I am so proud of my little Hannah Banana. At her Montessori school they have a different theme each month and this month it was the ocean. Each month they have many "jobs", as the Montessori way calls it, which are basically learning areas all around the classroom for the kids to work on which relate to the month's theme (they call them jobs b/c mom & dad go to a job so they have jobs to do too).
Anyway, yesterday after I picked her up and we were at home she said to me that one of the jobs was missing a fish and it was "So, so, so, so, so very sad" (yes, she said "so" that many times). She also had the cutest sad look on her face while she said this. I was a little confused so I asked her to clarify. She told me Miss Veronica (a teacher) was showing them how the job worked and she realized a fish was missing and it was so very sad. I agreed with her that is was sad and she said it was lost or someone took it, to which I again agreed with her that it was sad. She then said in a very excited voice, "I bring my fish to school for the job!". I wondered what she meant and she ran off all excited and said "I show you!". She went into one of her many tubs of toys and pulled out a little plastic fish that belongs to her A-Z collection of plastic toys that she has had forever...although this fish is an "X" animal and it is called and x-ray fish...it is clear and you can see the fish bones inside...I know very strange. Anyway, she said she wanted to bring her fish to school to replace the missing fish for this particular job. I told her that was really sweet but that she didn't have to do that because it was her fish. Nope, she wanted to give it to her school, and she was so excited about it. I was so proud of her b/c I had not even brought the subject up or hinted that she could do that, hell I didn't even think about it! She thought of this very kind and generous act on her own!
So this morning she asked me like 10 times if we had the fish for school and when we got to school the first thing she showed me was the job with the missing fish. There are other little plastic animals there, such as a whale, a seahorse, etc and you are to match the plastic animal with the written word for each animal. Hannah's fish is huge compare to these other animals but it doesn't matter, she donated it. She told several teachers and they were very appreciative that she did that. Again I was so proud of her that I almost cried.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dumb Dog
Tulip I swear is so annoying sometimes. Like when we let her out to run in the backyard and the drip system is going and she thinks for some reason it is something she must attack. I mean come on! It is slow dripping water and the dog goes nuts over it! I get her away from one drip line and she runs to another one and starts diving at it with her nose and paws thinking I am going to get you you slow dripping water! Stupid ass! Yesterday she lost her outdoor running privileges with me in the morning because not only was she attacking the drip lines but then she started digging at them and that was when I yanked her inside.
Another annoying thing she does try to attack the dog on the other side of our fence through our fence! Both Tulip and this other dog, which is a yellow lab, are not out in their respective back yards all the time, but rather get let out there to run around, have fun, and do their business from time to time. Well if it so unfortunately happens that both Tulip and this other dog are there are the same time you would think there was a dog cage fight going on with the snarling and growling and clawing at the fence that goes on between these two dogs. We cannot get Tulip off the fence until we go and yank her off of it...again stupid dog. Does she really think she is going to get through the fence at this other dog? Apparently so.
On the other hand, she does really cute things like sit or lay in front of Hannah's door in the morning patiently waiting for her to get up. And when she hears her wake up she sits up with excitement, wags her tail, and can't wait to be let into the room to say good morning to her. Also if you go into bathroom, Tulip will also lay outside the door waiting for you, or perhaps guarding the door for you until you come out. There are many other sweet things she does but sometimes the above stupid and annoying things drive me crazy!
Another annoying thing she does try to attack the dog on the other side of our fence through our fence! Both Tulip and this other dog, which is a yellow lab, are not out in their respective back yards all the time, but rather get let out there to run around, have fun, and do their business from time to time. Well if it so unfortunately happens that both Tulip and this other dog are there are the same time you would think there was a dog cage fight going on with the snarling and growling and clawing at the fence that goes on between these two dogs. We cannot get Tulip off the fence until we go and yank her off of it...again stupid dog. Does she really think she is going to get through the fence at this other dog? Apparently so.
On the other hand, she does really cute things like sit or lay in front of Hannah's door in the morning patiently waiting for her to get up. And when she hears her wake up she sits up with excitement, wags her tail, and can't wait to be let into the room to say good morning to her. Also if you go into bathroom, Tulip will also lay outside the door waiting for you, or perhaps guarding the door for you until you come out. There are many other sweet things she does but sometimes the above stupid and annoying things drive me crazy!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Baby Update
I had my doctor's appt yesterday and guess what?! My uterus is measuring 19 or 20 weeks vs. 16 1/2 weeks. This is nothing new to me as the exact same thing happened to me with Hannah. I told my nurse that my theory on this is that my torso is so short that this baby and uterus have no where to go but out which is why now with 2 pregnancies I measure bigger then I should. She said that could be a possibility...I am certain of it. This also makes me feel better as I feel huge for how far along I am, so at least I am measuring bigger which gives me justification to feel huge.
While at the appt. we also listened to the rapid heartbeat of this little one and at one point this baby gave off quite a kick! You could hear it in the speaker of the heart monitor and I could definitely feel it in my bladder...ouch! That I would have to say was the first real true movement I have felt from this little one. Up until now I have felt those little flutters which I am pretty sure are the baby but you never know if it is just indigestion or gas. :)
I also had to go get my blood drawn for the alpha-feta protein test which is done around now...this is the test that Hannah tested a false positive for spina-bifida,which freaked us out for several weeks during my pregnancy with her. So I still wanted to get this test done this time but I am bracing myself for a phone call at work like I received last time with crappy, but hopefully wrong news. Or lets just hope I don't get a phone call at all! One thing that sucked was I had to wait 1 hour and 30 minutes before I was even seen in the lab and I also had to give them a urine sample so I was about to burst when they finally saw me! The first thing I said was give me the cup so I can go pee!
Last but not least, our ultrasound it scheduled for August 14th at 9am to find out how this baby is growing and if it is a boy or a girl. That is about 3 weeks away and I cannot wait!
While at the appt. we also listened to the rapid heartbeat of this little one and at one point this baby gave off quite a kick! You could hear it in the speaker of the heart monitor and I could definitely feel it in my bladder...ouch! That I would have to say was the first real true movement I have felt from this little one. Up until now I have felt those little flutters which I am pretty sure are the baby but you never know if it is just indigestion or gas. :)
I also had to go get my blood drawn for the alpha-feta protein test which is done around now...this is the test that Hannah tested a false positive for spina-bifida,which freaked us out for several weeks during my pregnancy with her. So I still wanted to get this test done this time but I am bracing myself for a phone call at work like I received last time with crappy, but hopefully wrong news. Or lets just hope I don't get a phone call at all! One thing that sucked was I had to wait 1 hour and 30 minutes before I was even seen in the lab and I also had to give them a urine sample so I was about to burst when they finally saw me! The first thing I said was give me the cup so I can go pee!
Last but not least, our ultrasound it scheduled for August 14th at 9am to find out how this baby is growing and if it is a boy or a girl. That is about 3 weeks away and I cannot wait!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Big 4th of July Weekend
We had so much fun this 4th of July weekend (get ready for a lot of pictures). We all took the day off on the 3rd and headed down to the Bay Area for some much needed cooling off. On Thursday the 3rd we went to the Giants Game in SF with Hannah...it was her first game and it was so much fun! We took the ferry from Larkspur and that dropped us off right at the stadium. Hannah had a great time rooting for the Giants although a few times she said "Go Aggies...Aggies are #1!"...I guess she is pre-programed. :) She kept asking why the catcher was squatting and she loved the Giants mascot, a seal. His actual name is "Lou Seal" and of course we had to meet him which we were lucky enough to find him right outside the "Build a Bear" factory in the stadium where we happened to be building non other then Lou Seal himself so Hannah got an autographed version:

