We had a great time on Sunday at Soda Springs playing in the snow at their Snow Park with the Telford Family. It was Hannah's first time in snow and she loved it. It was also a beautiful day out...so warm. Looking up at the ski slopes really had Adam & I thinking how much we miss skiing! Here are some great pictures of the day:
Hannah all bundled up and ready to go...shortly after this picture was taken Hannah fell into that puddle on her left...luckily it was warm out so she dried off really quickly:

Working hard to walk in that snow:

Look I have gloves on!:

Lovin' the Snow Carousel...basically it was intertubes attached to poles that went around and around...Hannah really enjoyed just kickin' back and being twirled around:

Flying down the hill in the intertube and lovin' it!

Taking a break from tubing to just play in the snow:

Snow Family:

Silly picture:

After lunch it was back to more Ski Carousel:

Doesn't it look like all she needs is a drink to complete this picture :) :

Bye-bye to the snow...until next time...which will be soon! :)