Last night I put Hannah on the potty before going into the shower...which is what I always do. Usually she commands me to sit down on the ground in front of her and wait until she is done. Well last night she asked me to leave the bathroom and close the door! I was quite shocked! At 2 years old she is requesting privacy!?...yeah the teenage years are going to be lots of fun. I of course did not close the door all the way and was peeking in. She was singing and talking to her self and as Daddy would say "Pushing it Out". :) I was cracking up! Finally she heard me laughing outside the door and "let" me come back inside. Well folks, she had successfully pooped! Just a little but it still counts! I guess all she needs it privacy in the future to do her "business" b/c pooping has been a problem on the potty. Anyway, the whole ordeal cracked me up. And I apologize to those of you who I grossed out with my bathroom story.
Aggies Won the Causeway!
Thank god the Ags won the Causeway Classic. I was beginning to get a bit nervous with the season we've had. The game was a little long...3 1/2 hours and I must say I was so proud of Hannah for sitting through the whole thing! She only got a little antsy at the end and wanted to run around on the bleachers. She is our little Aggie. :) Enjoy this little video of her cheering for the Ags...she really gets into it:
Late Halloween Pictures
Hannah the Penguin:

We went trick or treating downtown again this year. It was crazy busy down there but we had a lot of fun. We met up with Tara, Tom & Abby and Hannah's friend from school Sydney and her mom Susan. Our little penguin sure was tired at the end of the night but got a lot of good chocolate. :) Last night she tried her first lollipop from her loot and really quite enjoyed it. It was really funny to see her licking the lollipop with her tongue until she finally figured out that sucking it works much better.
1 comment:
That movie is very cute! Hannah sure is a die-hard Aggie fan!
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