I have officially been put on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy...however long that may be so feel free to call me at home or email me at my Gmail address so that I don't lose my mind at home. Here is how I got here:
Last Wednesday I started having Braxton-Hicks contractions, which happened with Hannah so I really just tried to ignore them. At the same time though this little girl slowed her movement down and by Friday I wasn't feeling her powerful jabs, punches and turns. At first I figured she had just run out of room or the contractions were causing her to slow down but by Friday her movement was quite decreased. So I left work early and laid down to try and really concentrate on her movement and still not that much, so I called Labor & Delivery and of course they wanted me to come in. Adam and I went in and they hooked me up to the monitor and instantly we saw how many contractions I was having...which was quite a lot! I started to freak out and the nurse, while as sweet as she was trying to sound did not make me feel better with this statement, "Honey, we have had so many pre-term labors today that there seems to be a pattern. But no worries you are in the best place for preterm labor because we have a great NICU". I thought that is wonderful but I really don't want to give birth at 34 weeks! I was shaking I was so nervous and then they checked my cervix and discovered I was dilated 1cm. Now while that is not a lot I never dilated with Hannah, they had to induce me after my water broke so I was just freaked out in general that I was even dilated! They tried to convince me that it is normal for a 2nd pg to already be dilate and I could be this way for weeks but it still didn't help me. They decided to have me drink a whole bunch of water and check me again in 2 hours. So 2 hours later I was still 1cm dilated so they sent me home and told me to take it easy.
I did take it easy on the weekend but whenever I got up or when I went to work on Monday the contractions started again. I again tried to ignore them...yeah I know probably not the best thing but I called on Tuesday to hopefully try and get in to see my nurse practicioner. Instead b/c I was getting more the 4 contractions an hour I was sent back to Labor & Delivery to be observed. I did not want to go there b/c I knew it would be a many hour ordeal but I went. Luckily this time I stopped to get a book at the UCDMC gift shop because I was there for 5 hours! On Friday when Adam & I had been there we stupidly did not bring anything to read or entertain us and we were there for 4 hours. When we thought this little one might be coming that night we asked if they had a baby name book since we did not have name yet they laughed b/c while they thought that was a good idea they did not have one b/c it would probably get stolen...great. Anyway, yesterday when I was there they hooked me up to the monitor again and once again the contractions were registering often. This time they checked my cervix and I was now 2cm dilated...great!! The first thing the doctor said was we are taking you off work and you need to just be at home and rest. Since today I am 35 weeks along, while that is premature at this stage they would not try to stop my labor. Again they told me that I could be at 2cm for weeks but I said they told me that 4 days ago when I was at 1cm and now 4 days later I am at 2cm...they just kind of smiled. They gave me an IV bag full of fluids this time and that slowed my contractions down but did not stop them. They again re-checked my cervix and no change so they sent me home with orders to rest until this little one really decides to come.
So here I lay/sit wondering how long this will take. I am in no hurry for her to come b/c 35 weeks is way too early for me and for her too but I am going to lose it just laying here all day long. So fun times for me...write me with suggestions to keep me entertained and hope that she stays in for at least 2 more weeks! Luckily we have wonderful family that will be helping poor Adam with Hannah, which I am thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nicole's Day & Family Day
On Saturday I had what I call a "Nicole Day". Considering my life will soon not be my own and I will not be without a little baby attached to me at the hip...well not that the this isn't the case now except with a 3 year old...but she is a little more independent. Anyway, at 11:30am I had an hour prenatal massage...wonderful!!! Then straight from there I went scrapbooking for 3 1/2 hours at my friend Tarri's house. After that I went home for a little bit to get my Hannah fix and then that night I went out with 3 other moms (moms of Hannah's friends from school) to Fuzio's. We got there about 7:30pm and left after closing after 11pm! We were sitting outside b/c it has been so nice and warm and just chatting for those 3 1/2 hours. We rarely get the opportunity to talk without being interrupted every minute from our lovely little ones that I think we all quite enjoyed just sitting there for so long and talking. Of course the alcohol helped I am sure...well not for me...I was the designated driver of these ladies b/c of my "condition". They all had about 3-4 mixed drinks each and apparently Fuzio's makes them really strong. I on the other hand had 2 Pepsi's which low and behold were free b/c I was the designated driver!!! Sweet!!! So my whole dinner was about $12...awesome. :) Anyway it was a very nice day.
On Sunday Adam let me sleep in and got up with Hannah and he had to come wake me up at 9:30 to let me know they were going to the store. First of all I couldn't believe it was 9:30am! So I decided to get up. Now lately I have been extremely swollen, especially my lovely ankles which I now call cankles. When I got up on Sunday I could actually see my ankles again! I was shocked! They looked so nice to have a defined shape to them...either it was all the sleep and being off my feet for that long or my lovely relaxing day on Saturday. Whatever it was it was great! Sadly though only a few hours later I lost my ankles again to my cankles and they have been back every since. :(
That afternoon we had our first family Mondavi performance that we will be seeing this year..."The Velveteen Rabbit". It was a 3pm performance and I couldn't wait to take Hannah to it. It was a production by a dance group that included some acting and singing as well with the dance. Hannah loved it! She sat straight up on Adam's lap the whole time and was just mezmorized. I knew she would but I was worried something would scare her but it didn't. The first portion was 50 minutes long then we had intermission and then another 25 minutes and she did beautifully through the whole thing. At the end when the curtains went down she said "Let's watch it again!". Poor thing she did not understand that this is not like a DVD or video at home where you can replay it as many times as you like, this was performance and that was it. So that is when the tears started on the way out because she was so sad we were leaving and wanted to see it again. We had to reassure her that we will be going to 4 more performances this season and the very next one is on Dec. 2nd to see Dan Zanes. Regardless I am glad she liked it so much, it was good. Then we went out to dinner as a family and then headed to Ben & Jerry's for dessert. Hannah got her very own chocolate ice cream scoop on a sprinkle & chocolate covered cone and was in heaven! She was covered with chocolate from head to toe! I searched and searched my purse for my camera but did not find it...so no picture sorry but trust me she was covered.
Anyway, that was our lovely weekend...now back to more getting ready for this little one to come. :)
On Sunday Adam let me sleep in and got up with Hannah and he had to come wake me up at 9:30 to let me know they were going to the store. First of all I couldn't believe it was 9:30am! So I decided to get up. Now lately I have been extremely swollen, especially my lovely ankles which I now call cankles. When I got up on Sunday I could actually see my ankles again! I was shocked! They looked so nice to have a defined shape to them...either it was all the sleep and being off my feet for that long or my lovely relaxing day on Saturday. Whatever it was it was great! Sadly though only a few hours later I lost my ankles again to my cankles and they have been back every since. :(
That afternoon we had our first family Mondavi performance that we will be seeing this year..."The Velveteen Rabbit". It was a 3pm performance and I couldn't wait to take Hannah to it. It was a production by a dance group that included some acting and singing as well with the dance. Hannah loved it! She sat straight up on Adam's lap the whole time and was just mezmorized. I knew she would but I was worried something would scare her but it didn't. The first portion was 50 minutes long then we had intermission and then another 25 minutes and she did beautifully through the whole thing. At the end when the curtains went down she said "Let's watch it again!". Poor thing she did not understand that this is not like a DVD or video at home where you can replay it as many times as you like, this was performance and that was it. So that is when the tears started on the way out because she was so sad we were leaving and wanted to see it again. We had to reassure her that we will be going to 4 more performances this season and the very next one is on Dec. 2nd to see Dan Zanes. Regardless I am glad she liked it so much, it was good. Then we went out to dinner as a family and then headed to Ben & Jerry's for dessert. Hannah got her very own chocolate ice cream scoop on a sprinkle & chocolate covered cone and was in heaven! She was covered with chocolate from head to toe! I searched and searched my purse for my camera but did not find it...so no picture sorry but trust me she was covered.
Anyway, that was our lovely weekend...now back to more getting ready for this little one to come. :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Trick or Treat
We had a great Halloween here in Davis. Hannah dressed up as a fire truck and loved every minute of Halloween this year. She was so excited about the costume, about trick or treating and of course the candy. Everytime she got a piece of candy in her basket she asked if she could eat, that was a little bit of a battle but non the less fun. We went downtown Davis first in the afternoon for their annual trick or treating of the downtown businesses and here are some pictures:

