So yesterday afternoon when I picked her up off we went to the see the goats. As we arrived upon the area Hannah exclaimed from the bike trailer "Mommy! Look at all the white ones!". Yes there were a lot of white goats out there and she could hardly wait to get out of the trailer. As the friendly goats came up to greet us Hannah got a little scared but then I helped her feed them and in no time she was sticking her hands through the fence to check out the tags on their ears. I had to keep reminding her that her fingers and hands stay on our side of the fence.
It was a lot of fun and I was taking my pictures as usual. At one point I picked a rather large weed that I had to use both of my hands to break up. Since I was holding my camera in one hand (that was on, lens out) I decided to ask Hannah if she could hold it for a brief second while I quickly break the weed apart in one section. In that second that I gave Hannah my camera she managed to drop it, face down and bend the crap out of the lens. Of course now my camera would not close, take pictures or show me the pictures I had taken so my picture taking time was over. Here are the pictures I managed to take before my camera broke:

Doesn't it look like Hannah is having a conversation with the goat?:

While we were there these juvenile delinquent jr. high school girls came by and decided to jump the fence in the area with the goats. I quickly told them that they should get out because there was a reason the fence was up, to which they just laughed at me and ran out into the field. While they were out there the poor little baby sheep & goats were terrified and running away with their moms. So I yelled to them again telling them that they are harassing the animals and again the fence was up for a reason to protect the animals. They told me they were not harassing the animals and I told them that they were and they were not setting a good example for all the little kids around the area. I guess they finally got that I was not going to give up yelling at them and they got out. The rejoined the other delinquent friends who were pointing at me and talking about how they were not harassing animals and laughing. I was so fired up and mad that I was just thinking "yeah come on, try and say something again or do something...I will let the wrath of the chipmunk out on you!" Hannah just stood there watching the whole thing and said "the girls not listening". That is right they were not listening but I set them straight!
After we left the goats I loaded Hannah up and went down to Ritz Camera to find out about the damage to my camera. So apparently it will be more money to fix it then to just get a new one. So I have my dad researching the camera they suggested to me and shortly I will have a new camera. So a lesson to all you moms & dads out not let your little ones hold your camera for even a is highly likely they will drop it.
1 comment:
You have your own little petting zoo! How fun! Sorry to hear about your camera. Gotta love unexpected expenses like that.
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