Last week when I dropped Hannah off at school they were just about ready to start circle time and Hannah said to me in a really excited voice "I want to sit next to Jacob!". With a twinkle in her eye and pure excitement she went running over to him and scooted in right close to him. Jacob of course was totally clueless to Hannah's excitement and to perhaps that fact that she was even sitting next to him and just continued to sit there waiting for circle time to start. With my mom intuition (and that fact that I was once a little girl myself) I thought to myself that Hannah seems to have some feelings for Jacob. That night I told Adam about it after Hannah went to sleep and he kind of just laughed...I don't think he really wanted to believe it.
Then yesterday morning Hannah, Adam and I were all snuggling in bed while Samantha was still sleeping and Hannah proclaimed "Daddy, I really love Jacob!". It came out of no where and she again had that twinkle in her eye. Adam instantly froze (maybe even a few more gray hairs sprouted) and said, "This is way too early to be dealing with this!". And I think he meant too early as in her age and the time of day. :) I instantly said to Adam that I knew she had a thing for Jacob but couldn't believe it either that we are already dealing with this at age 3 1/2!!
Later that day, at a Masonic breakfast Adam owed someone some money and as Hannah saw Adam giving they money to the other man Hannah yells out "Daddy I need some money too!". I think it was all too much for Adam in one day to have Hannah tell him that she loves a boy and needs some money...he didn't look too good. :) I think as Hannah gets older she is really going to give us a run for our money. Should be fun.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Talk, Talk, Talk...
Samantha is quite the chatter box these days. She loves to just sit or lay down and watch you and talk to you. Many times a day I just talk with her...she has no idea what I am saying and I have no idea what she is saying, but we both really enjoy it. :) She knows that when I pause in my conversation to start hers. She says lovely things like "Goo", "Boo", "Uggh", and "Bugoo". Just in the last few days she sometimes gets really excited and squeals in is really adorable. She also smiles so much during our conversations. But whenever I bust out the camera to take an adorable picture, she freezes up and just stares at the camera. But then I put the camera away and she starts smiling again! Even now, when she is sick - congested and a slight fever - she still is happy to sit and talk to me...I love it. I guess she knows she has some competition with her chatter box older sister so she needs to start practicing talking right now.
Here are some cute pictures from this month:
Samantha is smiling about her lovely new pillow with her initials on it from my very nice friend Kate:

Samantha discovering herself in her play mat mirror:

Doesn't she look like real little person here:

Enjoying the nice weather outside:

Silly sisters:

Another set of silly sisters looking at me:

So Pretty...just like her shirt says :) :

Cute little baby feet:
Here are some cute pictures from this month:
Samantha is smiling about her lovely new pillow with her initials on it from my very nice friend Kate:

Samantha discovering herself in her play mat mirror:

Doesn't she look like real little person here:

Enjoying the nice weather outside:

Silly sisters:

Another set of silly sisters looking at me:

So Pretty...just like her shirt says :) :

Cute little baby feet:

Thursday, March 12, 2009
And the Winner for Mother of the Year is...
ME! That's right...but I say that very sarcastically. I am actually expecting a visit from CPS any day now. Why you might ask? Well here is the story...
Today was such a nice day that I decided to go outside and do some much needed weeding in the backyard. So I bundled Samantha up in a fleece blanket that actually is more like a sleeping bag so it won't keep falling off and put a hat on her and then put her in her little bouncy/vibrating chair. I opened up the sliding glass door before I picked her up in the chair to carry her outside and as I was going through the sliding glass door I have no idea what happened but the next thing I know the chair slipped out of my hands and Samantha landed on the deck and started screaming. I was frantic! I quickly picked her up and of course she would not stop crying. I tried to comfort her, but nothing...she just kept crying horribly! This is very unlike her because she is such an easy baby that I started crying and tried to call Adam. He didn't answer his cell phone or his work phone so I went across the street to our neighbor who is a labor and delivery nurse. She checked her out and said just to be sure to get her checked out. I finally get a hold of Adam and he says he will meet me at the ER. With Samantha still crying I put her in her car seat and speed off to Sac Med Center. I am crying still and feeling like the worst mom in the world but Samantha is sleeping. So now I start to worry if she has a concussion and has now fallen asleep which isn't good. My mom calls me b/c I also tried to get a hold of her earlier and she wasn't answering her phone either. I tell her that Samantha is asleep and she freaks me out telling me I should be keeping her awake...but how am I suppose to that while I am driving?!! I get to the Med Center and wake her up and while she seems crabby, for obvious reasons, she seems o.k. They triage her and send her right back to the Pediatric ER where everyone is always so incredibly nice. I have to of course tell the story of what happened to the triage nurse and then to the nurse in the Pediatric ER and then the doctor and each time I do I cry hysterically. The nurse was very sweet and told me she herself dropped her child so she knows how I feel, which makes me feel a little better but the horrible guilt in the pit of my stomach that I feel for doing it to my own child just won't go away. By the time the doctor comes in my eyes are so red and swollen from crying but luckily on the other hand Samantha is smiling and cooing at the doctor. Thank god! They didn't want to do a cat scan on her so as to not expose her to radiation since she seemed o.k. so instead they made me stay there for a few hours to monitor her, which was fine with me. Adam, (who was wonderful and kept telling me it was o.k. even though I dropped his daughter) went back to work and Samantha and I hung out. The head of Pediatrics came by to give her a final exam and she was given the o.k. to go home.
We had to of course make sure that the rest of the day she seemed o.k. and herself, that her head wasn't swelling or that she wasn't vomiting, which luckily non of those symptoms occurred. She is very much back to herself, I on the other hand and beyond exhausted from the stress and crying. I have made myself sick to my stomach and am a wreck! Adam joked that the fall was harder on me then on her. Either way I am so incredibly happy she is o.k., I have learned a lesson about being safe and hey...that is what those seatbelts are for in the time I will use them.
Today was such a nice day that I decided to go outside and do some much needed weeding in the backyard. So I bundled Samantha up in a fleece blanket that actually is more like a sleeping bag so it won't keep falling off and put a hat on her and then put her in her little bouncy/vibrating chair. I opened up the sliding glass door before I picked her up in the chair to carry her outside and as I was going through the sliding glass door I have no idea what happened but the next thing I know the chair slipped out of my hands and Samantha landed on the deck and started screaming. I was frantic! I quickly picked her up and of course she would not stop crying. I tried to comfort her, but nothing...she just kept crying horribly! This is very unlike her because she is such an easy baby that I started crying and tried to call Adam. He didn't answer his cell phone or his work phone so I went across the street to our neighbor who is a labor and delivery nurse. She checked her out and said just to be sure to get her checked out. I finally get a hold of Adam and he says he will meet me at the ER. With Samantha still crying I put her in her car seat and speed off to Sac Med Center. I am crying still and feeling like the worst mom in the world but Samantha is sleeping. So now I start to worry if she has a concussion and has now fallen asleep which isn't good. My mom calls me b/c I also tried to get a hold of her earlier and she wasn't answering her phone either. I tell her that Samantha is asleep and she freaks me out telling me I should be keeping her awake...but how am I suppose to that while I am driving?!! I get to the Med Center and wake her up and while she seems crabby, for obvious reasons, she seems o.k. They triage her and send her right back to the Pediatric ER where everyone is always so incredibly nice. I have to of course tell the story of what happened to the triage nurse and then to the nurse in the Pediatric ER and then the doctor and each time I do I cry hysterically. The nurse was very sweet and told me she herself dropped her child so she knows how I feel, which makes me feel a little better but the horrible guilt in the pit of my stomach that I feel for doing it to my own child just won't go away. By the time the doctor comes in my eyes are so red and swollen from crying but luckily on the other hand Samantha is smiling and cooing at the doctor. Thank god! They didn't want to do a cat scan on her so as to not expose her to radiation since she seemed o.k. so instead they made me stay there for a few hours to monitor her, which was fine with me. Adam, (who was wonderful and kept telling me it was o.k. even though I dropped his daughter) went back to work and Samantha and I hung out. The head of Pediatrics came by to give her a final exam and she was given the o.k. to go home.
We had to of course make sure that the rest of the day she seemed o.k. and herself, that her head wasn't swelling or that she wasn't vomiting, which luckily non of those symptoms occurred. She is very much back to herself, I on the other hand and beyond exhausted from the stress and crying. I have made myself sick to my stomach and am a wreck! Adam joked that the fall was harder on me then on her. Either way I am so incredibly happy she is o.k., I have learned a lesson about being safe and hey...that is what those seatbelts are for in the time I will use them.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
First Smiles!
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