Then Hannah also had a chance to "run the bases" at the park...another kid activity there. She hit a ball off of the t-ball stick and then Adam helped her run...it was lots of fun:

Round the bases!:

And a homerun!!

I think we watched 4 or 5 of the total 9 innings at the game b/c there is just so much to do at that park. In the end the Giants won 8-3 against the Chicago Cubs...go Giants!
On a side note, Hannah is so friendly!!! I swear that girl made friends on the ferry, all over the baseball park and even standing in line at the bathroom!! I have no idea where she gets it from b/c Adam and I were super shy kids and I can't say that in situations were I don't know people I am too out going either. Hannah just makes friends with everyone...kids & adults alike...it is so fun to watch her just be a little social butterfly.
Then on the 4th we watched a 4th of July parade that just so happened to pass right in front of Adam's mom's house so we just had to walk outside. Adam's aunt, brother and Hannah's cousins came over and much fun was had by all. Hannah couldn't stop saying "Happy 4th of July/Happy Birthday" to just about everyone in the parade...again Miss Social Butterfly. Here is a little video of that(this video took quite a bit to get uploaded, but thanks to Paul I finally managed to get it on here...sorry that it is sideways I really was done with the technical stuff and didn't feel like fixing it, but you will get the point viewing it sideways...maybe turn your head):
Here is a picture of Hannah & I in our matching shirts...we went shopping at Walmart the day before...$3 for my shirt and $2.50 for Hannah's! What a deal!

Also right next to Adam's mom's house was a fair that we checked out after nap time. Then that evening we went to the end of Tiburon to watch the fireworks in SF. Too bad the fog was in and we could only see the really high fireworks...at least Hannah wasn't afraid this year and "ooohed and ahhhed" like a pro. On the down side it was like 10pm when the fireworks were done and Hannah was beyond trashed. She just cried in the car for like 15 minutes while we were stuck in fireworks viewing traffic...good times. I couldn't help but laugh...I know I am horrible mom.
Here is a picture of Hannah getting all snuggly with her Uncle Scotty before the fireworks (do you see how bundled they are...I am dreaming of that cool weather right now!):

Watching the fireworks from Uncle Scotty's lap:

And the traditional silly Mommy/Hannah picture (about 5 minutes before the big meltdown):

By the way I was really excited to try out my new "fireworks" feature on my camera...this is the best shot I got...pretty sad:

Maybe it would work better if we were a little closer...guess I will have to wait until next year to try that out.
The next day we trucked it back up to the heat of Davis. Luckily the pool down the street was finally open...only about 2 months late! It was closed all last year because they were re-doing it and then it was suppose to open in May but that never happened...it just opened on the 4th of July. Hannah has become a little fish. She loves going under water and she loved all the fun water features:

So that was our adventuresome weekend. We were all super tired, but we had fun. :)
Oh my gosh, that movie is so cute! Glad Hannah is so excited about the 4th of July! Your pool looks really great, much more than just a pool, looks like fun!
So how much is general admission to the pool? It looks like fun! Do you have to be a resident?
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