There was volvo driving around downtown made up to look like "Ecto 1" from Ghostbusters and they were blasting the Ghostbusters music:

Here is Hannah getting down to the music from the Ghostbusters movie:

We ran into her friend, Dylan from school who was dressed up like a fireman and they enjoyed checking each others costumes out:

After we finished up trick or treating downtown we went home to eat dinner and then after dinner Adam took Hannah out trick or treating around the neighborhood for the first time ever. I stayed home b/c I was too tired from the afternoon trick or treating. Adam and Hannah had great fun though and Hannah came home with even more candy!

Then Hannah really enjoyed handing candy out to all the trick or treaters that came to our house. She was even yelling at people from our doorway to "Hey, come over here for some candy!". At one point we were on the sidewalk with our basket of candy and a car drove by and she yelled at the car "You want to stop for some candy!?". We had to explain to her that cars don't trick or treat.
The next morning when she woke up she came into our room and started crying and asking "Why we were giving out her candy to the people that came to our door?". I think she woke up and started replaying the night in her head and it occurred to her that she got candy and we were giving out candy so we must have been giving out her candy. I quickly explained to her that we were not giving out her candy but rather a separate bowl of candy that we bought special for the trick or treaters. We would never give out her candy! Although now both Adam and I can't wait for that candy to be gone b/c she has been on a sugar high all weekend. I think in the next few days it will magically disappear. :)
There was volvo driving around downtown made up to look like "Ecto 1" from Ghostbusters and they were blasting the Ghostbusters music:
Here is Hannah getting down to the music from the Ghostbusters movie:
We ran into her friend, Dylan from school who was dressed up like a fireman and they enjoyed checking each others costumes out:
After we finished up trick or treating downtown we went home to eat dinner and then after dinner Adam took Hannah out trick or treating around the neighborhood for the first time ever. I stayed home b/c I was too tired from the afternoon trick or treating. Adam and Hannah had great fun though and Hannah came home with even more candy!
Then Hannah really enjoyed handing candy out to all the trick or treaters that came to our house. She was even yelling at people from our doorway to "Hey, come over here for some candy!". At one point we were on the sidewalk with our basket of candy and a car drove by and she yelled at the car "You want to stop for some candy!?". We had to explain to her that cars don't trick or treat.
The next morning when she woke up she came into our room and started crying and asking "Why we were giving out her candy to the people that came to our door?". I think she woke up and started replaying the night in her head and it occurred to her that she got candy and we were giving out candy so we must have been giving out her candy. I quickly explained to her that we were not giving out her candy but rather a separate bowl of candy that we bought special for the trick or treaters. We would never give out her candy! Although now both Adam and I can't wait for that candy to be gone b/c she has been on a sugar high all weekend. I think in the next few days it will magically disappear. :)
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