Little ghosts and goblins got into our Volvo engine and suck all the juice from the alternator, which then killed the car. :( What a nice way to start the morning.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Little ghosts and goblins got into our Volvo engine and suck all the juice from the alternator, which then killed the car. :( What a nice way to start the morning.
Little ghosts and goblins got into our Volvo engine and suck all the juice from the alternator, which then killed the car. :( What a nice way to start the morning.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Busy Bees This Weekend
What a very busy weekend we had. In our very fun and busy weekend we saw Sydney 3 times! Hannah and Sydney were thrilled. We started out our weekend at the Farmer's Market Harvest Festival where we met Sydney for a pony ride and a ride on the Merry-Go-Round.

After that we went to the UCD Homecoming Football Game to cheer on the Ags...but they lost and lost the 37 year winning streak. :(

The next day we went to the pumpkin patch with Sydney again. We spent over 2 hours there petting the animals, running in hay mazes, dancing on hay bales, running in the pumpkin patch, and going on a tractor ride.

Hannah & Sydney getting their groove on:

Hannah in love with a kitten...too bad we can't have one (Adam & I are deathly allergic & Tulip would probably eat it).

Some more grooving going on:

After the pumpkin patch & a nap we were off to Marie's 1st b-day was a costume party so Hannah got to try on her penguin costume and her "waddle":

At the party we had a lot of fun painting pumpkins and Daddy got to carve a pumpkin. It turned into quite a project but he successfully cut out a Winnie the Pooh face onto a pumpkin using a template. I don't have the after shot but I will get it on Halloween looks fabulous! Hannah couldn't stop saying "Thank you Daddy". It was the sweetest thing ever and even though Adam worked up a sweat carving this pumpkin...and I don't think he had too much fun...Hannah's constant thanks yous made it all worth it. :)

Adam concentrating real hard!

Daddy & Hannah working as a team...

All that hard work deserves a reward. :)

After that we went to the UCD Homecoming Football Game to cheer on the Ags...but they lost and lost the 37 year winning streak. :(

The next day we went to the pumpkin patch with Sydney again. We spent over 2 hours there petting the animals, running in hay mazes, dancing on hay bales, running in the pumpkin patch, and going on a tractor ride.

Hannah & Sydney getting their groove on:

Hannah in love with a kitten...too bad we can't have one (Adam & I are deathly allergic & Tulip would probably eat it).

Some more grooving going on:

After the pumpkin patch & a nap we were off to Marie's 1st b-day was a costume party so Hannah got to try on her penguin costume and her "waddle":

At the party we had a lot of fun painting pumpkins and Daddy got to carve a pumpkin. It turned into quite a project but he successfully cut out a Winnie the Pooh face onto a pumpkin using a template. I don't have the after shot but I will get it on Halloween looks fabulous! Hannah couldn't stop saying "Thank you Daddy". It was the sweetest thing ever and even though Adam worked up a sweat carving this pumpkin...and I don't think he had too much fun...Hannah's constant thanks yous made it all worth it. :)

Adam concentrating real hard!

Daddy & Hannah working as a team...

All that hard work deserves a reward. :)

Sleepy Head
Hannah was still asleep when I left the house this morning at 7:30! I finally called just a little while ago and Adam told me she woke up at 7:50! What a sleepy head! Normally, and it seems especially on the weekends, she likes to wake up at 5:30 or 6:00am. So here is my question...WHY CAN'T SHE SLEEP UNTIL 7:50 ON THE WEEKENDS??!!!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Very Late Birthday Summary
I know...I am a horrible mother for taking this long to post about my own daughter's 2nd b-day party. I mean come on...even Tara was on top of it with an update about Hannah's party within 2 days after at It has just been a beyond crazy week; so here is the summary of the Aggie Party:
It was AWESOME! Hannah is so in love with Gunrock and it just melts my heart. Before the party all she could talk about was "Gunrock coming to my party". She was telling everyone! And when Gunrock finally arrived and stepped into our backyard she ran across the backyard, hopped up onto the deck and gave him the biggest hug almost knocked Gunrock down!

