Monday, December 28, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday to Samantha!
I cannot believe it has already been one year! Happy 1st Birthday to my little Samantha! She made a few noises this morning at 4:50am and I woke up...I realized that at this time one year ago I had gotten up to go the bathroom and that is when my contractions started. Then at 6am when Adam's alarm went off I realized one year ago we were in the car and I was screaming my head off on the way to Sacramento to the hospital. Then at 7:25 am when Hannah woke up I realized that Samantha had already been born 35 minutes earlier at 6:49am. Craziness how is all happened so fast! Hannah, Samantha & I went to breakfast this morning to get pancakes for Samantha's birthday breakfast. After her nap we are going to visit Daddy for lunch, go to the park and then nap again. Tonight we have a special cupcake for her and we are going to have her favorite meal...mac & cheese (concidentally it is Hannah's favorite meal too...funny how that works). I will post pictures of x-mas and her birthday later tonight or tomorrow when MY vacation officially starts and I get to have 3 days at home by looking forward to that!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tree Time
On Sunday we went and got our Christmas Tree. Yay! We always go to the Boy Scout lot here in Davis b/c Adam was a boy scout and he always likes to support them. When Hannah heard her Daddy was a boy scout she said in a really grown up tone "Daddy I didn't know you were a boy scout, you never told me that before." It was very cute. Hannah did a great job letting us know which tree was her favorite:

Clearly she is a "tree hugger". :)
She also did a great job helping Adam carry the tree out of the lot:

We have to put our tree on a table this year so that Samantha "The Destructor" does not take it apart and eat every ornament on the tree. This created a lot of lifting of Hannah to get the tree decorated b/c of course she wanted to put on the star and ornaments up top.

While we decorated Samantha enjoyed pulling ornaments out of the box and chucking them across the room and crawling under the table. It was kind of crazy but it is done. That night Samantha also cut her finger on a decoration...although we didn't know it until we saw blood just about everywhere and finally traced it back to Samantha's little finger. We had to put a band aid on her finger, which she did NOT like! She did everything she could to pull that thing off:

Still workin' on it at dinner time:

Here is a great picture of both Hannah and Samantha. This smile that Samantha has on her face is a classic Hannah "cheesy" smile as we use to call it when Hannah was little. I guess they are related:

While eating dinner Hannah for some reason asked about how much milk she had left in her glass...well Adam being Adam decided to give her the full on explanation. He told her that she had about a ounce left and when Hannah asked what an ounce was he brought out a shot glass for her as an example. Well of course then Hannah really thought it would be a lot of fun to drink milk from a shot glass and she continued to do so throughout dinner. Here she is getting "drunk" off milk:

And finally Samantha has started walking with her "walker" or push car. For the longest time she just did this to push it around the house:

But then on Sunday she did this finally:

And then she started getting all crazy!

Although when she runs into something she hasn't figured out how to get herself turned around or backed away from the object, so she just stands there. Luckily Hannah helps her out and gets her going back on her way, only to about a few seconds later run into something again and get stuck. :)
Samantha is really trying to walk. Yesterday the Infant Room teachers said that she was free standing...which she does a lot these days, she has really good balance...and then she moved one foot forward and then stood there looking like she was thinking about if she should make the effort to move the other foot. She decided against it, apparently it was too much trouble, so she just sat down and started crawling...ah our lazy girl. At least she has finally started rolling over...only about 6 months late. :)

Clearly she is a "tree hugger". :)
She also did a great job helping Adam carry the tree out of the lot:

We have to put our tree on a table this year so that Samantha "The Destructor" does not take it apart and eat every ornament on the tree. This created a lot of lifting of Hannah to get the tree decorated b/c of course she wanted to put on the star and ornaments up top.