Then Hannah also had a chance to "run the bases" at the park...another kid activity there. She hit a ball off of the t-ball stick and then Adam helped her run...it was lots of fun:

Round the bases!:

And a homerun!!

I think we watched 4 or 5 of the total 9 innings at the game b/c there is just so much to do at that park. In the end the Giants won 8-3 against the Chicago Cubs...go Giants!
On a side note, Hannah is so friendly!!! I swear that girl made friends on the ferry, all over the baseball park and even standing in line at the bathroom!! I have no idea where she gets it from b/c Adam and I were super shy kids and I can't say that in situations were I don't know people I am too out going either. Hannah just makes friends with everyone...kids & adults alike...it is so fun to watch her just be a little social butterfly.
Then on the 4th we watched a 4th of July parade that just so happened to pass right in front of Adam's mom's house so we just had to walk outside. Adam's aunt, brother and Hannah's cousins came over and much fun was had by all. Hannah couldn't stop saying "Happy 4th of July/Happy Birthday" to just about everyone in the parade...again Miss Social Butterfly. Here is a little video of that(this video took quite a bit to get uploaded, but thanks to Paul I finally managed to get it on here...sorry that it is sideways I really was done with the technical stuff and didn't feel like fixing it, but you will get the point viewing it sideways...maybe turn your head):
Here is a picture of Hannah & I in our matching shirts...we went shopping at Walmart the day before...$3 for my shirt and $2.50 for Hannah's! What a deal!