After a while of just standing there and hugging him, she decided it was time to show him around her new backyard...

Then she showed him her swing set and requested that he push her on it...

Can you tell by the way she looks at him while he is pushing her that she is just in love!
Then we attempted a children's group photo with Gunrock...which did not go fabulous but there were some brave souls out there...

Next was "Pin the Tail on Gunrock" to which Hannah decided to point out to Gunrock that she had a picture of him on her sliding glass door.

Last were some good-bye hugs and picture poses and then Gunrock was off. I was really expecting Hannah to melt down when he left but we told her we would see him at the football games and that obviously helped.

All in all the 2nd b-day party was a huge success, minus the fact that the cake Nugget made for us was suppose to be chocolate and instead it was white cake! A huge fauxpax in our family. Hannah was very aware that her cake was not chocolate but she sacrificed...ha-ha and ate it anyway with Dedo's help. :)

After the b-day party we had to quickly pack up and head up to Nevada City b/c Grandpa (Adam's Dad) was getting married the next day and we had to attend the rehersal since Adam & Hannah were in the wedding. Hannah was the flower girl and did a superb job! I was really worried about her not walking down the aisle and being intimidated by all the people starring at her, but she and her 5 year old cousin, Joey, who was the ring bearer, grabbed each others hands and walked each other down the aisle like pros! They must have been giving each other moral was the cutest thing ever!

That is about as girly as you are going to see Hannah dressed up for a while. She was not thrilled with the dress and about the only thing that got her to wear it was that she got to wear her "Abby Shoes" (white patent leather sandals handed down to her from Abby) with it, which she loves.
By the time the wedding was over and we got home we were exhausted and I just feel like that is how it has been all week! I promise to update more regularly. Tomorrow is the Homecoming Football game...let's just hope we win. :)
By the way, Hannah still is telling many people to this day that "Gunrock coming to my party"...clearly does not understand past, present or future tense yet. :)
It was AWESOME! Hannah is so in love with Gunrock and it just melts my heart. Before the party all she could talk about was "Gunrock coming to my party". She was telling everyone! And when Gunrock finally arrived and stepped into our backyard she ran across the backyard, hopped up onto the deck and gave him the biggest hug almost knocked Gunrock down!

After a while of just standing there and hugging him, she decided it was time to show him around her new backyard...

Then she showed him her swing set and requested that he push her on it...

Can you tell by the way she looks at him while he is pushing her that she is just in love!
Then we attempted a children's group photo with Gunrock...which did not go fabulous but there were some brave souls out there...

Next was "Pin the Tail on Gunrock" to which Hannah decided to point out to Gunrock that she had a picture of him on her sliding glass door.

Last were some good-bye hugs and picture poses and then Gunrock was off. I was really expecting Hannah to melt down when he left but we told her we would see him at the football games and that obviously helped.

All in all the 2nd b-day party was a huge success, minus the fact that the cake Nugget made for us was suppose to be chocolate and instead it was white cake! A huge fauxpax in our family. Hannah was very aware that her cake was not chocolate but she sacrificed...ha-ha and ate it anyway with Dedo's help. :)

After the b-day party we had to quickly pack up and head up to Nevada City b/c Grandpa (Adam's Dad) was getting married the next day and we had to attend the rehersal since Adam & Hannah were in the wedding. Hannah was the flower girl and did a superb job! I was really worried about her not walking down the aisle and being intimidated by all the people starring at her, but she and her 5 year old cousin, Joey, who was the ring bearer, grabbed each others hands and walked each other down the aisle like pros! They must have been giving each other moral was the cutest thing ever!