While we decorated Samantha enjoyed pulling ornaments out of the box and chucking them across the room and crawling under the table. It was kind of crazy but it is done. That night Samantha also cut her finger on a decoration...although we didn't know it until we saw blood just about everywhere and finally traced it back to Samantha's little finger. We had to put a band aid on her finger, which she did NOT like! She did everything she could to pull that thing off:

Still workin' on it at dinner time:

Here is a great picture of both Hannah and Samantha. This smile that Samantha has on her face is a classic Hannah "cheesy" smile as we use to call it when Hannah was little. I guess they are related:

While eating dinner Hannah for some reason asked about how much milk she had left in her glass...well Adam being Adam decided to give her the full on explanation. He told her that she had about a ounce left and when Hannah asked what an ounce was he brought out a shot glass for her as an example. Well of course then Hannah really thought it would be a lot of fun to drink milk from a shot glass and she continued to do so throughout dinner. Here she is getting "drunk" off milk:

And finally Samantha has started walking with her "walker" or push car. For the longest time she just did this to push it around the house:

But then on Sunday she did this finally:

And then she started getting all crazy!

Although when she runs into something she hasn't figured out how to get herself turned around or backed away from the object, so she just stands there. Luckily Hannah helps her out and gets her going back on her way, only to about a few seconds later run into something again and get stuck. :)
Samantha is really trying to walk. Yesterday the Infant Room teachers said that she was free standing...which she does a lot these days, she has really good balance...and then she moved one foot forward and then stood there looking like she was thinking about if she should make the effort to move the other foot. She decided against it, apparently it was too much trouble, so she just sat down and started crawling...ah our lazy girl. At least she has finally started rolling over...only about 6 months late. :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Power of Santa Claus
On Saturday Hannah spent most of the day with Adam's Dad and his wife getting their x-mas tree, decorating it, and baking cookies. We arranged with them that when they dropped Hannah off they would stay a couple of hours longer and watch both of the girls so that Adam and I could go and see "The Blind Side" (highly recommend it!!). When we were getting ready to leave Hannah melted down...she did not want me to leave and I started to feel guilty since I had not been with her all day. Adam, being the quick thinker that he is, told Hannah that we have a conference call with Santa to talk to him about how our kids have been this year. Every parent has a time where they go and talk to Santa and that we had to go to our appt. Immediately the crying stopped and she was so excited that we were going to go talk to Santa Claus. Then she was even thoughtful enough to say, tell Santa Claus not to forget my sister Samantha and to get a bone for my other sister sweet! After that she was practically kicking us out of the door to go talk to Santa in our conference call.
The next day Hannah was behaving very poorly, and so Adam said I am going to call Santa and let him know about this horrible behavior. Again immediately the tantrum/crying stopped and she turned into an angel. Then yesterday morning Hannah was having a tantrum again (don't ask me what her deal is lately, I am blaming it on her surgery recovery and it better stop quick) and Adam pulled out the Santa card again...and once again she started behaving really well and said "Please don't call Santa!". About 10 minutes later after Adam had left for work, Hannah was watching "Caillou" on PBS and I picked up the phone to call Adam to tell him something and in a frantic voice Hannah asks "Are you calling Santa?!". I calmed her down and told her I was not, as I was laughing about the power of Santa Claus. It was actually quite amazing that she even saw me pick up the phone b/c usually while watching t.v. Hannah is in the zone and you usually can't get her attention for anything.
The next day Hannah was behaving very poorly, and so Adam said I am going to call Santa and let him know about this horrible behavior. Again immediately the tantrum/crying stopped and she turned into an angel. Then yesterday morning Hannah was having a tantrum again (don't ask me what her deal is lately, I am blaming it on her surgery recovery and it better stop quick) and Adam pulled out the Santa card again...and once again she started behaving really well and said "Please don't call Santa!". About 10 minutes later after Adam had left for work, Hannah was watching "Caillou" on PBS and I picked up the phone to call Adam to tell him something and in a frantic voice Hannah asks "Are you calling Santa?!". I calmed her down and told her I was not, as I was laughing about the power of Santa Claus. It was actually quite amazing that she even saw me pick up the phone b/c usually while watching t.v. Hannah is in the zone and you usually can't get her attention for anything.
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