Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hannah's "Me Doll"

The month of September at Hannah's pre-school they are studying the human body and learning all about themselves. So our first official school project was to make a doll that looked like Hannah. Last week we were sent home with a blank paper doll cut out about 1 1/2 feet high and told to be creative and have our little one's take the lead in decorating it. So finally last night we got down to working on it and Hannah was so proud of it this morning:

She helped me with all the gluing, pulling of her pom pom strings to help create her own mini pom poms and gluing of that, she layed out all the letters on her shirt and put the stamps on her hands & feet. We also had to attach a card about Hannah so this is what she told me:

This morning we also brought the sunflower seeds from our huge sunflower in the backyard and pictures of how it grew bigger then our house this summer to share with the class so Hannah was in heaven showing everything to her teachers this morning. When the teachers all saw her "Me Doll" they all agreed the Aggie theme was very appropriate for Hannah.


Tara said...

I hope you get to save that doll and the postcard you wrote. It's hilarious! And VERY "Hannah."

PxT said...

You know Hannah is going to hate Davis and want to go school in New York or something, right? It seems inevitable. :-)