That is about as girly as you are going to see Hannah dressed up for a while. She was not thrilled with the dress and about the only thing that got her to wear it was that she got to wear her "Abby Shoes" (white patent leather sandals handed down to her from Abby) with it, which she loves.
By the time the wedding was over and we got home we were exhausted and I just feel like that is how it has been all week! I promise to update more regularly. Tomorrow is the Homecoming Football game...let's just hope we win. :)
By the way, Hannah still is telling many people to this day that "Gunrock coming to my party"...clearly does not understand past, present or future tense yet. :)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Hannah Funnies
We were at dinner the other night at Bistro 33. Adam's fellow Masons from Canada were having dinner with us and these are older more reserved people. So there we were having a somewhat fancy dinner with 7 other people when Hannah lets out a pretty loud sounding fart, and I might add she lifted up her butt to do it, and then follows it up with "I farted" and a big smile on her face. Lovely. We had to keep from laughing and asked her to say excuse me, but it was still too funny.
This morning I sat her down to watch "The Best of Elmo" b/c she loves it and I had a few extra things to do this morning and Adam was off at the airport with the above mentioned Canadian Masons. We still don't let her watch too much TV, in fact the last time she watched TV was last week when she was sick. Adam came home & I left for work and Hannah was still watching Elmo. Not even a few minutes into my drive to work do I get a call from Adam with Hannah in the background screaming b/c she wants to watch more TV! Crazy girl. She watched for a good 45 think that would be enough...I guess her attention span is getting longer or she truly is her mother's daughter and could possibly have the TV addiction gene!
This morning I sat her down to watch "The Best of Elmo" b/c she loves it and I had a few extra things to do this morning and Adam was off at the airport with the above mentioned Canadian Masons. We still don't let her watch too much TV, in fact the last time she watched TV was last week when she was sick. Adam came home & I left for work and Hannah was still watching Elmo. Not even a few minutes into my drive to work do I get a call from Adam with Hannah in the background screaming b/c she wants to watch more TV! Crazy girl. She watched for a good 45 think that would be enough...I guess her attention span is getting longer or she truly is her mother's daughter and could possibly have the TV addiction gene!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Picture Day Drama
Today is picture day at Hannah's school. I was all prepared...I bought this cute long sleeved light pink shirt with a simple bow around the torso but I wanted to wash it to shrink it a little so it fit better. Well when I took it out of the dryer the collar had frayed! I was so upset b/c this is from Babies R'Us and it is what I thought a quality brand...Koala Kids...apparently not! So I thought quick how can I fix this? I didn't have time to do any sewing repairs on it this morning so I tried to iron the frayed part under but that didn't work. I also tried it on Hannah and it was just way to obivous that it was frayed so I had to take it off her...after I convinced her that it was so pretty so she would put it on and then she said "Pretty" while looking at the shirt and I said "Sorry we have to take it off. This did not make her happy. So quick I put on another shirt. It was another new shirt I bought with flowers on it and again after I convinced her it was pretty we put it on and it was way too big! Even after it had been shrunk! Now I was at a loss! I had specfically bought these 2 shirts for picture day b/c October is always that time of year where the season changes and you have run out of good looking cloths that will be o.k for the colder weather and that look decent. So I quickly started looking through her cloths and looking for something that looked nice but warm. Accidentally I pulled out a dress hanging in her closet that is a khaki dress with safari animals all over it. Well she just loves it...probably the only dress she really likes b/c it has all the animals all over it. It is sleeveless though so I told Hannah this really won't work. Well the poor girl broke down. She was crying that she wanted to wear that dress and kept trying to pull it off the hanger to put it on, and so I gave in! I figured I had already put her through enough putting on and taking off of clothes and hell if she liked a dress we might as well go with it. I found a pink longsleeved shirt with a design on the front, but luckily the dress covered it up (the dress is kind of like overalls but with velcro instead of snaps) and I found some pink tights and voila! Picture day outfit complete! Not exactly the look I was going for but Hannah was happy and I think she will be running into things all day b/c she kept looking down and starring at the animals on her dress as she walked. Hopefully she did not walk into something and get a big old bruise before the pics were taken this morning...I will post the pictures when they come back.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Drum Roll Please...
And so our yard is done! We have grass, we have a play structure, we have tanbark, we have rocks, we have a raised bed to plant vegetables...all that is left is for me to plant. It's amazing! Here are some more pictures of the work that went on this weekend and the final product:

Hannah having dinner with Daddy Sunday night while he was building her play structure:


In addition to our yard construction this weekend we went to Paul & Abby's 3rd b-day party at the pumpkin patch. We had so much fun! We picked out a pumpkin, took a hay ride, watched the train, but did not get on it b/c Hannah wasn't too thrilled about riding it, and of course ate cupcakes!

