On Saturday we had breakfast with the Easter Bunny, walked in an Easter Parade and participated in Hannah's second Easter egg hunt for the weekend through the City of Davis' Eggstravaganza. Hannah is so in love with the Easter Bunny that we got in line 3 times to get pictures with the famous bunny. Hannah's friend Sydney was not so thrilled by the bunny...one picture with mom and crying "I want to go home!"...poor thing. At this event there are also many other famous characters such as Sparks the fire dog, McGruff the crime fighting dog, the Rivercats mascot (don't know what his name is), many more, and of course Gunrock. Hannah was SOOOO exicted to see Gunrock that she screamed out "Gunrock!" when she laid eyes on him and as she went running up to him she tripped and fell partially into his arms and partially onto the sidewalk where she scrapped up her hand pretty good. As you can see by this picture, Hannah wanted to pose for a picture with Gunrock but was kind of unsure because her hand was all scrapped up...poor thing.

Here are Adam & Hannah having too much fun walking in the parade:

Hannah ever so carefully hunting for eggs...you gotta' pick the right one!

One of the many Easter Bunny pictures we got:

And trashed after Saturday moring's Eggstravaganza events (she kinda looks like a bum sleeping on a bench :) )

On Sunday, Easter was at our house and we had the whole family over for some lunch and Easter Egg Hunting. Hannah & I started the morning by taking a walk down to feed the goats and sheep an Easter breakfast of weeds:

When we got back Hannah took a nap and Adam & I hid the eggs in our backyard. It was so much fun to hide the eggs all over the backyard and then let the kids loose.

After hunting, eating, playing, and socializing for a while we had a little Easter "parade" of our own with the whole family and walked back down to the park to feed the goats again.

Then of course Hannah had to do some exercise to work off all that chocolate and food:

What a fun weekend! But we are all sooooo tired!