her bed in the new room. On top of it her bed as always been at the foot of our bed and Adam's dresser with the TV on top of it but since this room is shorter but wider she cannot fit in between the foot of the bed and Adam's dresser and now has to be on the side of our bed and next to my dresser...this has caused her additional stress. When I told her to lay on her bed she kept walking over to the foot of the bed and in between Adam's dresser and looking at me like aren't you going to move my bed over here, this is where I am suppose to lay down. I finally convinced her to get on her bed in the new spot but you could see she was not comfortable with it or relaxed. If we did not have the baby gate to keep her in there she would be out of there! I just felt so bad for her b/c you can't explain it to her.
Tonight the move into Hannah's room starts and will continue over the next few days as we make it her own. I plan to have her spend her first night in there on Sunday so she wakes up in there on Monday, her birthday. Pictures will come when the move it complete!
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Pacifier Fairy
The Pacifier Fairy came to our house this weekend! Now Hannah calls her pacifier her "pac", pronounced "pass" so that is how I will refer to it. Being that Hannah is almost 3 years old, and there is a hole in her pacifier and we didn't want to buy a new one, we have been wanting to get rid of it for a while now but have not had the best idea on how to go about it. We definitely wanted to conquer this problem before her little sister comes too. About a month ago on "Super Nanny" I learned of "The Pacifier Fairy" is how it works:
We warned Hannah that this weekend "The Pac Fairy" might be coming and so on Sunday before nap time we decided that this is when she would come. We told Hannah that the "Pac Fairy" comes when she feels boys and girls are old enough to give up their pacifiers to babies and smaller boys and girls that need it more then she does. What we do is we place it in an envelope, address it to the "Pac Fairy" and put it in the mailbox. If Hannah managed to get along without her "pac" and be a big girl and take a good nap without her pac the "Pac Fairy" would know leave a present for her. So before nap time we addressed our envelope to the "Pac Fairy" and Hannah for some reason remembered some little boy at the pool that she thought needed it so we made a special request on the back for the "Pac Fairy" to give it to that little boy. Here are the pictures of us going out to the mailbox before nap time to place our pacifier in there for the "Pac Fairy":
The front of the envlope:

The back with our special request:

And Hannah putting it in the mailbox and putting up the flag:

Then we went back inside and I read her a few stories. Normally I sit and rock with her a little bit but she wanted to go to sleep right away so the "Pac Fairy" could come...great!
When she woke up from her nap about 2 hours later she started to cry b/c she didn't think the "Pac Fairy" had come. Apparently she thought she would see her. We had to explain to her that the "Pac Fairy" is really quick and that she would leave the present in the mailbox for her. So off we went to check the mailbox and low and behold there was something in there for her!!
Getting ready to open up the mailbox:

The package!!

Hannah was so excited she was jumping up and down in Adam's arms and gave him a big hug! Then we had to quickly go inside to see what she brought to Hannah:

Hannah had a great time pulling out each of the 3 books and then of course we had to sit there and read them. We were so proud of her and she did such a great job without her "pac". Granted the last about 1 1/2 years at school she has been sleeping without it b/c they make them give it up in the Toddler Room but she had never done that at home. We even let her choose a special dinner last night and she chose pizza with olives of course...her favorite. Then we had special family movie night and watched "Lady & the Tramp" in Mommy & Daddy's room.
All was going well until she had a rough time falling asleep and she kept saying she wanted to go sleep in Mommy & Daddy's room. She didn't fall asleep until about 9:30pm and I was beginning to worry it was due to her lack of the pacifier. She even got up in her crib at one point and looked around on the shelf where her "pac" was normally kept but she never mentioned it at all. She finally fell asleep and slept until about 8am this morning only waking up maybe once last overall I would say her first official night without her "pac" was a successful one! Let's hope it continues, but much thanks to Super Nanny for the wonderful "Pacifier Fairy" idea!
We warned Hannah that this weekend "The Pac Fairy" might be coming and so on Sunday before nap time we decided that this is when she would come. We told Hannah that the "Pac Fairy" comes when she feels boys and girls are old enough to give up their pacifiers to babies and smaller boys and girls that need it more then she does. What we do is we place it in an envelope, address it to the "Pac Fairy" and put it in the mailbox. If Hannah managed to get along without her "pac" and be a big girl and take a good nap without her pac the "Pac Fairy" would know leave a present for her. So before nap time we addressed our envelope to the "Pac Fairy" and Hannah for some reason remembered some little boy at the pool that she thought needed it so we made a special request on the back for the "Pac Fairy" to give it to that little boy. Here are the pictures of us going out to the mailbox before nap time to place our pacifier in there for the "Pac Fairy":
The front of the envlope:

The back with our special request:

And Hannah putting it in the mailbox and putting up the flag:

Then we went back inside and I read her a few stories. Normally I sit and rock with her a little bit but she wanted to go to sleep right away so the "Pac Fairy" could come...great!
When she woke up from her nap about 2 hours later she started to cry b/c she didn't think the "Pac Fairy" had come. Apparently she thought she would see her. We had to explain to her that the "Pac Fairy" is really quick and that she would leave the present in the mailbox for her. So off we went to check the mailbox and low and behold there was something in there for her!!
Getting ready to open up the mailbox:

The package!!

Hannah was so excited she was jumping up and down in Adam's arms and gave him a big hug! Then we had to quickly go inside to see what she brought to Hannah:

Hannah had a great time pulling out each of the 3 books and then of course we had to sit there and read them. We were so proud of her and she did such a great job without her "pac". Granted the last about 1 1/2 years at school she has been sleeping without it b/c they make them give it up in the Toddler Room but she had never done that at home. We even let her choose a special dinner last night and she chose pizza with olives of course...her favorite. Then we had special family movie night and watched "Lady & the Tramp" in Mommy & Daddy's room.
All was going well until she had a rough time falling asleep and she kept saying she wanted to go sleep in Mommy & Daddy's room. She didn't fall asleep until about 9:30pm and I was beginning to worry it was due to her lack of the pacifier. She even got up in her crib at one point and looked around on the shelf where her "pac" was normally kept but she never mentioned it at all. She finally fell asleep and slept until about 8am this morning only waking up maybe once last overall I would say her first official night without her "pac" was a successful one! Let's hope it continues, but much thanks to Super Nanny for the wonderful "Pacifier Fairy" idea!
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