In the month of March, Hannah's pre-school studied the continent of Europe. They asked any parents who are from Europe to make a short presentation on their country if they wanted to. So I volunteered to talk about the Czech Republic. I did this last Friday during "circle time" in their classroom as the University had a holiday. Every morning the kids sing a good morning song in English & Spanish, so I took that song and translated it to Czech and for like 2 weeks Hannah and I were practicing singing it so that we could sing it to the class. I was worried Hannah wouldn't want to sing it once we were sitting in front of her class but she did! I was so proud of her. I also made 36 little Czech flags for each kid in her classroom using popsicle sticks and printed out mini Czech flags, read them some Czech stories, showed them a Czech toy, and gave them a Czech snack. The whole presentation only took like 5 minutes and I was glad when it was over...b/c even though they are only preschoolers I don't care to be in front of an audience.
Here are the kids lined up on the wall getting ready to come in for circle time (Hannah's good friend Sydney is on her left):

Here is Hannah helping pass out the Czech flags to her school mates:

Here I am reading the class stories with Hannah "helping" out:

After I was done with my presentation I asked the kids if there were any questions and one little girl raises her hand and says "My mom and dad took me to Chucky Cheese". I guess Chucky Cheese and Czech Repbulic sound the same to her. LOL!!! :)
On Sunday we went to Funderland with Hannah's friend Sydney and her parents. We started Hannah off on this octopus ride where the kid sits in little fish and the arms of the octopus make the fish go up and down as you twirl around. At first when we put Hannah on the ride she seemed was the first time she has gone a real ride by herself but as soon as it started an uncontrolable laughter came from her that we so wish we had a video camera for. The whole ride she was giggling and was great to hear. Here she is on the ride:

Hannah wanted to go on every ride she possibly could she was having so much fun. She even wanted to go on the roller coaster but poor thing she was too short. I told her that that was going to be the story of her life. Instead Adam and Hannah went on the train ride and pretended it was a roller coaster.

After all the fun at Funderland, just outside this little amusement park there were pony rides so of course we had to do that too! Hannah got a horse that had the same hair cut as she did. :)

So all of those pictures were taken with my really old camera, still digital but about 4 years old b/c the other camera I had broke when I stupidly asked Hannah to hold it for about 2 seconds. In those 2 seconds she dropped it on the lens and bent the lens...which is more expensive to replace then getting a new camera. Luckily my dad felt sorry for me and is probably just so happy that someone in the family likes taking pictures almost as much as he does so he bought me a snazzy new one. It came just the other day and here are some great pictures I have taken with it:
My sweet grouchy Tulip

The camera has a feature where you can pick an accent color (in this case I picked green but it picks up yellow to) and it will only color that color but make the rest of the picture black & white. I have seen programs do this but never cameras! Maybe I am behind the times but it is news to me that cameras can do it and I am so thrilled with this feature.

Last this is a picture of my Breath of Heaven's in our backyard. I just love these flowers and the camera does a nice close up (by the way Paul if you are reading this I know it does not compare to your fancy camera and the amazing pictures I have seen you take lately but for a compact point and shoot I think it does pretty well & I love it!):

Can you tell the picture quality between the two...I can! Alright I think I have written enough to catch up. Until next time!