Hannah and Samantha with one of the bike themed bears...

Lately at night Hannah stalls and does everything she can to procrastinate going to bed. Usually after we put her down she keeps getting up and making up the worst excuses for why she needs to be up...sometimes she just comes out and says "I have to tell you something" and we say "What?" and then she says "I love you". What a manipulater!!! Just like my brother. Well Sunday night after Adam put her down he went outside to tend to the vegetable garden...he is addicted folks but our garden is looking awesome! Anyway I walk by Hannah's room and this is what I spot...

The "Oh you caught me!" face...nevermind the fact that she is in plain view of the door so it would be kind of hard not to catch her...

And here is what she was watching:

She really enjoyed watching her Daddy and it was really cute so she suckered me into letting her watch him until he was done.
Yesterday Samantha and I went grocery shopping and since she is getting so good at sitting on her own I thought I would try her out in the grocery cart seat. She was a little scared at first...she kept wanting to hold onto my hand, but by the end she was a pro. She looked so cute and so very little in that seat. Here is she when we got back to the car...she was getting tired.

And today after Samantha and I picked Hannah up from school we all went to the park to partake in some swinging. This was Samantha's first time on the swing with Hannah and I...she previously went with my mom and while my mom tried to take pictures with her phone camera the pictures didn't really come out. Here is Samantha all smiles to be on the swing...

I let Hannah push her sister on the swing and she did really well! I was worried she might push her too hard but she did perfectly. She even said, "I am pushing her like a mommy"...it was too cute.

Apparently swinging was so relaxing that Samantha fell fast asleep...