Thursday, May 20, 2010

Not liking the Toddler Room

Samantha's transition to the Toddler Room is not going so well. Sometimes she has great days, but a lot of days she cries A LOT. Yesterday she cried all morning and kept pointing to the Infant Room. So at about 11am they let her go over there and she was much happier. About 12:50pm she went to take a nap and when I came to pick her up at 3:30pm she was still out cold. This is what I saw:

Poor thing! She slept like this until 4pm...crazy 3 hour nap! Hopefully today goes better.

Here is a new skill of Samantha's that she likes to do:

When Adam was in Palm Springs my mom came up to help me with the girls. One night we took her out to dinner to celebrate her birthday and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to take a picture of the 3 generations of women...Samantha had other plans and did not want to take a picture at all! Didn't this just turn out lovely..and this is the best sad.

This last weekend we went down to Vacaville and stopped at the new Nut Tree play area. Hannah and Samantha had a lot of fun:

Here is Samantha bench pressing the giant chess pieces (I wish Adam and I could have played):

Samantha and Hannah on a ride together...of course they can NEVER both be looking at the camera and smiling nice at the same time...why would they want to do that?

Here is Samantha and Hannah on the Spiderman ride...Samantha was really curious about Spiderman...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy 35th Birthday to Adam!

Wow! I cannot believe Adam is 35 today...what's worse is this means that I will soon be 35 too...craziness! We are almost 40! Anyway, poor guy is not here on his birthday, but rather in Palm Springs on business and not happy to be working. He was really upset about this, but the girls and I packed him a little present to open today and we will celebrate with him when he gets back. Hannah was a lovely little peach this morning and refused to wish him a happy birthday b/c she was "starving" and couldn't take a 5 second break to wish her father a happy birthday...lovely.

While Adam is gone my mom is staying with us to help out and her birthday is Friday...she will be 65!...but shhhh...I didn't tell you that. Hannah again being a lovely little peach whispered to her yesterday to inform her that she will die at some point...again lovely.

What was really nice last night was that my mom, Hannah & I all snuggled in my bed to watch "Dancing with the Stars" together (Hannah only got to watch the first hour...and really wasn't even suppose to stay up watching that late but suckered me into it). That was a really nice moment to be laying in bed with my mom and my daughter commenting on the "Dancing Show" as Hannah calls it. It will definitely be a nice memory for me.