Today Adam officially completed the play structure so Hannah had her first swing and slide on it and did not want to get off at all! We were out there until 6:15pm and had to come in for dinner but she just cried and cried and then even when we came in she stood at the slider and just starred outside and cried. Let's hope this does not become a nightly problem:

Hannah having dinner with Daddy Sunday night while he was building her play structure:


In addition to our yard construction this weekend we went to Paul & Abby's 3rd b-day party at the pumpkin patch. We had so much fun! We picked out a pumpkin, took a hay ride, watched the train, but did not get on it b/c Hannah wasn't too thrilled about riding it, and of course ate cupcakes!

Today Adam officially completed the play structure so Hannah had her first swing and slide on it and did not want to get off at all! We were out there until 6:15pm and had to come in for dinner but she just cried and cried and then even when we came in she stood at the slider and just starred outside and cried. Let's hope this does not become a nightly problem:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Bunny in the Kitchen and a Death at a Funeral
Bunny in the Kitchen:
As most of you know Hannah refuses to eat any fruits or vegetables. Well by some miracle she ate carrots this morning dipped in ranch. Yes I know she ate it for breakfast and that sounds really gross but I did not care!...she was eating a vegetable! So we were saying that we had a bunny in the kitchen and we were making a big deal out of it so that she would think eating carrots was cool. :)

"Death At A Funeral":
Last night several of my co-workers and I went to go see this British comedy at the Varsity Theater. It was beyond hilarious! I haven't laughed this hard at a movie in a long time! My boss had streams of make up coming down her face b/c she was laughing so hard. I must say those British people sure do have a good sense of humor even though to some of the world they come off as up tight. I highly recommend this film if you can still find it in the theaters or rush out and get it when it comes out on DVD.
By the way I had never been to the Varsity Theater and I must say I liked it a lot! Very nice seating and it is no where near as crowded as other movie theaters so you can get food and go to the bathroom without missing a beat!
On a side note; whenever I ask Hannah "You know what?" She instantly answers "I love you!" It is too cute b/c that is what I was going to tell her. :)
As most of you know Hannah refuses to eat any fruits or vegetables. Well by some miracle she ate carrots this morning dipped in ranch. Yes I know she ate it for breakfast and that sounds really gross but I did not care!...she was eating a vegetable! So we were saying that we had a bunny in the kitchen and we were making a big deal out of it so that she would think eating carrots was cool. :)

"Death At A Funeral":
Last night several of my co-workers and I went to go see this British comedy at the Varsity Theater. It was beyond hilarious! I haven't laughed this hard at a movie in a long time! My boss had streams of make up coming down her face b/c she was laughing so hard. I must say those British people sure do have a good sense of humor even though to some of the world they come off as up tight. I highly recommend this film if you can still find it in the theaters or rush out and get it when it comes out on DVD.
By the way I had never been to the Varsity Theater and I must say I liked it a lot! Very nice seating and it is no where near as crowded as other movie theaters so you can get food and go to the bathroom without missing a beat!
On a side note; whenever I ask Hannah "You know what?" She instantly answers "I love you!" It is too cute b/c that is what I was going to tell her. :)
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Construction Continues...
I have to say our neighbor Dave is awesome! That guy moves on projects. We started the weekend with a big pile of decomposed granite and river rock sitting in our driveway...

And then when we came back from being in the Bay Area for the weekend we had our vegetable garden area built, rock lining the whole yard and a decomposed granite path and side yard. Wow!

And apparently we will have grass by this weekend! Crazy! I am so excited that we will soon have a usable backyard. :)

And then when we came back from being in the Bay Area for the weekend we had our vegetable garden area built, rock lining the whole yard and a decomposed granite path and side yard. Wow!

And apparently we will have grass by this weekend! Crazy! I am so excited that we will soon have a usable backyard. :)
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