As most of you know Hannah refuses to eat any fruits or vegetables. Well by some miracle she ate carrots this morning dipped in ranch. Yes I know she ate it for breakfast and that sounds really gross but I did not care!...she was eating a vegetable! So we were saying that we had a bunny in the kitchen and we were making a big deal out of it so that she would think eating carrots was cool. :)

"Death At A Funeral":
Last night several of my co-workers and I went to go see this British comedy at the Varsity Theater. It was beyond hilarious! I haven't laughed this hard at a movie in a long time! My boss had streams of make up coming down her face b/c she was laughing so hard. I must say those British people sure do have a good sense of humor even though to some of the world they come off as up tight. I highly recommend this film if you can still find it in the theaters or rush out and get it when it comes out on DVD.
By the way I had never been to the Varsity Theater and I must say I liked it a lot! Very nice seating and it is no where near as crowded as other movie theaters so you can get food and go to the bathroom without missing a beat!
On a side note; whenever I ask Hannah "You know what?" She instantly answers "I love you!" It is too cute b/c that is what I was going to tell her. :)
I didn't know Tom finally rubbed off on her! Really, I had no idea she didn't eat fruits or veggies. Welcome to my world! When did this happen? Lucky for me, he will eat a fruit smoothie so we make them almost daily!
Yeah for eating carrots! I guess you do whatever you have to do to get them to eat veggies. Yum!
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