Also right next to Adam's mom's house was a fair that we checked out after nap time. Then that evening we went to the end of Tiburon to watch the fireworks in SF. Too bad the fog was in and we could only see the really high fireworks...at least Hannah wasn't afraid this year and "ooohed and ahhhed" like a pro. On the down side it was like 10pm when the fireworks were done and Hannah was beyond trashed. She just cried in the car for like 15 minutes while we were stuck in fireworks viewing traffic...good times. I couldn't help but laugh...I know I am horrible mom.
Here is a picture of Hannah getting all snuggly with her Uncle Scotty before the fireworks (do you see how bundled they are...I am dreaming of that cool weather right now!):

Watching the fireworks from Uncle Scotty's lap:

And the traditional silly Mommy/Hannah picture (about 5 minutes before the big meltdown):

By the way I was really excited to try out my new "fireworks" feature on my camera...this is the best shot I got...pretty sad:

Maybe it would work better if we were a little closer...guess I will have to wait until next year to try that out.
The next day we trucked it back up to the heat of Davis. Luckily the pool down the street was finally open...only about 2 months late! It was closed all last year because they were re-doing it and then it was suppose to open in May but that never happened...it just opened on the 4th of July. Hannah has become a little fish. She loves going under water and she loved all the fun water features:

So that was our adventuresome weekend. We were all super tired, but we had fun. :)

Then Hannah also had a chance to "run the bases" at the park...another kid activity there. She hit a ball off of the t-ball stick and then Adam helped her run...it was lots of fun:

Round the bases!:

And a homerun!!

I think we watched 4 or 5 of the total 9 innings at the game b/c there is just so much to do at that park. In the end the Giants won 8-3 against the Chicago Cubs...go Giants!
On a side note, Hannah is so friendly!!! I swear that girl made friends on the ferry, all over the baseball park and even standing in line at the bathroom!! I have no idea where she gets it from b/c Adam and I were super shy kids and I can't say that in situations were I don't know people I am too out going either. Hannah just makes friends with everyone...kids & adults alike...it is so fun to watch her just be a little social butterfly.
Then on the 4th we watched a 4th of July parade that just so happened to pass right in front of Adam's mom's house so we just had to walk outside. Adam's aunt, brother and Hannah's cousins came over and much fun was had by all. Hannah couldn't stop saying "Happy 4th of July/Happy Birthday" to just about everyone in the parade...again Miss Social Butterfly. Here is a little video of that(this video took quite a bit to get uploaded, but thanks to Paul I finally managed to get it on here...sorry that it is sideways I really was done with the technical stuff and didn't feel like fixing it, but you will get the point viewing it sideways...maybe turn your head):
Here is a picture of Hannah & I in our matching shirts...we went shopping at Walmart the day before...$3 for my shirt and $2.50 for Hannah's! What a deal!

Also right next to Adam's mom's house was a fair that we checked out after nap time. Then that evening we went to the end of Tiburon to watch the fireworks in SF. Too bad the fog was in and we could only see the really high fireworks...at least Hannah wasn't afraid this year and "ooohed and ahhhed" like a pro. On the down side it was like 10pm when the fireworks were done and Hannah was beyond trashed. She just cried in the car for like 15 minutes while we were stuck in fireworks viewing traffic...good times. I couldn't help but laugh...I know I am horrible mom.
Here is a picture of Hannah getting all snuggly with her Uncle Scotty before the fireworks (do you see how bundled they are...I am dreaming of that cool weather right now!):

Watching the fireworks from Uncle Scotty's lap:

And the traditional silly Mommy/Hannah picture (about 5 minutes before the big meltdown):

By the way I was really excited to try out my new "fireworks" feature on my camera...this is the best shot I got...pretty sad:

Maybe it would work better if we were a little closer...guess I will have to wait until next year to try that out.
The next day we trucked it back up to the heat of Davis. Luckily the pool down the street was finally open...only about 2 months late! It was closed all last year because they were re-doing it and then it was suppose to open in May but that never happened...it just opened on the 4th of July. Hannah has become a little fish. She loves going under water and she loved all the fun water features:

So that was our adventuresome weekend. We were all super tired, but we had fun. :)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The Call of the Morning
A couple of mornings ago Hannah woke up and started calling out to me like she usually does in a very sweet cute calm voice..."Mommy....Mamacita (she likes to call me this)" . As usual I ignore her first calls in some hope that she will go back to sleep, which she never has, but hey I can dream can't I. After a few minutes of silence after this first call the next thing I hear from Hannah in a very pissed off tone is "NICOLE!". I must say that was a first.
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